Tuesday, August 25, 2015

An Award.. for me? :)

So I was nominated by the adorable Liz over at Sundays with Sophia for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


Thanks so much Liz!  I so appreciate it!!!

I love blogging & the people I have met doing it through the years, so I'm  happy to get a shout out for this... & to pass it on...

So here's the rules if you haven't came across this yet:

How this works is you give a shout out to the girls that nominated you (Thanks again Liz!), answer some questions, then nominate 5-10 other bloggers to do the same, make up your own questions to give to them...make sure you include the logo in your blog!

So let's get this party started!!!

1. Movies & dinner reservations OR Netflix & take out?

I like both but I will usually pick Netflix & take out.  I mean, I can't wear ripped up sweats & wrap up in a blanket in the movies. Or I could, but I'd get looks. & the pause button for bathroom breaks? Yeah baby!... plus, it seems like I'm never home, so the idea that I could relax in my house is mind blowing.

2.  What is your staple accessory, the one that's always there no matter what outfit you're wearing?

I always wear my cross necklace my husband got me years ago.  Its white gold with diamonds in it.  I rarely ever take it off & when I do, I feel lost, like something is missing.

3.  How did you & your spouse/significant other meet?

Oh gosh - I did a blog post on this because we crossed each other's paths my whole life.  But we 'officially' met at the skating rink - as adults - when I got a part time job there & he was best friends with the owner, & also helped out on the weekends.  I'll never forget the moment I finally got to know this man's name after all the years of crossing his path.

4.  How did you design your blog?  Using a theme or did you create it yourself?

I actually had someone design my blog a few years back but I kept having trouble with it.  It would just sort of disappear for some reason like a system was down - so I ended up just taking the cover & designing it myself.  I am on the hunt though for a new style & design.

If anyone has any recommends for a great blog designer, give me a heads up.

5.  What is your favorite outfit to wear?

usually running shorts, a tech shirt & my running shoes.
It means I've got time for myself & I'm about ready to kick some butt.

I keep it classy like that

6.  What's the reason behind your blog name?

I've been blogging for something like 8 years now... WHAT?
But when I started, I actually blogged with the intent of just blogging about my knitting.  I only stumbled onto blogs because I looked up knitting patterns & found out that people wrote about their knitting adventures.  Who knew the world of blogging was so vast & huge.  ... but I named my blog based on the idea that I would be a knitting blog.  But it still held my faith in the name as well based off of the scripture Psalm 139:13 ... it's sort of gotten off the original track, but I like the direction its taken of just documenting life ...& I still like the name.

7.  What kind of wallet do you carry?

This is a big topic for me. I am so picky when it comes to wallets. They have to have just the right amount of spaces for cards, they have to have a zipper for change, & now, I prefer for it to have a hand strap so I can take it out of my purse & just carry my wallet alone if I am busy or don't want to deal with a bag on my shoulder.  Right now, I don't even know what kind of wallet mine is or where I got it - its about 15 years old... & starting to fall apart.  I've got my eye on this Kate Spade wallet though for my next round.

8.  Who's the newest blogger friend you've made?

I have so many blogging friends I've followed for years & loved getting to know better.  But one of my newest is Karen from Running Over the Hill ... another runner who is kicking age in the butt.  She is all sorts of adorable & energy & beauty wrapped up in one.  I've loved getting to know more about her.

9.  What's your guilty pleasure clothes store?

I have a hard time finding things to fit me just right but Old Navy seems to do it the best so I'll go with that.  Plus, they have running clothes :)

10.  If you had to change your blog name, what would you change it to?

I'm not sure.  I'd like to incorporate maybe all areas of my life - running, photography, my love for God, family, dogs, books - not sure what name I'd come up... I think my original one will have to do :)


OK... time to pass on the baton of blog fun!

My nominees are:

Mattie at Northwest Native
Kristen at See You in a Porridge
Heather at My Little Happily Ever After
Stacy at I Carried a Watermelon
Cathy at Tales of the TCKK Family
Nathalie at AuburnChick's Adventures

... & anyone that wants to join in, just let me know you did it so I can see your answers :)

My questions are:

1.  Android or iPhone user?
2.  Whose your celebrity best friend?  The person you KNOW you'd be best friends with if you knew them personally?
3.  What's your favorite workout?
4.  How did you get the name for your blog?
5.  If you could meet one blogger, who would it be?
6.  Are you more a Halloween person or a Christmas person?
7.  Do you have any pets?  Give me names, pics & details! Furbabies need attention too
8.  What do you think of Donald Trump running for President?
9.  What's your favorite Blog Link up you participate in?
10.  What's your favorite Disney princess/character?   (you don't get extra bonus points if you say Belle... we already know I AM Belle, so no playing favorites) ;)


  1. I say yes to the kate spade wallet since it's similar to the one I carry and I love it!! I'm totally a netflix and take out kind of girl too! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Always yes to a Netflix night on the couch :) I am actually going to stop at Old Navy today to look for some new athletic clothes - you can't beat their prices, and everything is great quality!

  3. I did one of these today, too! I didn't know the questions change... lol... apparently I don't know how to read directions! lol :)
    Netflix and takeout is almost ALWAYS the clear winner!
    I like Old Navy, too. Waiting for a shipment from them as we speak!!!

  4. Well, thanks for the nod. I was wondering what to post today. LOL

    Those guidelines you have for a wallet? I just picked up one two weeks ago at Walmart that meets ALL of your criteria...even the wrist strap. It's kind of big in my purse, but I love it because it holds absolutely everything I want it to...with room for all my reward cards and it does it without getting so fat I can't snap or zip it. It's not as pretty as the Kate Spade, but I'm guessing it was a whole lot cheaper. lol

  5. Congrats! I love your answers and wow - so much yes! Staying inside for dinner and a movie is SO much better. And, Yes can I please LIVE in workout shorts?

  6. Netflix on the couch is the best! And so is Old Navy.

    I did this one before (although with different questions), but here's a few of my answers: I have an iPhone, my favorite workout is Zumba (but I never do it because it's not free), I think it's crazy that people actually support Trump for President, and my favorite princess is Aurora!

  7. Congrats my dear!!!

    Love the necklace so pretty!

  8. aw thanks for the nomination girl! i like the questions you answered and the questions you asked, so i might just combine the two hahaha.
    takeout and netflix wins errryday.

  9. Congratulations Rebecca. Love that necklace! I'd probably pick the take-out food and Netflix too. Although, I love going to the movies, hubby does not and I'd much rather stay in with him.

    Thanks for nominating me and I'll get my post up sometime soon. Thanks again.

  10. Netflix and takeout is so much better, you get to be comfy. Love te Kate Spade wallet. I found my blog designer on Etsy.

  11. Netflix on the couch with take out will always win for me! Haha! I love that Kate Spade wallet, you should treat yourself to those pretties! :)

  12. What a beautiful and unique cross - I love it :) To answer one of your questions (#2) I think I would be best friends with Joanna Gains (From the HGTV show Fixer Upper). Every time my hubby and I watch the show we say how we would be best friends with Chip and Joanna!

  13. loved your answers to this! btw, random, but i'd love a post on your camera lenses! or just info in general


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