Monday, March 23, 2015

The weekend that I crossed the finish line!!!!

Monday... we meet again.... so soon....

Mercy - what a weekend.

Friday, I went to pick up my race packet for the Rodes City 10K & I really had doubts I was going to make the race.  My sinuses still were stopped up, my head still hurt, I still felt weak.  I hadn't even been able to work out not ONE day the week before being sick.  This just didn't look good....

This was exactly how I felt picking up my packet

I woke up on Saturday & got up to start getting ready & just felt blah... really blah... & I said I wasn't going to do it.

... & then I started crying.  Like ugly cry.  Ricky kept asking me what was wrong & I couldn't even put it into words.  I just felt like I was letting myself down.  I know races aren't everything & it wouldn't be the end of the world if I missed it, but it would have been another knock in my confidence.  Something to hit my pride that I psst'ed out at the end of the finish line...

& I couldn't do that... Ricky wouldn't let me do that.  I love that man. 

By this point, it was 7:15 & the race starts at 8... & we live like 35 minutes away from the start line.... & I was still in my pj's.  OH. MY. GOODNESS... I literally grabbed anything, put it on, grabbed what I could think I needed & we zoomed down the road.  Talk about a race.

So we wouldn't have to worry about parking, Ricky said he would sit out & just drop me off at the start line.  Ends up, we got a parking spot like 1 block from the start & he was able to walk with me to the start & we got there with about 2 minutes to spare. Whew!  Angel wings behind me.

I wont go into the logistics of the race... just know - I DID IT!!! I FINISHED!


It was an awful time on the clock for me... its not something I'm proud of.... but I am proud I crossed the finish line. 

Sometime you just have to prove to yourself that you're stronger then you think... you have to push yourself... you just have to cross the finish line...

The rest of Saturday was just great....

Ricky & I went for our usual post-race breakfast at Panera...
& then we went shopping at Sam's club where I walked out with 2 new books.  My treat to myself for making the race.

I had to get home & get cleaned up because I was meeting a potential bride & groom to deliver a contract.  It was such a perfect day, we sat outside at Starbucks with the nicest breeze.  This was a glorious day.

UK was playing in the tournament so I wasn't about to go home after the meeting & jinx anything so I went craft store crazy... & loaded up on some MORE Bible Journaling goodies.  I really do love my time in the Bible now. Journaling like this makes me EXCITED to open my Bible up every night & see what ideas come to me.  & its like my friend Chasity said, I spend more time focused on something in the Bible as I try to create for it, really making the words sink into my heart... I just love this new concept of Bible study.

Latest haul of supplies

Sunday held a day at church where I just left frustrated.  Some days are just like in youth ministry.  The days where you feel like no one is listening & its a struggle to get any of the kids to focus... & days when kids say, "You're so mean!"... its a punch to the gut on those days... but what can you do?

Ricky ended up going roller skating & I went & crashed a girl's family get together.  They were all going to see Cinderella & Chasity asked me if I wanted to come knowing I hadn't seen the movie yet.  Oh goodness. It's even better then I expected.  Seriously.  I already told Ricky I want to go back....

The rest of Sunday just left me knitting... with real needles!!!... & catching up on some TV. 

Finished this hat.. & DRATS... its so big!!!
Anyone have a really big head?... I got a hat just for you!

The Walking Dead!  OH my.... I can't wait for next week's finale... but scared.  It's already been noted that someone is dying.  I'm kinda nervous.

So it was a VERY productive weekend... one where I was sick but didn't let that slow me down... & a beautiful one to boot... & one where I finished it up feeling very accomplished.  Yeah, I'll take more weekends like this please.
How was your weekend?


  1. Congrats on finishing that 10k when you were feeling so bad :) Sometimes just getting to the start line is an accomplishment and you made it past that to the finish!

  2. Yay for you ... this race is one of those where your time is secondary to the fact that you didn't give in to your feelings, that you finished - you finished! And that makes you a winner!

  3. Amazing job with your race!!! So glad you pulled through and decided to run and finish :) Love all of your stamping / journaling things! I love your journaling instagram posts!

  4. Hooray for you!! That is so awesome that Ricky is such an encouraging husband. I feel your sinus pain and I don't know if would have gone so I'm super proud of you!

  5. GIRL! YOU finished! That is all that matters! Way to persevere! Great job

  6. Congratulations on finishing the race! That is fantastic! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  7. So glad you went and crossed that finish line. You should be very proud of yourself. I agree, Cinderella was amazing, I love it!

  8. You are a great motivator! Congrats on seeing the race through to the end! I would love to see a example of your Bible study journaling...would love a more creative way :-)

    Good luck on the big head search...Jack came to mind. :-)


  9. So much to say....

    * Congrats on running-- and finishing!-- the race! You are awesome!
    * I really want to see Cinderella, too! I think Bug would love it!
    * It's so hard to lead a group of young people! My thoughts are with you. Prayers that next week is better!
    * Oh, Walking Dead! I'm scared! Who's going to go? Not Rick, not Micchone... Maggie's already had so much heart ache that I can't imagine it being her or Glenn.... I will RIOT if it's Daryl.... Maybe Carol???? I don't know, the group needs her.

    Oh, and Father Gabriel for sure needs to go. As soon as he threw the group under the bus I thought, "oh, well, he for sure has to go now!"

  10. congrats to making it! such motivation to us all.

  11. I'm so, so proud that you did the race! I probably would have skipped it especially if I wasn't feeling good. Can you believe Michon at the end of the Walking Dead?! I didn't see that coming at all!


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