Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Texas Time!

I'm offically in Texas! I have offically met little Isaac & am offically in love! He's the cutest little man I've ever seen - & I dont care what anyone says - his hair is red!!! Especially in sunlight! The flight - UGG! We had half the time in turbulence & I'm begging Ricky to rent a car to drive home. But 2 hrs compared to 18 driving? I know, I know....But I dont want to think about it for the next few days - I just want to enjoy this little baby! Oh yeah, I've already taken tons of pictures but didnt bring my "link-up thingie" - Maybe I can use my phone & download a picture or two. I'm already trying to figure out ways to sneak Isaac back with me - & I'd like to get Julie back with us too!

Oh yeah, dont let anyone fool you - Mr. Ricky was just as scared on that flight with this turbulence! IT WAS BAD! Even the landing gear was messed up - when the wheels came out for landing - the whole plane shook & the worst noise came out from under us. Me, being the loud person I am, said, in a probably too loud voice - "OH MY, that scared the crude out of me!" - I can't tell you how many people said, "YEP, me too!" - see I'm not alone - I'm just the only one who vocalized my fear!

Thanks to all my buddies who have called to check on me & encouraged me - what would I do without you!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Tomorrow - I will be on a plane! For some, that is exciting & the thought of travel makes them happy. For me - I've literally been sick over it. I'm not a good traveler. I'm pertrified of flying! I've done it a few times & it just never gets easier for me. I think what really sparked it - in 1993 or 1994 (cant remember) - Ricky & I went to Disney flying on a USAir out of Pittsburg & vice versa going home. As we were packing to come home down in Florida, we had the TV on - & a USAir plane going to Pittsburg crashed - no survivors! I was completely freaked out! We were just hours away from getting on plane heading to the same place. People even thought it was our plane!!! I called my parents from Florida. Their reactions - completely different. My mom was telling us to get a rental car & drive home. My dad's reaction - "What are the odds of 2 planes crashing within 12 hrs time" - (I see me & Ricky in that - completely different reactions to things!)

Needless to say, we flew home. Over half of the flight had cancelled & the huge plane was very empty - almost ghostlike. The air traffic was so heavy with media going into Pittsburg, we couldnt land. We had to circle for hours before we could land - circling right near where the plane crashed. Our layover was crazy because of all the madness. We didnt know when we would get out. We ended up being 14 hrs late getting home. Ever since that experience - I just dont care to fly.

But tomorrow, I'll hopefully be getting on a plane heading to Texas to see our new grandson. I'm wanting to see this little baby - believe me, its the only reason I will be visiting the airport again. So I'm asking - please pray me through this.

I wish I was one of those people who enjoyed flying - someone who got excited - someone who found fun in getting on a plane in one part of the world & getting off in another part. My travel experience usually consists of nausea, dizziness, a least a dozen crying spells & a few trips to the bathroom! Sound like fun? No, not to me either. Oh well, we'll see how it goes! Isaac is waiting for his Nanny & Pappy! I just need to get that family up here - or at least closer driving distance!

Monday, October 29, 2007

What a weekend!

Here's some pictures of the weekend. I forgot the camera at Amber's birthday party & I wish I did have it because those kids were adorable! And a picture of Rollie holding the pinata would have been priceless - but I learned my lesson & had it with me the rest of the weekend!

