Monday, January 29, 2018

The weekend that I read a lot....

Man... I havent sat & read like this in a long time... not like I did this weekend.

Well, it all started on Friday when I saw some of my reading friends on Twitter talking about a challenge for the weekend called #24in48.

I was like "24 books? NO WAY"... but come to find out, it was trying to read 24 hours within a 48 hour time span.  I signed up - just to see how much time I could invest in it & just to have a really good reason to sit & finish my book.

So Friday, I got home & put my Kindle on charge & spent the rest of the evening knitting & watching some things on my DVR - Riverdale & The Good Place & of course, had to watch 20/20 where they talked to those gymnasts from that nightmare doctor.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD???

Saturday, I had hopes of sleeping in, but dang it, the hubs left the bathroom light on & i've gotten to the point where if there's any light on, it just keeps me up. I feel like I can see it even with shut eyelids... so I was awake earlier than I wanted.

But that was ok today, only because I had my reading challenge to start.

Ironically, I charged it up & didnt even use my Kindle... used hardback books instead

I honestly made a quick breakfast on purpose so I could jump in my reading.

& luckily, it was a rainy & gloomy day. Something I dont normally say as lucky on a Saturday - but it made for great reading weather.

I actually finished the book I was currently reading...

Read some more in my Bible study & my Bible - totally counts - should count even more with it being God's Word - just saying ;) ...

& then started another book.

I felt like a champ.

Someone else wasn't amused by all the reading.

They were lazy all day with the rain & me sitting in the enclosed room....

Again, it was the perfect day for a readathon.

I did stop to do some laundry through the day - but didnt get my work out in.  I scarified it for working out my brain. Fair trade, right?

& Ernie did give me a little bit of distraction in the middle of the day

I ended up sitting outside in my room until it was pitch dark & I so far in my new book. I was super impressed with my reading ability.

Totally dark outside... my reflection sitting in the same seat I sat in all day long
I did so much reading that Saturday night, I honestly dreamt about reading & woke up frantic that I didn't set my timer for the time I read... in my dreams... man, this challenge was sinking in deep.

Sunday, I got up to go to MSM & didnt have time to read in the morning... but took my challenge seriously & finished another book on the road - an audiobook. This one took me forever to get through - I started this thing MONTHS ago - so I was glad for the challenge to make myself listen to it until I was done.

I headed home after picking up groceries from Click list (I may never step in a grocery again).... & was able to take time time to sit outside, this time in a beautiful warm day, & drink some Starbucks & read the book I was into.

I can't believe I made it half way through this book in less than 24 hours... its a 400 page book too - I guess I can get through some books if I make the time for them.

I had to stop reading for a bit so we could go over & feed dad's horses for him & get to visit my parents... my dad's poor knee. Man - its bad this time y'all... keep the prayers going for him.  He goes to the doctor on Thursday.  I see a surgery REAL SOON in the future for him.

I would have probably finished my book when I got hoome, but I got to go to my middle school girls bible study & that was totally a good trade off.

It was such a good study - focusing on anxiety & our worries.... man, we start young with those worries... but the girls are so fired up for this weekend - we're heading to BELIEVE ... everyone is PUMPED UP!!!! 

& by the time I got home & fed the dogs, my reading time was coming to an end... I didnt even come CLOSE to the 24 hours...

But honestly, I am super happy with that time. For me.. & for my first time doing this challenge. I am more prepared now to know what this looks like to do this... they have another challenge in July & I'm totally clearing out my calendar for that & really going to strive to hit that 24... if anything, make it further than I did in this round.

& the best part, I still ended up a winner in this! I got drawn for a door prize! YAHOO!!!! I got a choice of things to pick from - I'm either getting a hardback book - or the audio book of the 3rd book in the Me Before You series (CANT WAIT) or a Punny Bookmark set - I'm thrilled with whatever shows up at my door.

I couldnt have asked for a better readathon experience.

& in the end, a great weekend!

How was your weekend?

Have you ever done a readathon?

Want to join in for the one in July?
(Keep an eye out there!)


  1. How cool that you were selected for a prize! :) I participated too -- but had other things going on to prevent me from getting to the 24 hours. It was fun though and I read more than a usual weekend.

