Monday, August 15, 2016

The weekend that had me rooting for the bad guys....

Another weekend in the books.  & another weekend that went by entirely too fast.

I wish I was some sort of space time crazy scientist that could understand why the time on the weekend moves so much faster than Monday from 7am to Friday to 4pm.  Its like some cruel trick.

But we take what we get & make the most of it...
& this was a weekend I took the most of.

Friday, I usually stop at the grocery on the way home, but I had driven Ricky's car because he took mine to get new wheels on & I was just all thrown off not being in my car...

but not thrown off enough to not remember to stop by Starbucks & kick off the weekend!!!!


Ricky had pizza waiting for me when I got home so we kicked it old people style by playing pizza & playing some more Rummy... where he once again demolished me. I dont know if he's just that good at rummy or if I'm just THAT bad.

I actually end up falling asleep early on Friday night.  The full week just does me in. I always tend to fall asleep earlier on Friday than any other night of the week.

Saturday, I got to sleep in ... till 7:30.  I'll take it.  Anytime the room is a little light when I wake up, I'm happy. Most of the times, its still dark when I get up. That's always depressing.

I got up & made some yummy breakfast, spent some time bible jouranling & then Ricky said, "let's go to the movies" by 9:30am... ok then, let's get an early start.

We ended up going to the first movie of the day to see Suicide Squad...


LOVED it!!!

I know when you think of comic book world, you kinda have to suspend some belief for story line.  Some of the plot was a little dumb... like for instance, this shouldnt spoil anything - someone goes basically through 1,000 explosions & gun fire & bullets & they just randomly have letters in their pocket that are perfectly fine & in 100% excellent condition?  That sort of thing drives me nuts.... but I still loved the movie.

Harley Quinn... she makes the whole movie.  Seriously.  I guarantee that come Halloween, 95% of women will be dressed like her.  I won't be one... you need booty shorts for that, so no thank you. Y'all know I'll always be Belle anyways ;)

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn --Be your own Whyld Girl with a wicked tee today!

We went & looked at a car while we were out that Ricky saw online & test drove it & then grabbed something to eat & then back home.

I ended up getting in my work out later on Saturday. I hate putting it off because its so easy to make excuses on Saturday to not do it but I put on my workout clothes as soon as I got home & laid down on the bed to love on Harvey Dent
..... & then fell asleep....


I ended up getting in a 30 minute nap... but that gave me even more incentive to get my lazy bum up & get in my workout.

We were still in Suicide Squad mode & ended up having a movie night at home & watched Assault on Arkham - which was basically a lot like the movie we saw earlier.  Get the bad guys together & pull a job off.

Batman: Assault on Arkham:

This aint no cartoon like I used to watch. WOW...

Sunday had us a church & another great day at MSM.

It was fun because they've been doing fun Olympic games every week - like last week, everyone got a nerf sort of arrow that they got to shoot at the Bull's Eye... legit. Bull's Eye.  They had a kid dressed up like a bull & had people shooting for his eye. It was hilarious!... & someone actually got him pretty good.

This week, it was about pulling out tissues out of a box with one hand - the other arm behind your back. I got called to represent the leaders....

& if you can't tell from the picture below... I failed miserably.

When you're playing MSM Olympics & your kleenex box flies off the table…:

See that white thing right at the bottom of the circle?  That's my kleenex box falling off of the table.

Kudos to my hubby for capturing hte picture & my reaction.  You can totally hear me screaming, "NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOO"... oh well. SO much for that game.

For the record, I still didn't come in last.  Competitive side of me always prevails.

I left right from church to meet up for a meeting with my next Bride & Groom whose wedding I'll be shooting in a few weeks.  They are just adorable & I can't wait to spend the day with them as they get to celebrate such a beautiful event.  I've worked with the groom's family before & love to get to touch base with families again.

I made it home in time to want to punch myself in the face repeatedly.  Why that reaction?  Because I got a new computer.

Doesn't seem like that would cause such a violent reaction - but for me, a computer isn't just a computer.

I have to upload all my photo software & get all my effects & actions & little things I need to edit pictures set up on a new computer. It's so time consuming. Plus, I'm just not digging Windows 10 & all the new computers have it - you have no choice but to deal with it.  & know what computers also have now?  NO CD/DVD DRIVE. Yep... if you want to burn cd's or disks of anything, you have no drives built into your computer. You have to purchase them seperately & use a USB cord.

Not a big deal, but you still have to buy it, get it installed - all that fun stuff that comes with installation.

I basically wanted to bang my head on the wall about a half dozen times....

After probably 4 hours, I think I got it set up though.... THANK YOU JESUS! Whew - that was rough.

& then it was time to finally settle in, watch some Big Brother & of course, some Olympics.

... which by the way, I was so darn rootin' tootin' mad... I totally forgot it was the Marathon competition on Sunday & forgot to set my DVR for it. UGGHHHHHHHH... & now I have to wait another 4 years for that.  Whatyagoingtodo?

& Monday, we're back at it...

How was your weekend?

Have you seen Suicide Squad?

Do you love or hate getting a new computer?

Are you a fan of Windows 10?


