Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Humpday Confessions: Blogging

Vodka and Soda

I like taking a topic & confessing about it... I can just randomly confess things but we could be here all day...

Today, my topic is: BLOGGING

... I've been blogging since 2007.  That's a lot of talking.

... After all this time, I still don't understand how people make a living doing it.  How they get paid & make money from it?  ... how am I not knowing this secret?

... I originally started blogging thinking I would talk about knitting.  Funny how all this time later, my arm feels like its ready to fall off & knitting is about the same as shoving needles in your eyes.

... I actually have learned things from people's blogs... from recipes to tips to some great Starbucks drinks I need to try.

... I wish I would have thought before I created the web address... which doesn't even match the name of my blog.  Ever notice that?  The web address is ... why didn't I make it ... Because I'm stupid.

... think before you create permanent things

... I want to change my web address, but when I read about it, it says it wont re-direct anything so I'll probably loose all my readers... all 3 of you... (Hi mom & dad)

... I love bloggy friends. I really do. I feel like I know so many people & their families personally.

... It makes me sad when some of my favorite bloggers just disappear.  That's not cool. I always wonder what happened to some of my favs.  You can't just leave me like that people.

... I hate when people ask what kind of blog I have.  I talk about so many things on here, I can't ever put myself in one category.  If I had to, the category would be AWESOME... right?

... I love blog hops... its a great way to meet new bloggers

... When Google Reader went down, I thought I was going to panic... but ended up loving Blog Lovin' even more!  Good lesson in life that there are better things out there.

... The way you can put blogs in categories on Blog Lovin' is the best thing ever.  Not to mention the "Mark group as read" making my life much easier on busy days.

... I do have a 'favorites' category & I feel like when I move a blog into that group, I want to send them a card saying, "You made it" ... like they care. :)

... I always want to change my design but I'm clueless on how to do it.  & too lazy to figure it out.

... I've never been to a blogging conference. I think I would be star struck to see some of my favorite 'big time' bloggers.  #fangirl

... I love to look back on some of my old posts & see where I was at a few years ago.  Blogs are really just glorified diaries.... that the whole world can peek into.

... My husband gets tired of me taking pictures & me telling him, "Its for my blog" ... only bloggers understand that.

... I hate when I can't respond back to a comment.  Blogger just seems to randomly turn people's accounts into "no reply" accounts... I respond to every single one of my comments, so if you don't hear from me, you are a 'no reply' person.

... I'm now finding I'm getting comments that I'm not getting notified about... & these people are telling me they're getting errors when they comment.  What is that about?

... sometimes I hate Blogger... but I equally hate Wordpress

... I don't think Tumblr is a real blog site... is it?  Am I old for not knowing this?

... I usually start every day having no idea what I'm going to post about. It's usually just pull it up & whatever is on my mind.  I see some people have folders & journals & spreadsheets on posts they are going to do.  I applaud you... & just figured out why I'll never be one of those big time bloggers that get paid to do it.

What's your favorite thing about Blogging?
Are you an organized blogger who knows months ahead what you're posting?
Give me some topics you want me to confess about...
if I use your idea, I'll give a shout out to your blog :)


  1. Since you have a .blogspot address you can get a custom URL and your blogspot should redirect just fine. The issues arise when you go from one custom URL to another - that's when the redirect issues happen. I can help you if you want to do it. :)

  2. As you know....I have started and stopped my blog more times than a city bus in rush hour traffic. I struggle with what to write and how to keep it fresh and interesting. I think I have found Instagram to be my platform of choice right now. I love photos and love seeing life through photos. But in the end, i'm grateful for blogging because I wouldn't have "met" you! :)

  3. The only time I have a plan on blogging is in April for the A-Z challenge. I have to be organized for that. Otherwise it is whatever I'm feeling when I actually sit down to write.

  4. I get so sad when bloggers just up and disappear too, I want to know where they went!!

  5. I would totally be excited if I made it to the favorites category! ;)

  6. Having just been one of those bloggers that just disappears, I find it's usually not just gets in the way or life becomes to hard to blog about...which was my case.

    I am trying to get back into it!

    I think some of the best friends I have ever met have come from blogging!!! I love that when I get the chance to meet a blogging friend it's like we've known each other forever!!! so sweet!

    I would like to see you confess about your discipline in exercise!! I am always so impressed that with all you have going on you continue to exercise...I need to know where that discipline comes from!!!

  7. This was a really fun post!! Blogging since 2007 - that is crazy and awesome!! Some of my best meals come from other bloggers!

  8. I've been posting and I keep getting an error in my email saying it didn't send. So I have no idea if that's you or me. I think they are showing up on your blog though. Who knows?!?

    I am definitely not an organized blogger and will probably never be. ha

  9. Testing something to see if it may work.

  10. I've enjoyed making so many friends from blogging for sure, it's my fave. I think a blogging conference would be fun, I'd be starstruck too!

  11. I switched my url almost imediately. I bought the .com verson of my blog on GoDaddy and set it up to redirect the URL. It wasn't terrible. Also, check etsy for blog design packages. Got mine for like $25 and she installed it for me. Best $ I spent.

  12. I hate when people disappear from the blogging world forever after you get into their stuff! :(

  13. since you're going from a .blogspot name to a custom one, you should be ok in terms of redirect without breaking any links to images/older posts etc.

    thanks for linking up!
    Vodka and Soda

  14. I'm totally with you on almost all of these blogging confessions! I'm always so sad when a blogger I read just suddenly stops. What happened? Did she lose her internet connection? Did she get sick? Does she have amnesia and can't remember that she has a blog?

  15. I don't think I've ever been on Tumblr so you're not alone! Blogging friends have been my favorite thing to come of blogging. Love that you've been doing it for so many years, how fun it must be to go back and read your old posts!

  16. I think I'm just too old to "get" Tumblr.

    The confessions link up has gotten me the most traffic ever, and I love all the comments I get on Wednesday!

    I've been "blogging" in some way since 2003. It's crazy to me. Sadly, most of those older sites don't exist or I deleted them without making a backup copy (fail). le sigh.


I am thankful for each comment & like to respond to every one of them....
If you noticed I do not respond to your comments, it is because you are a "no reply" blogger and I am unable too!
How to enable your e-mail: BLOGGER ACCOUNTS: To do this, click on your Dashboard, click on EDIT PROFILE and place a check mark next to SHOW MY EMAIL ADDRESS, and finally scroll to the bottom and click SAVE PROFILE.**