Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The kicking continues.....

Man... when it rains, it pours... doesn't it?

Not like life has been sucky enough lately... I guess it felt like seeing just HOW much suck can fit in a month....

So, let's recap - shall we?  I started off the first of May with an emergency surgery with a strange & not usual condition... you can find the recap here if you missed all the fun.

Then, let's make note of the horrible life changing event that I never thought could happen - loosing my daddy.... which, for the record, STILL doesnt seem real....

& then this past weekend happened....

I could tell that my body wasn't healing right.  If you heard me at the hospital dad was in, or the funeral home during his service, you heard me complain over & over again how much pain I was still in.  Yep, something wasn't healing right.

Every day last week, I was sinking in more & more pain... & I went to my surgeon on Thursday to get checked & was told that "I dont see anything - everything looks fine"...

& then I woke up on Friday & had that familiar feeling of not being able to walk, barely able to sit, hardly able to move.  So I go down to the emergency room at 6 am... ONLY to be sent away.  The doctor - who checked me for a 'pelvic infection' - WHAT??? ... actually, they had me as coming in on my chart as "lumps, bruises & callouses".... excuse me?

I SCREAMED for the ER doc to  come back so I could tell him why I was there in dire & screaming pain.... to STILL be told to go home - "I dont see anything"... & they packed me with a pain medicine prescription & told me to go on my way.

Are you kidding me?

I never - NEVER - take pain medicine - & I took some - because it was THAT bad.  & when Ricky got home, I had fallen asleep, in thanks to the pain meds & was laying on my stomach. He asked how I was feeling & I said, "I dont want to move, the pain isn't so horrible right now".

Except I moved....

& when I did, something REALLY didnt feel right.

All of a sudden, I felt the warmth all over my back side.  Blood was everywhere.  It was just oozing out of me....

Apparently, where no one "saw anything" - I had another abscess that had ruptured through my initial incision site.

I'll spare you all the details of it - but it was disgusting & I'm pretty sure my insides were oozing out.

We call my surgeon's office & they told me he was already gone for the day & already on call at the ER - so that's where we headed.....

Only to get a little bit more of a run around - before FINALLY someone grabbed the surgeon & he comes in saying "Rebecca" - like we're best friends & now so far on a first named basis, it's sort of ridiculous.

Image result for are we best friends gif

& yep - another abscess had indeed ruptured.... so we know where that leads me.
Back in the OR.

Luckily, my pain was so bad & so intense (what's a weird sentence to say - Luckily?) that I hadn't eaten anything for over 24 hours.  I think I knew where this was headed, even if none of the doctors knew... surgery was in my future.

Because I hadn't eaten or drinking anything, I was able to get rushed right back into my familiar quarters. I was in a hospital room by 7pm on Friday evening.

Image may contain: one or more people, bedroom and indoor

Yeah.... thanks for that ER doc that sent me home 12 hours earlier.....

& this time, the doctor really wants to make sure this infection gets drained - so get ready to clench your cheeks together if they're not already.... they put in a catheter this time around.  & they stitched this 3/8 tube to my butt cheek to keep it in... so yeah, let's recap that - I have a huge, tight, hard tube coming out of my back side, STITCHED to the inside of my butt cheek (let's just give up all modesty & shame because YEAHHHHH.....)

Needless to say, I am at home, laying on my side till this tube-baby comes out.

I did legit try to make it to work on Monday. I am nothing but determined to keep this job of mine.  But when I found I couldnt sit straight down for longer than 2 minutes - & my manager saw the pale look on my face - she sent me right home immediately anyways.

So yeah... did I mention that life is literally kicking me in the rear end right now? 
I think I'm becoming its favorite game to play with lately.


& side note - Blogger has been a mess lately. I know so many of you know this.
So sorry if I didnt reply back to all your wonderful & caring comments you left me.

I'm going to be trying out Disqus & seeing how this works. Let me know if anyone has any issues commenting with it & hopefully I'll be able to reply back to you with it.


& if you all could still lift up some prayers for me... because man, I'm tying that rope & hanging on about now....

Image result for these present sufferings cannot compare

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