Thursday, January 15, 2009

Knitted Beard

I got an email from my brother this morning that asked: "Can you knit this?"
I thought it was a joke! Why? Because I knitted this last year for a friend who asked me & sent me the exact same picture!!!! Here's what the one I knitted looked like without the moustache attached:

So yipee! I've got another knitted project to do!!!!!

Maybe I'll make the beard longer this time too!!! Who even thought of this thing? Crazy!


  1. That is awesome! I think I would like mine with a unibrow :-)

  2. Never thought you would have to do another one! Hope you wrote it down! Maybe you could open a shop... Becca's Beards?????

  3. Cracked me up! Love it! I might have to ask you to make one for my father. I would be willing to pay.

  4. Heehee, I remember this! Seems like no one has the patience to grow their own bloody facial hair! They'd rather you just whip some up for them. XD

  5. Too funny!! You should take a pic of your brother modeling your next project :)

  6. Does your brother live in the north where it is sooooo cold right now??? I bet alot of people up there would love one of these!

  7. That's hysterical--I've never seen those before! Good luck w/ your project!

  8. ROFLMAO>> good luck with the project.. Maybe you can send one up to the north pole for Santa!

  9. Ha! I've never seen anything like that before! The mustache will be a nice finishing touch!

  10. hahahahahaha I think I need to knit a beard and scarf and maybe a dishcloth if I could ever figure it out ~~ oh boo =)

    Love you friend,

  11. OTFL!!!! I love it :) I've never had spam before...but I assume only the finest establishments sell it these days :)

  12. Okay, that is so cool!! I say include the mustache, that will get lots of compliments for sure.


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