Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

I can't believe we're at the last Wednesday of the month.
But we are...
So its time to link up with the ladies at What's up Wednesday to catch up
What we're eating this week...
 I am an utter failure on this this past week. 
Ricky & I have both been running in every direction - usually the opposite direction - with hospital visits & wedding rehearsals & running & grass cutting
... its been a lot of take out, warm up, grab what you can kinda meals

I can not tell you how much this applies to my life lately
What I'm reminiscing about...
  We found out yesterday that our neighbors dog had to be put down.  He had been struggling to breath for the past few months due to something with his larynx.  Something that happens to this breed (isn't that weird)... but goodness, how we loved this dog.  He was part of our little gang too... we are going to miss  him so much

Ernie is on the right...
the 3 of them are together again on that Rainbow Bridge :(

What I'm loving...
  The taste of fall!!!
Our temps have been in the 70's & low 80's!... with no humidity.
Why cant it stay like this year round?
What we've been up to...
... the easier question would be, what HAVEN'T we been up to lately?...
What I'm dreading...
the sun setting earlier.
I can already see the difference driving into work - I need my head lights & the sky only lightens up half way through my drive... & when it starts getting dark at night, I seriously get depressed. Not looking forward to it one bit.

... what I yell at the sunlight....
What I'm working on...
 I'm on editing overload now with my last wedding & photo sessions coming up the next 2 weekends. I usually don't schedule things for 2 weekends after weddings, but look at me adding more into my life.... sigh.....
my beautiful bride
What I'm excited about...
  Labor Day!!
Give me that day off work please!
.. & thank you!

What I'm watching/reading...
I had DVR'ed the Astronaut Wives Clubs & had a marathon of it the past few days & got through all the episodes. I so loved it & am sad that it is only a one season thing.
I loved the stories, the fashion, the ladies. To think it's a different time that really isn't that long ago - blows my mind.
What I'm listening to...
  Cant get enough of Steven Curtis Chapman's new song!!!!

What I'm wearing... 
I'm all about comfy dresses with flip flops/sandals for the office


What I'm doing this weekend...
 Oh gosh... ready for this?
We have a 7AM appointment to get the dogs groom. Thanks for making that appointment Mr. Hubs.  That means we have to get up at 6am... great.
& then from there, my weekend is booked.  I have all sorts of stops to make during the day, a concert Saturday night at church... a photo session on Sunday... add in the editing I need to do & yeah, I have a house I haven't cleaned in forever & a pile of laundry that is basically my height of 5'8...
yep.. .kinda just like my calendar looks
... breath... calm down...
I'll catch up on rest when I die - right?
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Enough Said!
... but I will still wear flip flops till the snow starts...
What else is new...
 I become a Beachbody Coach this past month!
Excited about it ... especially since I've used the products for about 3 years anyways.

What's your favorite back to school tradition?
  With no kids, for me, the tradition is to leave my house 5 minutes earlier to get a jump on the school bus coming down my road that makes about 15 stops in a 2 mile span. Fun tradition.


  1. Whoa ... I'm getting tired just reading your post today. :-o

  2. I've noticed the sun starting to set a little earlier too and it's not fun!! I was sad when astronaut wives ended - such a good show! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  3. A day off - yay! I just can't believe it's almost September!!! I am not excited about it getting darker soon either ;(

  4. Poor pup :( Thinking and praying for his family. We were just talking about how dark it was out this morning! I'm not looking forward to those shorter days!

  5. Yay for you coach!!!! That is so exciting!! And yes please bring on the autumn cocoa and blankets haha. SO ready :)

  6. I so want to see that movie, War Room!

  7. Aww poor doggy :( that's so sad. RIP. I do love your dress though! :)

  8. Sorry to hear about the pup passing. :( I wish it was always zero humidity too. You are one busy lady!

  9. Awww... poor neighbor dog. :(
    I'm loving our weather lately, too!! So much nicer than the heat and humidity!

  10. That picture you shared of the bride getting ready is so gorgeous! You take amazing pictures. :) I am so ready for fall, except for it getting dark earlier! So sorry to hear about your neighbor's dog. :(

  11. This weather has been PERFECT! Sad to hear about your neighbor's pooch -- I've been loving seeing the photos of friends' pups on Facebook with National Dog Day, but I also pause to remember the five that I've had that have crossed the bridge. Way to go on the Beachbody Coach!!

  12. You are like the 4th person the mention the Astronaut's Wives Club... I guess I need to check it out. It's cloudy and cool here today, so I busted out a hoodie :) I love fall!! (And I never have it together enough to do this link up!! Maybe next month!)

  13. i am enjoying the cooler weather--i wish fall was longer and less winter! but still rocking my flip flops too, lol.

  14. Oh no sorry to hear about their dog :(.

    I so wish our weather was being that nice We never get these temps and it has been crazy!

    LOVE the dress and flips!!

  15. fall wasted no time getting here in toronto (canada). in the mornings and nights, it's cold; like, 10C cold with a chilly breeze.


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