The scavenger hunt was full of fun! Lindsay must have got off early because when we did our annual "Lindsay picture" - she was already out of Cracker Barrell - darn it! Me & Ryan got to drive the church van & join our team so there was us two plus 10 kids - a total of 12 - that equals tons of fun! Loading in & out of that van with that many kids was a sight in itself - those kids were fast! The highlight of the night - when the police pulled us over! Oh yeah - dont think the worst, I wasnt driving - it was Ryan! And everyone knew immediately it wasn't for speeding - that van has NO pick up at all to even REACH the speed limit. We just didnt have our lights on & the van door was open - it was in the process of being shut. We had the routine of driving, slamming the brakes & the door would automatically shut - saving time for our hunt. Well, we lost all that time waiting for the cop to check out everything - we lost 20 minutes - not good! The police was very nice, understanding & told us to stay safe. He did see we had all the kids in seat belts & believe me, we were very careful with that van load of kiddos! The funniest part - all the kids were too busy taking pictures of the policeman & the flashing lights! It will surely be a memory they will NEVER forget! I'm just glad it was Ryan driving & not me! And we seriously didnt even realize we didnt have the lights on - we were just concentrating on the next clue & the next stop - we were into the game! We came in 3rd place - not the first I had hoped for - but still, a medal position! Hey - there were 6 or 7 teams (never got that straight) - so I told the kids - we are better than most! Find the positive! I think our night was the 1st place in fun though!

The next day - we had our Making Strides walk. I was so grateful for the people who came out & walked. It ended up being such a beautiful day & I was excited because the walk took us over the 2nd street bridge - what a view! I saw in the paper that there were over 10,000 people - I believe it! It was an amazing thing to see so many people come together for a cause. You could see so many signs for support & signs for people in memory of, & you realize how many people "cancer" has touched! As mentioned before - our team was "TEAM VICTORY" in honor of 2 things - 1st, our dear friend Vicki Meredith who is an awesome SURVIVOR! What a woman she is! Her faith in God, the way she handles herself in daily life & the way she handled her fight with breast cancer - she's just amazing! 2nd - we named it that because we claim Victory over everything in Christ's name! It couldnt have been a better name! The cutest part of the day for me - I'd look & Vicki & Steve (her husband) were walking holding hands - aahhh, they are just the cutest couple in the world! What a supportive husband! I just can't say enough about those two - and their whole family!

Of course, the walk couldnt just be a walk for us GCC'ers - we had a game of TAG going on - & before you know it - it became some serious stuff! We were scattered out - chasing, running - laughing the whole walk! People were staring wondering what the heck we were running from! It was great fun! But we all crossed the finish line together - even running through the end! It couldnt have been a more perfect day - especially for us to celebrate our anniversary!

Then me & Ricky got to end our day with another AWESOME "God-talk" with Ryan. We can get into some DEEP conversations that lead to topic after topic. This one started with my fear of flying & ended with the topic being "Is there free will or is life pre-destined?" - I'll have to mention highlights from that talk at another date - I know this is getting pretty long! It was some good stuff! I was in tears sitting between Ricky & Ryan, so you know it was some good God-talking going on! What an awesome God we serve!

Enjoy the pictures & thanks again for all the people who walked Sunday - you are all amazing to come out & support a great cause! Next year, we need to double our numbers - get a GREAT game of TAG going on!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today has been 12 years of marriage for me & Ricky. That blows me away to think of 12 years - we've been together 15 years. Where does the time go? I have to say - its always an adventure! I hope you enjoy some pictures from our big day. It was truly a day I'll always remember - the perfect wedding day! 12 years down - a lifetime to go!

(Look how little the girls are...that just shows how much time has passed!)

(Me & my dad dancing)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Feel like a kid again!

Remember that feeling when you were in school - the last day before Christmas vacation, or Spring Break, or forget about the whole 3 months of Summer vacation. The anticipation of that final bell ringing couldnt get here soon enough. That's where I'm at today - 4:00 - please get here! I'm on vacation next week! I'm itching in my seat even as I speak (or type if you want to be technical!) So much to catch up on before I leave - dont even want to think how much I have to catch up on when I get back either - just want that week off!

Vacation will start tonight with plans already for the whole week. Tonight - I'll be enjoying a kid's Halloween party that Amber is throwing for her kiddo's & their friends. I'm supposed to be helping but I have a feeling I'll be involved in the fun with the kids! I always enjoy being around kids - they're need to have fun without caring about what they look like - that's all for me!

