Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday {Link Up 11}

Thankful Thursday
Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.
~Estonian Proverb

What I'm Thankful For this week: uncle that is fighting pancreatic cancer got some good news this week.  The chemo seems to be doing a great job & the tumors in his pancreas are not visible right now.  & the ones in his liver.  Two out of three are not able to be seen right now & the 3rd one is so small.  My uncle is probably going to get a good break on chemo!  & the doctor said he could go into remission for years.  Please Lord, let it be!!!  .... please continue to pray for my Uncle Timmie.

A Nikon camera in his hands... my kinda guy!

... Kleenex with lotion in them.  My nose is still feeling like the skin has been ripped off it, but the difference between regular tissue & lotion tissue?  yep, I'm thankful for it every time I have to blow my nose right now... & that's a LOT!

... Nasal spray. I couldn't sleep at night otherwise.  This head cold has been a booger.

... the warm spell of weather we've been having.  Is there any thing better then feeling warmth after a snowy, cold season?

... Riding with the windows down.  Fresh air makes me happy.

... Dancing with the Stars is back on.  I know some people would roll their eyes at that but I just love that show.  I just love all things dance anyways & its just fun entertainment to me.  #TeamDerek

... a surprise in the mail!  I met the coolest lady in a group online that dealt with neuropathy.  She was the only other person who was a runner & kept running though she had this awful foot pain.  We instantly connected & now through the years, have kept up with each other through FB & Instagram.  I feel like I know her & her family & her fur babies so well.... & then I get this package in the mail from her.  Full of yarn & British Tea & a sweet note.  So made my day.  I am so thankful for the amazing people I have met through this little box on my desk.... really cool if you think about it.  People you'd never run across any other way.  God has ways of bringing people together.

... FLIP FLOPS!!! I wore flip flops for the first time this week.... with a maxi skirt.  That's GOTTA be a sign that Spring is here!

... Fresh hair.  I am amazed every 6 weeks when I leave my stylist's shop & my hair is like silk.  She's magic I tell you - magic!

Fresh hair & fresh eye brows
... can make anyone that feels like poop LOOK so much better...

...ear buds at work.  These things save my sanity on most days.

What are you thankful for this week?

Link up with me.... & be sure to visit any one else that links up...
let's be thankful together!!!


  1. It sounds like the warm weather that we had over the weekend has moved your way and decided to stay. It's back to winter here, with 30-degree weather. Brrrrr

    Whoever came up with the idea of putting lotion in tissues deserves a huge medal. They're life-savers ... well, maybe nose-savers? ;-)

  2. Awesome news about your uncle!! God is good!
    I have yet to pull out my flip flops, I need to do that. I've also been having all this sinusy crap going on too. Those lotion kleenex's are amazing. They're cool, and feel sooo good. You look so pretty!!

  3. Nothing better than having your hair done! And YAY for your Uncle's results!! God is good!

  4. Great news on your uncle and what a sweet surprise for you to get a box of yarn and tea in the mail. Love your hair.

    I agree, I love the friends I have made through blogging.

  5. Praise God, great news about Uncle Timmie!
    Love dancing with the stars, we have watched since the second season. I love me some Max! Derick is the most talented <3
    How awesome are blog friendships?
    I consider you one of mine...
    Next week I will get the hair magic!


  6. yay for good news :) and your hair looks fabulous dahhling! getting mine done tonight!

  7. I'm happy that DWTS is back on...loved Rumor Willis...she did great! xo, Biana

  8. I love your hair!!!! I have SO much to be thankful for right now but just not the energy to put together a post...soon. :)

    Ok, my mom deals with neuropathy from type 1 diabetes and she uses nutmeg on her feet....have I told you this before? If so just ignore..anyway, it really helps her at night!

  9. I love flip flop weather! (well, it's flop weather all the time over here, but still!)

  10. we had the same thing in mind! i get my hair done today and i cannot WAIT!

  11. Wonderful news about your Uncle! God is the ultimate healer! I'll be thankful for flip flops as soon as I get some color on my ugly looking toe nails!


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