Thursday, December 14, 2017

Plug those ears, a good report & cards to remind others they are loved {Thankful Thursday #154}

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand

837 / Ear plugs.
OK.... this is awful.... for Ricky.  Heaven for me.  With the new puppy, Ricky can sleep through things. Repeated noises, Ricky can somehow tune them out. Me? Its like someone is poking me in the eye balls with hot needles. I cant tune ANYTHING out.... so when the puppy was crying those few first nights, Ricky was sleeping like a baby. I couldnt handle it - so I put in ear plugs. OH MY GOSH. GAME CHANGER.  I am able to sleep through all the noise at night.  & poor Ricky, GOD LOVE HIM, is on puppy night duty & takes him & Bruno out during the night.  I'll do the summer duty - I cant handle the cold.  All I'm saying is ear plugs are from God - no doubt in my mind.

839 / Good Vet visit.
For BOTH Bruno & Ernie.  Bruno ended up gaining 2.2 lbs, which is great because he was down so much on our last visit & not looking great.  But he's still on an good streak.  & Ernie got a "Good puppy" written on his vet report, so we're happy with that.

Dude was asleep on the little side table!!!
The Vet said its going to be funny to watch him grow & know he's going to be bigger than this table in a few months.
I find nothing funny about that at all

841 / New hours at work
I've been doing it for awhile now & getting my routines down on drives to work & drives home & its SOOOO much better. It now takes me 35 minutes to get home, which is so much better than nearly an hour. & going in is a piece of cake with no traffic & quiet time in the office for a bit.

847 / Antennas on TVs
Is this the 70's where you have to move rabbit ears to get a signal in? ... well, since our stupid cable switched to everything streaming, we cant get actual cable (that we pay for... humph) on some tv's - so we have to just get local stations... except most tv's dont get local stations anymore. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!   So we've been watching tv in our kitchen on a tiny Kindle Fire. How sad is that? ... but Ricky got an antenna & now we can get one local station in to watch the news.  It's all really stupid & dumb & something I dont WANT to be thankful for... but I am looking at the positive. Even if there is a huge ugly antenna now hooked onto our wall, up high, to get a better signal. Oh Lordy...

848 / Quilted stocking
A lady at my new job,  I found out, quilts.  & she brought in a stack of quilted stockings & gave away to everyone in the accounting department. How sweet is that? I saw this one with the cowboys & horses & knew my daddy would like it & she told me to take it & give to him. How thoughtful is that!?!?!

849 / Looked up to
One of my youth kiddos called me & told me in her devotional for the day, the challenge was to call someone they look up to & let them know they feel that way - & she called me. I was nearly in tears. How precious is that????

850 / First snow was kind
I hate snow... but I dont mind snow when it flurries & doesnt stick. & that's what happened on Saturday. I dread the big snows where the roads are horrible.

851 / Family Time for Christmas.
So thankful to Ricky's cousin for opening her home for all of us to get together this past weekend.

2 of my Sis in laws
Our cousin that hosted & my other sis in law
I always say it - I love my Vincent gang
853 / MSM Cookies
The MSM girls had a Christmas party this past weekend... & I couldnt make it because of the family's Christmas party. DANG IT.  But they made some cookies & brought me some in. OH MAN... They were DELICIOUS too!!!!!

854 / MSM Christmas cards
How cute are my sweet MSM girls - they took our small group time to fill out cards to send to people in the living facility that we served at the week before.  I really am loving they are making connections there.  One of the cards was even labeled, "HEY, ITS ME"  - haha... they want all these people they meet to remember them.  Precious. I pray it blesses some of those sweet souls that may not have people during the holidays.

& for a bonus... just because... still so thankful for this little guy... he's been in our family 2 weeks today!!!!! & he's already growing so fast!!!

& SO SMART!!!! He already sits, stays, wont touch his food until we tell him - & basically 95% already potty trained. WHAT?!?!??!! He's just the best.

What good things have happened in your world this week?


  1. He has got to be one of the prettiest puppies I've seen. I love his coloring. So unique. Hopefully, I'll be back later with my thankful post.

  2. Ernie is adorable! That side table is so small too - I can now imagine his actual size. I got teary-eyed reading about your MSM girl and her devotional. :)

  3. Those photos of you hugging the puppy are so adorable! He's pretty smart if he's figured all of that out already :)

  4. Yay yay yay for a good report with Bruno!! And hallelujah that Ernie is catching on quickly! We adopted Enzo in the winter and it made the potty training experience soooo rough. He has much less fur than Ernie ;)
    Your MSM girls are seriously the sweetest! And it sounds like your new co-workers are, too!!

  5. I got a puppy fix yesterday!! Blogged about it on my Thankful Thursday post! Sure enjoyed your list and that puppy IS growing already!! Wow!

  6. I can't even handle how cute your puppy is!!! I'm glad you're getting into the grove of your new routine. I don't like snow, either, and we got slammed with it last night. Ugh. Thankfully I'm working from home so I'm not driving in this crap. I bought an antenna so we could attempt to get rid of cable (I hate it and hate paying for it), but we can't get any local channels on it for some reason. I would love to get rid of cable some day - but my husband would die without it. Lol.

  7. YAYYY so happy that Bruno is doing well and that Ernie got a good puppy report! I'm thankful that you and Ricky care so sweetly for your dogs.

    And that is so sweet that the girls did Christmas cards for the people at the living facility; I know that will be a blessing to them! :) Thank you for sharing the love of Jesus Christ with them. <3 <3 you.

  8. All your adorable pictures of Ernie really make me want another ... cat. What can I say? I'm a crazy cat person. :D I'm glad both he and Bruno are doing well. That's actually quite awesome that Bruno is regaining weight.

  9. That stocking is beautiful. How thoughtful of her. I am totally loving all the pictures of Bruno and Ernie. Great job at the vet and gaining weight for Ernie!

  10. So you're going in earlier and home earlier? Nice adjustment!

    What earplugs are you using? Ones I've had have always fallen out.

  11. Yay for a good vet visit! That stocking is really pretty!!! We have an antenna too. Crazy how they are back in now, right?

  12. We got our first snow today! Well last night really.

    I love that the msm kids are making connections at the assisted living home. I used to work at one when I was in high school and always worried about those folks who had nobody (I fear I will become

    We have cable and I would be so mad if I was paying and not getting anything. Did this just start happening?

  13. Oh my gosh, YES!!! Ear plugs are the bomb and my hubby gets them for me from work so they're free, too.

  14. I love all those Christmas cards!

    so glad your work commute is better... it makes all the difference


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