Tomorrow- the fun REALLY happens. The youth (both junior & senior high) are involved in a scavenger hunt. Last year, it was probably one of my top 10 fun things that happened - I think we laughed the entire night - sore stomachs the next day! The kid's personality really shines through on outings like this - & its such a fun time to spend with them. And bring in competition - I'm there! (My team WILL win by the way!) Last year, one of the funniest moments - we have to stop in different places that we figure out by the clues. We ended up in Corydon & I knew Lindsay was working (at McDonalds at the time) - I asked my team if we could run in there for a second. They were all for it. We shot out of the car, ran into McDonalds - my team of girls just started yelling "Where's Lindsay?" - poor Linds...she looked so confused. We made her come around to take a picture with us & as you can see by the look on her face - she wasn't quite sure what just happened. She said everyone in McDonalds laughed about it all night long. I do know for a fact, she will be working again this Saturday - now at Cracker Barrell - so if you are in Corydon Saturday night - I have a feeling you'll be seeing my team come in for our annual "Lindsay picture". It doesnt give us any extra points - but its just fun to bring others into our night of scavenger hunting!

Sunday - its our big "Making Strides for Breast Cancer" walk! I'm so anxious to walk together for such a great cause! TEAM VICTORY! And, Sunday is also mine & Ricky's 12th wedding anniversary! I'll have more to say about that later. (Maybe even a wedding photo from the big day!)

Then later in the week - the trip to Texas. I dont even want to talk about the trip though. For those who know me - I'm not a plane person & I have literally gotten sick twice just thinking about it - no joke! ..... I'm getting nauseated & dizzy now just mentioning it - I've got to change the subject!

So, I'm watching the time tick. At 4:00 - you know there is going to be at least one happy person in the world. I may even get some recycled paper & throw it in the air as I walk out the door. Truthfully, I know the week will fly & I'll be back to my little hole in the corporate world in no time - but I'm going to enjoy every minute away!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thanks Jen!

I just received the best gift in the whole world yesterday in the mail! First, let me tell you about Jen. I met Jennifer when she was working with the motorcycle company that I do the books for. Her fiancee at the time was a sponsored rider & she ended up working in the office side of it. We instantly clicked as friends. Time changed things, she left the job, left her fiancee, & ended up marrying her best friend & moving to Canada (a great story made for the movies) - we never lost touch with each other. That's been at least 4 years since she's been gone from Kentucky & we still talk at least weekly to each other.

She sent me in the mail yesterday a scrapbook she has been working on for months (months meaning over a YEAR!). Now, in her defense, she is also a new mom to a GORGEOUS little boy, & she also helps with her husband's family business & her favorite hobby is building homes - Yes, BUILDING homes! The girl was on a roof when she was 7 months pregnant! Is she wacky? Maybe that's why we're such good friends!

This scrapbook is truly the most amazing gift anyone has ever given me! I need to take pictures of the pictures (make sense?) to show how amazing it is. And its not even the "scrapbook" that is so special - its the memories she has captured & put in such a beautiful form. There are pages of the twins when they were born, pictures of Ricky & the 3 girls, pictures of my doggies, my parents, pictures of friends, even a STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMAN PAGE!!!! - & so many pictures of Stephanie throughout! Jen did a page with the picture of me & Steph on our "Re-baptism" day - I sat & just bawled when I saw the way she captured that day. There is an envelope for me to write my memories down & seal up on that page - see, capturing the memories!

If you've ever made a hand made gift for someone, you know the work & the heart that is invested in that. I can only imagine the work that is in this album - & I am so thankful for the heart that Jen has put into it - I can't thank her enough!

The good news - I spoke with Jen this morning & she told me that now the album is done - whenever I have pictures that mean anything to me - just mail them to her & she can easily add a page to my album! Oh man - she doesnt even know what she's started! She knows how I LOVE to take pictures of everything! I already told her the first package of pictures will be on their way up when I get back from seeing Isaac! I'm going to keep capturing those memories!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Baby Got Book!

