Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday is a Favorite to me....

Favorite Time of the Year
Our forecast for all next week is in the 60's....
I can't tell you how happy that makes me
Favorite Make up Product
Avon Eye Shadow Primer
I can't ever keep my eye shadow on.  I'm not sure why. I think I rub my eyes a lot as the day goes on or something, but I have tried so many products trying to keep it on ... at least till noon.  Enter this product.  After trying them all I think, I really do love this Avon one.  It goes on sale for $3.99 a jar all the time & one jar lasts for months.
Favorite new WANT
A Beautiful Mess
Kelly Moore Bag
I need this camera bag in my life.  Just the color alone is so beautiful!  But it holds a camera, a few lenses, & even a lap top.
Yep... I'll be saving my pennies for this baby!
Favorite House Idea
Chalkboard inside of pantry cabinet
Chalk Boards on Pantry Doors
I love this idea so much!  I wonder if they painted chalk board pain on their original cabinets or glued something in.
Looks like the bottom could be used as a cork board as well - hold some notes or coupons for the grocery.
I'm totally checking out the inside of our pantry cabinets when I get home!
Favorite Beauty & the Beast of the week
Beauty & the Beast Pillows! I need to get these! :)
Aren't these so cute?!?!?
I would almost think they would be easy to make too!
Favorite Funnies
You know its true.....
School busses make no sense:  (funny, humour, humorous, hilarious, LOL, hahaha, seat belt, kids)

26 Snapchats From Your Dog lol omgeee this would be my dog

I want to go to Best Buy immediately now
How I feel when Ricky talking about basketball
every girl i’ve ever liked.

Exactly why I don't wear heels

Girl fails....all of these had me dying laughing.

The surprised face...What did she think was going to happen?
what was she expecting to happen?

How I feel looking at the clock for 4:00... so close...
but just cant get to it
not the sharpest baby

A good reminder

I still think she should have run.

Happy Friday everyone!!!


  1. that don't judge too quickly thing is hilarious, love it. gets me every time.
    SPRING! i am so excited. you absolutely need those beauty and the beast pillow cases!

  2. Hooooray for spring!!! It's going to be in the 60s here, too ... and I cannot wait!!! I love that "don't judge too quickly" video ... Hilarious!

  3. Hoooooray SPRING TIME!!!!!

    That thermostat picture is so true!

  4. Woo hoo for spring!! Those pillow cases are too funny.

  5. Woo hoo for spring!! Those pillow cases are too funny.

  6. I want that little seriously would love to have it! How that girl just fell standing up is beyond me! happy Friday! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  7. I want a pantry like that! I don't have one at all! I am 99.9% sure the previous owners converted the pantry into a bathroom so they could sell the house for more. So now I have a tiny little bathroom right in my kitchen and NO pantry. bleck.

  8. Those Beauty and the Beast pillow cases are awesome!!! It is my favorite Disney movie, ever!

    And those funnies are hilarious!!! Especially the heels. I have almost been there! Haven't we all?

  9. That pantry is so adorable...I love anything where you can jazz it up with some chalkboard paint!

  10. I have a hard time getting eye shadow but have never tried a primer! Thanks for the tip :)

  11. Love the Kelly Moore Bags!!!! So cute! So glad it's finally warming up too!

  12. $3.99 for eyeshadow primer?! That's awesome! I like Lorac's... it's about $20. Good to know there are other reputable options!

  13. ha! that one about friday is SO true! so close but so far away! as for the shadows, so glad to hear you love the primer. oily lids or not great shadows can cause them to fade away. luckily that problem is solved for ya!

  14. I've always wanted one of the camera bags. Love the funnies!

  15. All those funnies...I laughed at every single one! Especially the one of the dog stuck in the fence. This is so mean but we used to have a glass table and would tease Einstein and act like we were dropping food. Every time he would jump up and try to catch. It was funny every single time. Of course, we would always give him the food afterwards.

    That camera bag! I need something like that!


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