Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Three Things - August

Knit By God's Hand: Three Things - NOVEMBER

A big thank you to Steph for another round of 3 things.

 Three things I like about August

1. The last eeking out of sunlight at night.
2. Back to School supplies
3. Fall decorations coming out...earlier every year

Three things I dislike about August
1. Later sunrises / earlier sunsets
3. All the bugs out at night... still...

Three goals for the rest of August
1. Start thinking of Christmas shopping... online of course
2. Decide what planner I want to use for 2021
3. Read 3 books this month (already done that)

Three things I thought I'd use more this year
1. My summer clothes
2. My summer sandals - I literally have wore nothing but my Croc flip flops working at home.
3. My hair straighter 

Three things I never thought I'd use as much this year
1. My laptop
3. All the cleaners / sanitizers

Three things I'm into right now
1. Iced coffee
2. Working out at lunch
3. Staying away from the news/ world as much as possible

Three favorite fruits
1. Strawberries
2. Cherries
3. Seedless Red grapes

Three foods I've survived on in Corona Summer
1. Simply Ruffles
2. Eggs
3. Morning Star Veggie Burgers

Now you... join in :)

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