Check this out! I'm a fan of the 80's music anyways -& this take, I loved it! It really has some good & creative lines in it! I totally want a KJV necklace now! I take that back - I'd have to have a NIV one made!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Steven Curtis Chapman Day!

Today is a good day! First - 3 things most everyone knows about me.
1. I LOVE yarn (& knitting)

2. I LOVE Beauty & The Beast (& anything Princess)


I have been a fan of Steven Curtis Chapman for as long as I can remember! When Ricky first met me - he was like, WHO? But now, I've made Ricky listen to every CD the man has, & every concert that has come around with him in it - Ricky can probably tell you facts about SCC he didnt even know he knew!

I think this is like the 18th CD that SCC has put out - & yes, I have EVERY one of them! I just love this man for what he does! His music inspires me, & to learn about him, you can tell he is a man of God who loves his family & loves his Lord! I've watched his children all grow up, even seeing some of them in concert when they were so young - & now, his sons PLAY with him! And now, the fun thing is to see the 3 daughters he has adopted from China come to the concerts & talk to the crowds. You've got to love a guy from Paducah, Kentucky!

I can't even remember how many times I've seen him in concert! I have to say, the best one I think I can remember the best is a few years back when he played at the Louisville Palace! It sold out so quickly - he did 2 shows (one the next night!). That also sold out! We love our Kentucky boy! We were just a few rows back from the stage which made the whole experience even better. Nicole Norderman opened for him (she's probably my favorite female singer) - but the concert, WOW - he had the man who inspired the movie of "The End of the Spear". The story of a native tribe who killed missionaries that came to spread the word of God. Years later, a missionary that was killed, his son went back & actually became friends with this tribe! The son & the man from the tribe were at this concert together sharing their story! Talk about bone chilling, goose bump moments - it was one of those moments you just couldnt ever forget if you wanted to!

The last three times I saw SCC in concert, my friend Stephanie was with me - I tried to get her hooked on him too - she was a die hard Michael W. Smith fan though - we had fun arguments over that! If you remember the 80's and a fan of Christian music - you understand the argument, who's better - Steven or Michael? They're both great - but I still think Steven wins by a nose!

So today - at lunch - you will find me in line with SCC's new CD in hand - anxious to pop it in & learn all the words to these songs! I've already heard that the "Cinderella" song is wonderful for us Princess fans! CANT WAIT!

(these pictures are actually from one of the concerts we saw SCC in - & that's Steph's hand, Praising the Lord during it - just a simple picture with an impact!)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Lindsay

The baby is 19 years old today! I can't believe it - shoot, she can't believe it! I came into Lindsay's life when she was 4 yrs old. She has told me before that she cant really even remember a time when I wasnt there. Its been amazing watching her grow into the young woman she is. She truly has such a compassionate heart & probably worries more about every one else's feeling more than herself more than anyone I know.

Its great because me & Lindsay can sit for HOURS on end & just talk about things - fun & serious. I just enjoy her so much - blessed to have her in my life.

And as you can tell from the picture - she got some yarn for her birthday. I got the blame for her addiction to yarn, but I was quick to put the blame where it truly belongs - with Julie who taught us all to knit! So we enjoyed Lindsay birthday having lunch with friends, then going shoe shopping & ending it with a birthday cookie, & knitting for hours on a new project. A perfect birthday for a teenager? She thought so! We love you Lindsay - you'll always be our baby!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Here is it - (Thanks Barry for posting it on You Tube!) I still get chills every time I see it. And for those who dont know - I was "Suicide" - the masked one! It was DARK in that thing too! When the lights flashed out & I had to catch Jordan - I barely could make her out. Its awful hard to breath in that as well! All worth it though!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Comfort in storms

