Monday, August 24, 2020

The weekend that is still keeping me away from the world

 The worst.... 

I mean, Monday is pretty bad... but a Monday after some time off work - THE WORST!!!!

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It'll be a hectic day, but I sure did enjoy the relaxing time.

I mean, time off - what does that really mean? 

For us, we dont go anywhere besides a few local stores - still not eating out - so that just meant a lot of reading for me.  & I'm 10000% ok with that.  It was really nice weather & I honestly spent one entire day out running from the sun to find the shade areas outside & read a full book & it was just wonderful.  

Books & iced coffee.  ... & no logging onto the computer or turning on the news.

THAT is a vacation to me! Truly.

I've found that I really cant handle certain things anymore.  The News.... social media fights - & let's face it, its fights - its not even calm discussions - on all the hot topic things. Masks, COVID, schools, protests, politics.  I honestly can't deal.  My anxiety levels just are to the max with everything. I am a pretty patient person but let me tell you, even I feel like I'm on a short fuse lately.  Lord Jesus - give us strength.  I dont foresee any time soon with calm & peace & unity either - I think THAT's what gives me the most anxiety.  No wonder I like to just stay at home in the world of books.

But we're back to the grind.  Back to routine.  If you've been around here for awhile, you know I'm a routine kinda person anyways so going back to work is never really a bad thing for me. Especially when I'm still just walking down my hall to go to work. 

Nothing really exciting happened over the weekend.  I did a lot of sewing... did some knitting....

I was excited that Season 5 of Lucifer was back!!!! ... & then watched it in one day & bummed out I have to wait forever for the 2nd half of the season. UGHHHH.  

I'm over Netflix giving us 8-10 episodes of a great show & then making us wait another year for another 8-10 episodes. Not cool Netflix - not cool at all.

Lucifer Season 5 Review: Tom Ellis & Lauren German Take Us On One HELL Of  An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride!

I got to get some Baby love...

She just wants me to rub her face & give her kisses. It takes everything 2x's as long to get anything done.... but I dont mind. I'll kiss that sweet face all day long.

& of course, dog love is an every day must.  

These boys are so spoiled.  Just the way I love my dogs.

I mean, all you have here is just another boring blog post .. thanks 2020.

How was your weekend?

Did you do anything exciting or fun?

Is your stress/anxiety level near the FULL mark too?

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