  2. behind closed doors was such a crazy book - I remember being seriously disturbed but not able to put it down! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Love this! I think I might make a trip to the library this week.

  4. Woohoo. Winner, winner! I loved that you even dreamt about reading!

  5. I would really like more information about this challenge and especially the for the one in July. Where can I go for deets? I think if I could clear my calendar ahead of time, I might could make it happen. Probably not the entire 24 hours, but still. Prayers for your dad and I highly recommend a sleep mask. I laughed until I tried it and now I can't sleep without one. The difference in sleep is amazing! Hope your Monday is marvelous!!

  6. I saw you tweeting about this but I thought it was something crazy like 24 books in 48 hours. :D I should have asked you about it. I'm definitely going to try it in July. I didn't read much this weekend. Wasn't in the mood, so maybe a good thing that I skipped it this time! I hope your Dad is doing better and I bet he is so grateful to have you and Ricky nearby to help out. And I love how Ernie and Harvey Dent are best buds!

  7. What a glorious weekend!
    I did not know there was a third book in the Me before You series!

    I've already read 2 books this month and although it doesn't sound like much, that's awesome for me. I'm suppose to be doing this book club with my sister where we read the same book and discuss it. I'm done and ready to get another book already but she's still reading. I may have to just get a book for me to read on the side..haha. I'm thinking about starting the Chesapeak Shores series. They became a Hallmark series last summer on the Hallmark Channel.

  8. I love this! I was SO excited when I saw your name on the door prize list!! I thought those punny bookmarks were adorable! Such good prizes! It was fun knowing a friend was reading along side me, albeit in a different state ;)
    Over 9 hours!! Dang, girl! I hit 6. We're still juggling family stuff and I spent a lot of time with my bff and her kids for their bdays so it set me back a bit :) Oh well!

  9. Congrats on winning!!! That is so awesome! I am on the wait list for Behind Closed Doors. Like 99 people are ahead of me. So that is fun. I read a good bit this weekend too, but like 2 hours. That is a good bit for me. LOL. Hope you have a great week!

  10. Almost 10 hours...that is awesome! And you won a prize. I'd like to try to July one, if I can remember. I finished the book I was reading and started another. Actually what I read was book 2 in a series that I found free for my Kindle and then I found out I have book 1, so I'm reading it now. If I like it as well as #2, then I'll probably get the rest of the set. Leave it to me to do things backwards!!

    Love the video of Ernie. Did he ever get the stick inside? lol

  11. I couldn't love this post any more!!!! We had too much going on for me to participate this time, but I'm so glad to hear you did it and had fun!! Yay for winning prizes, too! You rocked the reading all weekend.

  12. That's funny you ended up dreaming about the challenge! This sounds like a pretty cool challenge and that's a nice fringe benefit that you won a prize too :)

  13. The Bible totally counts and yes to what sounds like a fab weekend to me.

  14. I love that you did the readathon. I feel responsible but in a good way for once.

    Congrats on winning the prize! That's so exciting!

  15. Let us know what shows up at your door!! Congrats! It is great that you had a gray weekend to stay in and do your read-a-thon! I can't believe how much your little pup has grown! Ernie is nearly as big as his 'mentor'!!

  16. Ernie is so judging you. He's got the same look Scout gets when he's judging me (good luck with that one).
    I read not a word this weekend lol.

  17. Nope, I've never done a readathon, at least not this kind. I've done it through our library when it's about reading the most books over the summer. I would consider doing the July one. That's totally doable. I couldn't do it now with my schedule.

  18. I used to love when we would do readathons in school-- and it was so fun to see everyone talk about this one on social media. You did an awesome job staying focused and getting so much reading time in, while still sticking to everything else you needed to get done over the weekend!

  19. Nice win! That is great you got all of that reading in. I forgot to watch the 20/20 special. This world makes me so sad sometimes. I'd be fine if Jesus came back :) Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  20. 48 hours of nothing but reading is MY DREAM!!!! Someday when my child is grown I'm totally doing this, haha.

  21. wait what?! there is a third book in that series?! Say what?! That is so awesome that you got so much reading in! What a great weekend!

  22. Sounds like such a fun challenge! I agree, you'd have to clear the calendar completely to really get high numbers, but it looks like you did very well! And- I didn't know there was multiple books in the Me Before You! Where in the world have I been?!


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