Oh, when it storms at night - I dont get much sleep. See, Bruno, our little Carine Terrior (think Toto from Wizard of Oz) gets terrified when it storms. I mean TERRIFIED! Poor little thing just panics & runs around, & then wants to be held, then wants to run again - then wants to hide again - a cycle this is very tiring throughout the night. Bruno has legs that are about an inch long, so they are not made for jumping. We have those little steps that he can walk up to get on the bed - well, he cant even jump from those, but at least, he can climb up to the top & I can pick him up easier from that top step. (I pulled my shoulder out of socket lifting him up from the floor at 3:00 AM one time) Zoe - she is afraid as well, but as long as she can get in a closet or under a bed, she's fine. As for Sydney & Buffy - they could care less. I've actually seen Buffy lay in the yard in the middle of a horrible down pour, like the sun was shining (she's the lab - they love water).

This morning, on the 100th time of picking Bruno up, something spooked him & he just ran up next to my head, buried his head under my neck & shook like a leaf. It would have been so cute if it wasnt so heart breaking to see him so scared. Of course, I'll hold him & tell him he's going to be OK, hide his face so he doesnt see lighting, turn the TV on trying to drown the thunder - shoot, I've even camped out in the basement with the TV up full blast before so he could lay down & not worry.

Made me many times do we get in the middle of storms in life, panic, shake, try to find comfort or shelter somewhere. All the while, God is holding us, telling us "It's OK" - God knowing nothing is going to happen to us that He wont allow, God trying to soothe us, but we just dont understand - we're just afraid, not understanding the fear we're living in. I can hold Bruno & KNOW he's going to be OK - but he doesnt know it. Does God see it that way too?

I hear its going to storm again tonight - another restless night ahead. I'm glad God doesnt need sleep like I do!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Good news/Bad news

I have the book "Laughter is the Spice of Life" that I got from the last Women of Faith conference (LOVE those things!). I try to read one page each day to savor the book - I dont want to zoom through it too fast. Get a chuckle a day - how good is that!

I ran across this little joke that just felt so appropriate for our church. With Greenville in prayer & our goal for a bigger church to be built - I got a really good laugh from this - hope you do too!>>>>>>>>>>>>>

One Sunday morning a minister got up & announced to his congregation: "I have good news & bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is - its still out there in your pockets!

(Gotta find humor in everything!)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Exciting day!

I'm so excited! I open up my email this morning & find my invitation to join! This is a knitting/crochet web site that stores so much information! You can put your projects that are still on the needles, projects you've finished, projects you want to work on - it even holds all the stash of yarn you have laying around the house & keeps tracks of all the needles you own! Its pretty amazing if you are a knitter. The one thing, so many people try to get on there - there is actually a waiting list once you subscribe. When I asked to subscribe, I was told there was 1,457 people in front of me waiting for approval - YIKES! But every day, I would move up, & you can see the people who are behind you waiting too - the number grows daily! So today, when I opened my email & saw I'm FINALLY invited - WHOO-HOOO!!! Its going to be a good day!

OK - now I got that out of my system, let me tell you about Ryan & his day yesterday! Poor guy woke up feeling horrible! He said his head was killing him like no other headache had ever hit me. It sounded like a migraine to me - the kind where every step you take, you feel it in your whole body & it makes you want to throw up? Now imagine that sort of pain with each step & then run up 7 flights of stairs, a few times, with a 80 lbs water hose over your shoulder! Oh my!

Plus, we called Ryan early to let him know of the traffic coming across the bridge. Anyone else sit in it yesterday? I'm on the expressway at 6:30 AM & I sat in it for 35 minutes - (how do you get car sick in an idle car - I can do it!) Ryan left early but still, things weren't cleared up & he sat in traffic, watching the clock tick by. This was not adding to his headache. He said he just started praying "God, if you want me at this test, you'll clear whatever is holding me back - you'll send the angels now to get me there" - He got there!

