Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Shine Bright.....

Image result for star manger scene

We had a great little message the past few weeks at MSM about WAITING for Christmas...

How we need to be excited about the real meaning of Christmas - not waiting for the presents, or the time off school, or waiting for that yummy Christmas dinner or dessert. - though I am pretty guilty about looking so forward to my brother's broccoli casserole (THE BEST!!!)

This past Sunday we talked about the wise men... & the focus of the story was about that STAR in the sky that lead them to Jesus.

It was so bright & so noticeable, it drew their attention.  They knew they had to follow it to see what it meant.

The star itself didnt SAVE them, the star itself wasnt their SAVIOR... the star itself didnt do anything amazing except do what it's used to doing - SHINING.

& we had the challenge laid out to us to SHINE this Christmas season.

Image result for shine bright

We are all around a lot of different people during this holiday.  Family, friends, coworkers.... so many people with so many beliefs & so many walks of life.  & your job?  You are made to SHINE.

You never know how your love for Jesus during this time of year can lead others to Him as well.

You aren't called to be someone's Savior, you aren't called to do something miraculous - take that pressure off of your head! ... you are just called to be who you are .... the amazing creation God created, shining back His glory to others.

You never know who will see your light so brightly & be led to Jesus this Christmas...

the whole point of why Jesus came in a manager....


Image result for let your light shine


  1. That is so good. Thank you for reminding me. I needed to hear this.

  2. Love this, this is such a great reminder. Thank you, I needed this today.

  3. I needed this reminder so much. Love it - thank you!

  4. I love that the focus is to shine!! Such a great reminder about the true meaning behind the holiday season.

  5. I love this and I love how you spread the light of our Savior! xo

  6. Such a sweet reminder <3 Perfect for middle school girls and folks of any age!

  7. What a great reminder. I do love some of the materialistic things about Christmas, but I love how cozy everything is, the family time and just remembering why we even celebrate.

  8. I couldn't love this post any more! Amazing message and great reminder for all of us. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  9. I always remember the song I learned in Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) when I was a pre-teen....This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine! Right on!! :)

  10. A perfect reminder and very well written. Thank you.


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