  1. I hate getting new electronics of all kinds, computers, ipads, phone, watches, etc!!! I feel like it takes me longer than the average person to catch on to technology so once I have it figured out I want it to be mine Forever..haha. I have not entered the abyss that is windows 10 yet and I am dreading the day it will come down to that!

  2. I love your face in that photo - you look like you're having so much fun even if you weren't winning!! I think a scientist should absolutely look into why weekends fly by faster than weekdays! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Haha! I totally agree with you on the fact that weekends go by much faster than the weeks. It's really not fair :) Have a great week!

  4. I hate getting up when it's dark outside. I can avoid it for most of the Summer with the sun coming up earlier. I'm glad you got to sleep in a bit on Saturday :) And I love that photo of your reaction when the kleenex box fell off the table!

  5. Glad you liked the movie! I have heard mixed reviews so I think I will wait until Redbox!

  6. It makes me crazy how fast the weekends go by. Then come Monday, it's like time has stopped, drives me batty. haha

  7. I only like getting a new computer at work when someone is paid to set it up for me. Otherwise, NO. I have no patience.

    I swear it was Friday afternoon just five minutes ago.

    I'm a fan of hitting the early movie that once or twice a year I actually do go to the movies.

  8. I blogged about my weekend. We don't mind getting a new computer since we use Carbonite. Everything downloads so's nearly seamless. I have used Carbonite for years and years now and it has never failed us. Weekends always go too fast. Always.

  9. I named my new car Quinn for Harley Quinn, but it wasn't because of Suicide Squad. I just thought my car looked sleek like the Bat Mobile and I needed a female name so I settled on that :)
    Sounds like Sunday was a little rough for ya, lol. I'm glad it all turned out (except the Olympics stuff! Bummer!).

  10. Ughhh I have to agree, the weekend time goes much faster than the work week. I swear they add extra hours in there somewhere! My work let us keep our computers we had for like 2 years since we got new ones this year and so this weekend Chris set mine up for me and put Windows 10 on it and all that jazz. It has been sitting on the floor in our guest room since February. Chris was like ummmm why are you still using your dinosaur laptop from 2010??? I was like "because I am lazy and I don't want to set it up." Hahaha. I hate asking him to do that stuff because he is an IT director and so I feel like he gets enough of that stuff all week at work. But I am helpless sooooo

  11. Blegh... technical stuff. I am hoping my current computer lasts forever and ever... LOL. We haven't seen Suicide Squad yet, but might at some point. It looks good enough. :) I bet you are 100% right about the costumes come Halloween, and I think there will be a lot of lady ghostbusters as well. Now I want pizza... LOL XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  12. Olympic games every week? I just love that. That picture is priceless too. I love that you had a movie date <3 I have never even heard of that movie

  13. i still haven't seen suicide squad but i really want to! and yes to everyone will be her for halloween.. i will NOT be one of them lol
    730 is a huge sleep in! i normally wake up at like 6-6:30 no matter what so anything after that is huge... and i also kinda feel like i'm wasting my day sleeping in hahaha and maybe thats why the day goes by faster ;)

  14. That pic of you in competition and the Kleenex is so stinkin cute! Thank goodness my hubs is techy because I would be clueless. Hoping this week is fabulous for you and flies by!! ;-)

  15. I like technology ... hate dealing with it though. I want it to magically work whenever I push the button or surf the internet. We have two boxes at home - one is the wi-fi, one is the modem. I don't know diddly what makes one different from the other ... so when something doesn't work, I push all the buttons and make it worse. It's a gift.

    We saw the start of the marathon but that was about it. I'll definitely be sad when the games are over.

  16. The thought of getting a new computer is enough to make my blood boil. So I can only imagine how frustrating that was. Like, why the heck would I not want a CD drive built into my computer. It's how software is uploaded. It's how i watch DVDs, what the heck people. Not to mention it's just missing all your stuff. Pics, music, preferences, desired Internet browser. Etc.

  17. We just got a new computer and decided to go with a Mac.. I'm still trying to figure everything out! Love that Ricky caught your Kleenex box on the way down and your expression is priceless, haha!

  18. Whenever I accidentally fall asleep while cuddling with my do, I blame it on him. He gets upset when I love away, lol!

  19. i love new gadget and technology! i spend hours configuring everything to my liking and ignore the rest of my family LOL

  20. Overall, I enjoyed Suicide Squad. You're right. Harley Quinn stole the show. How much fun of a role was that to play?! I liked the modernized Joker, especially with his purple smoking jacket and pimp gold chains. My only criticism was the "villains". I wasn't a big fan of Enchantress and her brother. What makes the first Avengers and Thor so awesome is how wonderful Loki is. A good villain can make the movie. I know, I know. Mos all the characters are villains, but you know what I mean.

  21. What a weekend! I would have conked out for a nap too!! But lots of fun as well was had. I'll have to check out that movie!

  22. I like Windows 10 ok - I'm still getting used to it. I'm used to being able to get behind the scenes into the guts of the computer to do stuff & you really can't with these newer operating systems. Which is ok because I'm old & can't remember how anymore anyway - ha! And yes, any new computer is a 4 to 8 hour job to get it set up correctly. I make Mike do it. Ha!


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