Once he was getting ready to start the test, he really didnt even think he was going to make it - he was in so much pain with his head. The time started & he was off. He said about half way through, he almost gave up - the pain in his head was making him just so sick. He told me though what he wanted to focus on was the pain his mom endured with her cancer & how she fought it so bravely - I think that's what gave him the courage to go on. He thought his time was horrible - with the way he was feeling, there was no way he made his goal of under 7:00 minutes. He struggled to the finish line - his time....6:54!!!! Can you believe it! He couldnt! I told him, angels were picking him up carrying him along! We cant even imagine what his time would be if he was feeling well!!! He was soooo happy - but still feeling bad. Poor thing - he called Ricky, told him the news, & then said he was going to bed. I talked to him last night & he said he came home, soaked his muscles & then slept - he was feeling better last night. I think the devil was just trying to mess things up - but doesn't he know how many people were covering this boy in prayer! And once again, it worked - God is so good!

So Ryan wont hear anything until all the tests are complete - probably in another 2-3 weeks. Then, the only steps that are left is an interview process, a physical & lie detector test - all of which he'll have no problems. It looks like our boy Ryan could be a firefighter! Keep lifting him up! Let's get him in the class, leading the way with prayers!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Today's the test!

Only a few hours before Ryan's test! Pray hard for him. He was feeling the nerves all day yesterday. We were able to hang out with him for 99% of the day & we tried to get those nerves out of him by some physical activity. We enjoyed playing tennis together, but it took a 8th grade girl to kick all of our adult butts around that court! Hey - me & Jordan tied so I "officially" didn't get beat! The test is in less than 2 hrs! He told us he would call us as soon as he found out his time - he's praying for anything under 7 minutes (WOW!) but anything in the low 7 minute range is still great. Just lift up a quick prayer for safety, speed & strength for Ryan this morning! I'll post an update later of the official time!


OK - we just heard from Ryan - poor thing is sicker than a dog today!!!! He wants to spread the word to a few people first on how it went! I'll share the time tomorrow - all I'll say - God is so good! (Wait till you hear the story!)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Kids & Religion

I havent watched the show "Kid Nation" - I did run across it on the first night & got glimpses of how it works. A group of kids are left in this old western town without adult supervision & they have to see if they can run the town on their own. I think its a very interesting concept. Today, I ran across this clip - and apparently, the topic of religion came up. It's interesting to see how these kids handle the situation - how strongly & seriously some of them feel about the topic. Its a good insight as to what kids today think about God & religion.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cheering on!

I grew up watching game shows with my mom - we could compete with the best of them! I guess that's what inspired my love of trivia. I always tell people I'm full of useless information - but at least I know it! Even now, as an adult - I could watch game shows all the time. When we moved to Indiana - we even got the Game Show Nework - AHH, heaven on earth! I dont think my TV ever went off that channel! But atlas, Insight rearranged & we're not able to get it anymore. Maybe God took it away so I could do other things (darn it!)

I like the corny "Price is Right" games (I would SOOO win the "Hole in One" game! - or give me "Plinko!") - my favorite show growing up waas "Card Sharks!" which is sort of like Drew Carey's new show is - based on statistics. Remember "Joker's Wild" - or "Tic Tac Toe" - Oh, those were the days.

Even now, I keep my little TV on my desk at work (do I have the greatest job or what!) and between 10-11, I get my little taste of game shows & trivia mixed together in "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!" It only takes an answer of a few questions & your life could be completely changed! I like to see if I know the answer - but if not, since I'm at work, I'll take advantage of technology & pull up Google & find the answer quick! (If anyone ever needs a phone-a-friend - I'm all over it!) If I know the person is giving a wrong answer - it kills me - I start to do my screaming at the TV like they can hear me! But when people get the answer right - I get so excited for them! Especially people that tell part of their stories & you can tell, this money would mean the world to them.

Isn't it funny how we like to cheer people on - people we'll never meet, people we dont even know. I love to hear stories from others about the good things that happens in their lives or maybe in a friend of a friend's life. It's so encouraging to cheer someone else on - you can't help feel good for someone & not feel good yourself.

