Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What's Up Wednesday - January

Mix & Match Mama

What We're Eating This Week

I've all about cauliflower rice lately!
Making some of it with edamame & some chopped up veggies & add in some egg?
& on Weight Watchers - its actually ZERO POINTS!

What I'm Reminiscing About

Having motivation to work out.
My mojo is just gone.
What's happened?
I'm looking at you hormones

What I'm Loving

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If you have a pet & aren't using this - you are missing out.
I love being able to have my dog's food brought to my front door.
& they're great at getting things to you fast too.
I've realized I'm nearing the end of Bruno's food - & he HAS to have this certain food - & they get it to you in 2 days - some times I've gotten it in LESS than 24 hours!
I can't say enough about Chewy's
They've even sent us postcards for the dogs... & I've seen a painted canvas painting of a friend's dog they sent to her after an error they corrected, as an extra bonus.
Seriously - try them
(No - I'm not getting paid to say this & no affiliates at all)

What We've Been Up To

It's been all about Ernie lately & watching him & training him & reminding him he is NOT the owner & controller of his house.  I forgot how much puppies take up your time. Especially little punk puppies.  I keep telling him its a good thing God made him cute.

What I'm Dreading
I cant really think of anything I'm dreading
... but I guess if I think further ahead, I'm dreading Ernie getting neutered.
I just hate when one of my pets have to go through surgery.
I think he's going to be fixed in April... but yeah, already dreading it

What I'm Working On
I'm working on my schedule for the year
... how I want to schedule it. or NOT schedule it is more like it.

What I'm Excited About
I can't say enough about Kroger Click List
... I am TRULY excited about it.
It has helped us out for my parents needing grocery so they can pick what they want & I can go pick it up for them... & it is helping my grocery bill. I literally sit there & go over my list & check my cabinet if I really need it. My grocery bill has been under by like $25.00 at least each time.

What I'm Watching / Reading
Finally finished up The Crown Season 2
& getting caught up in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

As for real TV, I've still about Riverdale & Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
& this year, I've actually been watching The Amazing Race.
I quit watching years ago when Rob & Amber from Survivor were on there & it was so obvious it was set up when they held up the plane so the other couple could get on as well - Rob & Amber totally had that win by a full day until that happened.  SO RIGGED.
& how do I not mention This is Us?

Image result for this is us

What I'm Listening To

Image result for awaken worship live

On repeat - all the time

What I'm Wearing

WIW January

All about Winter & covered legs & feet.
How I miss you sandals!

What I'm doing this Weekend

I'm hanging with a few thousand middle school kids this week.
Yep - another year of BELIEVE.
I've honestly forgotten how many years this makes for me.
... & excuse me while I pray even harder about being in a room full of germ-infested kids during flu season.

Image result for ciy believe

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

More Sunlight... higher temps! (Please Lord)


  1. Yes, please let's get some warmer temps soon. I'm so over freezing every day.
    I made cauliflower rice once, and my husband complained about how bad it smelled. So I haven't made it again. Lol.

  2. I cannot wait for This is Us Sunday night! Oh how you have me wanting cauliflower rice! Looks so good, can you drive up and make me some, lol.

  3. ernie! it must be so hard to say no to that adorable face!!

  4. It is a good thing God made pups cute lol. I kind of want the super bowl to go by quick just so I can watch This Is Us! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  5. I LOVE cauliflower rice. I was a little hesitant initially because I'm still kind of meh on mashed cauliflower but not so with the rice. I eat it all the time. Your rice looks delicious. I have not tried Chewy but hear great things about them. My exercise mojo is still here, mostly, but my eat right mojo is not so strong. I keep thinking about the yummy and naughty things I want to eat, which makes my healthy salad seem sad in comparison. :D

  6. Aww you look so cute in your outfits! And OMG at this is US! I'm all caught up now!

    Can you order prescription dog food from Chewy?

  7. I've been watching the amazing race as well and LOVING it!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. That cauliflower rice sounds and looks delicious. Actually I'm eating cauliflower right now for lunch. Your outfits are all cute. I should probably check out Chewy and you know I love Kroger Clicklist.

    Hope you have a blast this weekend and stay healthy!

  9. Click and pick up groceries is the best! Such a cute dog and my workout mojo has left the myself grace because of the flu though.

  10. I'm obsessed with Kimmy Schmidt - so funny!! Ernie is getting so big, and I definitely need to look into Chewy. I've heard it's great for cats, too!

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  11. I'll be praying for your immune system ;)
    I feel like I spend most of my life reminding dogs that they are NOT the ones in charge. Lol
    Good thing they're cute ;)

  12. Oh man, I miss sandals so much in the Winter! I haven't really looked into I saw someone else's comment about it being good for cats too so I'll have to check it out.

  13. Oh Ernie.

    I love Chewy. That was a game-changer because I despise hauling dog-food home from the store.
    Cute outfits. I need to start taking pictures again.

  14. Ernie is adorable! Laughing that he thinks he is in charge! So do our cats. (they are, actually) Love your looks and wish you luck with all the kids. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize!!


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