Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Wrap up....

We headed over to my parents for our Christmas with my side of the family.  It feels like its a journey with this bridge thing still, STILL, happening.  Off we went on our adventure.  Luckily, it was a beautiful day.  Nothing like you'd expect of Christmas.  It was sunny, in the 50's... more like early Spring.  (I'll take it)

We started off digging in for some food.  Always love when we get my mom's potato salad.  She puts the hugest hunks of potato in there... the ONLY way to have potato salad!  Mom & dad get a honey baked ham but since I'm going on a YEAR (wow... cant believe its been a year) of not eating certain meat, I was all about a cheese ball my sister in law made. 

The twins were laughing at me because I think I ate a whole box of Triscuits with it... Madi is holding up what was left... & let me tell you, this cheese ball was HUGE... Yes, my name is Rebecca & I'm a cheese ball addict.

If you have little ones in your home at Christmas, you know there is no time to waste to open presents.  The twins were eee--xxx--ciiii--tttttt-eeeddddd to get going into the packages. 

Doesnt it feel like you take days to wrap everything up to see kids devour it in 0.02 seconds?  Its one of those magic things of Christmas ...

Here is a picture of the twins in some Angry Bird blankets I had found.  They had their birthday cake in October in Angry Birds so I knew they would like 'em... I wasnt wrong... I had to laugh because if you saw the picture I took of them a few weeks ago, Sophia had her head leaned over the exact same way ... my mom keeps telling her something must be wrong with her neck :)

The best part of Christmas for me was this little blondie.  She is into football this year.  She watches it with her daddy every weekend & all she told me she wanted was a football & a football jersey.  Well, her favorite team is Green Bay, but I couldnt find anything & she didnt really tell me she wanted a specific team - she just wanted a "REAL" jersey.  So I found this one & went ahead & got it for her.  I gave it to her & said, "I know this isnt probably what you want, but its better then nothing" - when she opened it up, her face just kinda froze.  I thought, "Great, she hates it".... but then, the biggest smile came across her face & she grabbed it & ran in the back room & changed into it... SUCCESS!!!!

I saw my brother & sister in law at the grocery today & she said that they MADE her not wear it for the 3rd day in a row so they could wash it :)  If nothing else worked out for Christmas, putting a smile on this girls face made it all worth it....

I had asked Sophia what she wanted for Christmas too... she wanted a camera.  Come on... a camera?  How could I not get her a camera?  She was so happy to get it... it was even purple ... who doesnt want a purple camera?  I wish my Nikon's were purple! I love the one picture of her trying to figure it out in the corner....

Time for the girls to give their present to their Yaya...

Apparently, my mom was very surprised... or maybe that's just where I get my dramatic gene from, that Sophia has as well... we pass down the good genes in our family....

If you didnt know, my mom is a Wizard of Oz NUT.... Nut doesnt even put it properly... Fanatic?  Crazy? Obsessed?  None of the words seem appropriate... but she didnt have this for her collection so she was just happy to get a new piece.  I love this expression on Sophia's face looking at her.  She either doesnt like it, or she's mimicing the witches face.... my money is on the mimicing... again, with the drama gene.

Madi was checking out her presents with her Papaw.... they are best buddies.  Dad had gotten her something to carry her Hot Wheels in since hers was full & she just didnt know where to put them all.... cue a great Christmas present for her

Here's my brother... doesnt he look wise with his little glasses?  I would have taken a picture of my sister in law, but she did nothing short of threaten my life if I took a picture of her.  She's the one who made the cheese ball I scarfed down, so I owed her one.  And since I didnt take out my camera when I had no make up on earlier, I totally understood.  Christmas at my families is everything relaxed & lay back ... perfection... the best way to spend a Christmas day....

The girls both got an "Etch N Sketch" too... I didnt even know they still made them.  I was reminded that even Buddy uses them in Elf... OH YEAH! :)  But we cracked up when one of the twins played with it & then asked her mom, "Where's the button to clear the screen?".... yep, this generation is different from mine.

Madi couldnt take it any longer... she still had her football & it was nice out, so her Uncle Ricky came to the rescue.  Outside to toss the football.  Madi's pretty good too... I think this was the highlight of Ricky's day too.

And then Sophia was out taking pictures of her sister with her new camera.  I was behind her taking pictures of her, taking pictures... but love this look she gave me when she saw what I was doing :)

The sun was setting so time to come inside... you see Madi didnt stop with the football action...

but it's fun to just sit around with family & tell stories & enjoy being together...

I can just hear my dad's laugh when I look at this picture....

We got ready for our "journey" home & we actuallhy stopped at McDonalds for some sweet tea.  I cant believe they were open... & we sat in the drive-thru line for 25 minutes... for sweet tea.... but we didnt mind.  Ricky & I just sat back & gave a sigh of relief that we made it through Christmas...

Oh yeah... & we got home & had one last thing... our Birthday Cake for Jesus!!!

I try to have one every year for the twins, so they definitely know what the day is about... & on the way to my mom's - 40 minutes away from the house, Ricky said, "Do you have the cake?".... DAAANNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!! I forgot it... so no cake for the twins... but a fresh cake for us when we got home.  There's the final sigh of Christmas... a sugar rush :)

JESUS went all 80's with His birthday cake :)  Look at that neon pink & green... totally RAD!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day with friends, family & celebrating our Jesus' birth.

And for the record, Ricky & I went out the day after Christmas... I have 6 gifts already for next year... go me!


  1. I am so very proud of you for sticking with the vegetarian diet for this long. It's been a year today that I started my vegan diet, and I'm feeling so good. It's great knowing that you're up there doing the same thing.

    Love all of your pictures and the stories that go with them. You're an amazing woman with an amazing family. You constantly inspire me with the love that you show for the ones you love.


  2. Yep, that's one rockin' Christmas alright. And I'm so thrilled that Jesus loves the 80s as much as I do. Although I bet he surly misses Martha Quinn on MTV. Ah, the good old days. Anyway. I'm glad that you had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by loved ones.
    And take it easy on the snacks, you big Cheese Ball!

  3. It sounds like a wonderful Christmas Day! Love all the pictures. The kids are all so cute.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Just finished reading all your Christmas posts - looks like you had a great time :)

    Happy late birthday to Ricky. I gotta say, he does NOT look 50!


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