Now - if only I could get my application in somehow for "Who wants to be a Millionaire"! (I'd probably bomb out before the $1,000 question!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I woke up this morning - walked out - & I think it is FINALLY Fall! It's my favorite time of year - the colors are just beautiful & I just love jacket or sweatshirt weather. It's just all cozy to me! Driving home through some great tree covered places - I'm anxious to start seeing this cool air make the leaves change. I could stare at red, orange & yellow covered trees for hours amazed at their beauty. My mom use to tell me when I was little that her & her mom would say this time of year is God's coloring book!

But speaking of Fall - I have to share the latest knitting project I just finished. My "Autumn" socks. Now - this is the response I got from my husband when I showed him my socks - "Those are the UGLIEST pair of socks I have ever seen!" - Honesty...hmmm....sometimes, not so good! My response back to him - "I made these for you sweetheart!" (I really didn't, but just wanted to see his reaction!) So, Okay - they may not be the prettiest socks - but they are great for the Fall season - all the oranges & browns. I got this yarn on clearance from Knit Picks last year - (maybe the yarn was so ugly they had to put it on clearance?). I reminded Ricky that I could have spent a good $25 on some PRETTY sock yarn - that changed his tune! (Hehe - I know just where to hit him!)

I did feel a little redeemed though. Me, Ricky & Lindsay were waiting for a seat at Olive Garden (is there ALWAYS a wait there?) & I 99% of the time carry my knitting with me - mainly for times like this - stupid waiting periods. I pulled out my sock & started working on it. A lady came over to me & asked if that was really a sock. Yep! She said she had never seen anyone make a hand made, knitted sock - she was amazed! (It really is quite easy!) Then she said something that made me have to give Ricky my "TOLD YOU SO" look - she said, "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" OH YEAH! So now, when Ricky makes comments about my "ugly" sock - I can remind him of my nameless friend from Olive Garden who has some good taste!
(I wish I had enough yarn left - I would TOTALLY make Ricky a pair for Christmas! HEHE!)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Baby Day

If you've ever been around me for almost any length of time - you've heard me talk about my twin nieces - I think they hung the moon! Well - today, they are 3 years old - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIA & MADI! I can't believe it's been 3 years - I cant remember life without them there! When they were born, Juli (their mommy - yes, another Juli, but this one without an "e") was sick & the rules are the mom's are supposed to hold the baby when they are being transferred to the room. Juli had to be tucked in under warm blanets so my brother carried one baby & I just happened to be there in the recovery room so I got to carry the other baby to the room!!! I had Sophia & got to take her on her first elevator ride! Now, I've never dropped a child in my life - but when you're holding a baby that is just an hour old -& so tiny & wrinkly & red, I was a nervous wreck thinking I was going to trip (now that - I'm good at - just look down at the other post!) All was well - & I've been in love with these girls ever since! Now, they are 3 years old which is a great age - full of fun conversations & lots of attitude. Their birthday party is this weekend so I'm looking forward to spending the day with them celebrating!

On the other baby front - Isaac is coming home today!!! I talked to Julie (with an "e") last night & they were at the store getting everything they needed for the baby homecoming - mainly, bottles & preemie diapers. They have newborn size which are too big (How cute is that!). I told her to take pictures of his first car ride. She said she cant believe they're sending her home with him - a new mom's nerves. She said she doesnt know what to do with him - I think that's why God let's babies sleep so much at first - just so parents can get use to this new person being in the house. Julie said her car looks so funny with a car seat in the back! Reality is really hitting in! But of course, there is tons of excitement there too! I told Steve he better not take his hands off that wheel to turn around & check on Isaac - Julie will be sitting there with him on the trip home. "Dont even change that radio" were my last orders! Julie assured it wont even be on! So wish Julie & Steve lots of luck bringing their new bundle home.

