Friday, April 08, 2016

Friday Favorites

Favorite Reading Spot

Unconventional Reading Spot:
I see at least 3 different ways I'd sit in this baby... & all that book storage?
How awesome is this! ... put a microwave next to it & it'd be a good apartment for me :)

Favorite Slippers

These are perfect for a morning shuffle to the kitchen

Favorite Shirt

Fueled by Jesus and Coffee tshirt Jesus and by AbbyandGraceApparel:

Favorite Beauty & the Beast

Minnie as Belle:
aahhh Minnie... we love you...

Favorite Reminder


Favorite Video

Favorite Funnies

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 28 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 28 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 28 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 33 Pics:

Funny Pictures Of The Day - 37 Pics:

... when my Starbucks order tastes nothing like it should

... when I make a business call & get their voice mail

... when I can finally fit into an outfit that's been too tight for awhile

... what I dont like about the political season

... me at 4:00pm today


Happy Friday Y'all!!!


  1. That reminder is perfect! So so true! I always can tell the times when I need to spend more time with God and reading his word and less time with the world. Happy Friday!

  2. Making business calls and getting their voice mail, that is so me. That goes for any kind of call! :)
    Yes to the phone numbers. I only know mine and my husband's. I don't even know my stepson's!

  3. Puppies!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha I hardly know any numbers besides my husband's! I love that book shelf!!! I could totally see myself laying in it and getting lost in a good book! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. puppies! i watched that video so they can donate the food. i don't have anyone's number memorized, either!!!

  5. I NEED that t-shirt! I love it! And what a perfect reminder about our time with God! You always have the perfect reminders for my week! Lol I was just having the conversation about remembering phone numbers rather than just pulling up a name on a cell phone lol totally true!

  6. Oh wow, that reading nook is perfect!

  7. I loved that puppy video! If someone would like to bring a whole bunch of puppies into my office for a happiness experiment I would be ok with it :)
    I love that reading nook & those slippers, but I feel like Minnie's butt is very accentuated in that drawing! Haha! I know it's just the ruffles in the dress but it stuck out to me!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm laughing pretty hard at my desk at all those funnies - I love leaving VM's don't know why!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. LOL! You know I love your Friday posts! YES to the book storage. My favorite funnies from this week--I hope I never go to jail and the baby. HAHAHA! Thanks as always for making me smile, and happy Friday!

  10. That Minnie as Belle is so cute!! Also, I want that reading knook/storage in our new house, please! Have a great weekend.

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  11. How cool is that book shelf?! What a statement piece!!

  12. where did you find those slippers? I NEED them!!! :)

  13. I love that reading shelf, so cool! I also think the reminder is something we all need to keep in mind when we get carried away in life. Have a great weekend!

    xo, Kristina

  14. OMG yes to the phone number thing. I don't even know my own husbands cell phone number with out looking at my phone! Oh and you'll get a kick out of this, we got a phone book in the mail the other day!!! I didn't even know they made those

  15. The only thing I hate about leaving voicemails is that the person might call me back ... so then I get longwinded and hope I answer absolutely every question they might think of. If anything, maybe they won't call me back thinking I'm too longwinded. :)

    And thank you for the Favorite Reminder -- I needed that today!

  16. Haha that's funny about the toilet brush and the outfit Cam one! Love that reading bookcase lounge!! That's be so awesome!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  17. Love those slippers.

    I think that t-shirt is perfect for you!

  18. That tweet response to Donald Trump is everything! Also love that Modern Family gif--Cam is hilarious. And Minnie Belle is perfect! Have a great weekend!

  19. I would love to lounge in that bookcase! I see a lot of curling up going on there. I think if I went to jail I would be so screwed, because I would panic and forget the one number that I know. Or Greg would be in the garage or something and totally miss it. I'll just try to avoid jail.

  20. omg i miss reading your blog! i've been away too long. i forgot how much you crack me up! all your funnies are on point and I love your finds!

  21. lol - that star bucks one though! lol - so true. In regards to phone numbers, I know my father in laws and my dads by heart, because I usually put one or the other on the back of my bibs for races.

  22. Loved this post! Late catching up, but I AM catching up!

  23. Yes to that t-shirt! I'm to the point with politics that I really don't care who wins, if people will just STOP posting about it on Facebook! HA! Hope you had a great weekend!


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