Thursday, January 23, 2014

#ProjectThankful14 - Week 2

Thankful Thursday Link Up
Yep.. post #2
If you're looking for my Made to Crave Blog Hop post... just go down one more :)
Thursdays are going to be busy for awhile... I just can't decide on which blog hop to join, so I'll do both.  The Bible Study will be over in a few weeks... Thankfulness goes on forever :)
Finished Product
This bride & groom ordered this for their canvas & I just love finished products of canvas.  Tip:  You can get canvas on slimmer mattings so you can actually FRAME them without the glass in them... makes beautiful art work in your home instead of the big bulky canvas squares that you see everywhere
I love my cart is pretty much full by the time I leave the first aisle in the grocery - the produce & health food/natural section.
I usually just go to the back to get orange juice, bread & sparkling water & I'm done.
Thank you Happy Herbivore
Dinner at home
I'm actually giving a thumbs up in the microwave if you can make it out
It was cold & snowy & I didn't want to get out of my warm sweats
Nights like that, I don't mind making dinner
Chinese on the menu for the night
Surprise Blessings
I talked about this on Monday's post...
someone secretly paid for our lunch out at a restaurant
This was the best way I could represent that in pictures
...they make everything better....
Thick Knitted Scarves
It was snowy, 15 degrees & freezing
getting in my car, I was thankful for my scarf I made
that covers my mouth & nose perfectly
Warm & Cozy
Again, freezing outside. 
Wind chill WARNINGS... but cozy & comfy in my home
Can't wait to venture around & see what everyone else is thankful for this week!


  1. Love all of this! Especially thick winter scarves and cozy nights at home. When does Spring start again? Thanks for linking up with us :)

  2. Love that idea for canvases! And yesterday I had the same thoughts with our groceries I was so happy that like 98% of what we bought was produce or fresh! Thanks for linking up with us today :)

  3. A warm and cozy home is something that I too often take for granted...especially on COLD days like today! Thank you, Lord! I wish I knew how to knit. My grandmother was a genius at it...kicking myself that I didn't have her teach me!

  4. Nothing like being warm and cozy on a winter day- that is what I am doing! Working from home- it is -17 degrees here in MN! :) Thanks for linking up!

  5. Love the picture of you with the scarf. Looks so warm. So does your house.

    Take care.

  6. love little snippets of daily things like this. sounds like a good (but cold!) week :) hope you're just as blessed this week!

  7. I love the scarf you made. It does look warm and cozy! Also, I love canvases!

  8. avocados DO make everything better!

  9. I could use a pretty scarf like the one you made! It's 16 here today with the wind howling. Brr!!! How awesome that somebody secretly bought your meal. I just love that! Thanks so much for linking up with us!!

  10. I'm with you on all of it!
    Just made some guacamole with fresh avocados today! So yummy!
    Love the scarf!! Love the healthy cart!!!

    *Kendwy @ MindofKiwi


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