Monday, October 08, 2007

THRIVE Performance

WE DID IT!!! The skit was last night & it was completely amazing! It always blew me away to just watch the video, but actually performing it - it was something to experience. We had practices before & it was alot of work poured in it by alot of people - (thanks Jeremy & Andrew for all the work you put into setting up everything perfectly!) but the time of the actual performance, it took on just so much more seriousness - you could feel the emotion! The audience seemed to really feel the emotion too! At the end, seeing people with tears still in their eyes - it all felt worth it. I've put up some pictures that Lindsay took for me during our practice before - but I need to figure out the way to post the video - unless Barry posts the one they took on You Tube (hint, hint!)

It was great watching the video that Ricky took though afterwards because being on one end of the stage, I cant see the other end - & watching Joe play Jesus - oh, it was chilling! Of course, our little GCC star, Jordan, was excellent, as usual! I'm anxious to see once again if she is sore from being tossed around! Everyone seemed to do such a good job in their roles - & it just touched my heart to see Ryan up there - I could just imagine how proud Steph is of her son! Can you tell - the whole night was full of emotion!

And our Jr. High Leader, Cara - she was fantastic giving her message after the skit - she truly has a heart for these kids & it shows! The smile is still on my face from the whole thing - it was just truly an amazing night!! I feel so blessed to have been a part of it all!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

More pics!

Tell me this little boy isn't the cutest thing in the world! Look at that hair! Dont ask me what those heart shaped things are or what they are for - I dont have any idea - I'll have to ask Julie that - to keep his side burns down? To know he's loved? A baby band-aid? No wonder I'm not a nurse!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Here he is - the first pictures! More are on the way! Julie said the only problem is he cant stay awake for his feedings & he has to gain weight. He's off all machines but they're keeping the IV in him for extra fluid. It was originally in his arm but he was moving them too much - so they had to put it in his head. Look at that hair though - isn't he cute! Julie assures that more pictures are coming!

Friday, October 05, 2007


NO - THATS NOT ISAAC!!!! I'm just dying to see a Baby!!!!..........I think my son in law is enjoying torturing me! We have yet to see a picture of Isaac. Yes - I understand they're still in the hospital & Steve hasn't left either - but the man is a computer specialist! You'd think he'd have like a car full of laptops that he could connect somewhere! You'd think the hospital would have some sort of system where they could send out picture (or even video! - an idea) immediately to family that is far away!
No - I think Steve is enjoying not sending me pictures - making me check my email 1,000 times a day to see if any pictures are there. And even worse - Ricky got to hear Isaac screaming & yelling - so we know he's really real now (I doubt after Julie's pain, she's not doubting he's real) but now we need a face to go with the screams! I dont enjoy torture!

Anyways - last night was our small group again & we had two new people once again join us! We felt at first we had to be on "good behavior" - nah, they fit right in on the laughter we always enjoy there! Our talks ventured from the story of Jesus telling the adulterous woman "No one is left to condemn you - neither do I - Go & sin no more" (LOVE that story) - to the story of Jesus saying "Give to Caesar what is Caesar & give to God what is God". Ricky & his mind working said - "Doesnt everything belong to God - so did Jesus mean to really give to Caesar?" - that led to some great talks. & finally we discussed the two greatest commandments Jesus told us - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind & soul - and Love your neighbor as yourself" ........ it was another great night of talks & deep searching in the Bible. Love that group! And Ricky was the proud "Grand Pappy V" (what a name!) - he had his little "Its a Boy" bubble gum cigars & Mint cigars passing out to everyone! I took a picture of him with his goodies - he was beaming!

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Isaac Lee Bohannon has officially made his entrance into the world! That little boy just was determined not to make his due date of November 15th - but that's OK because all is well!

When we last heard from Julie - it was around 3:30 (this is all my time in Greenville - Julie is an hour behind) & she was heading back to the hospital because she was in so much pain still. They had sent her home around 7:00 am after keeping her over night because no changed happened. Then the next call was around 6:00 pm and she was 5 cm dilated & waiting on the epidural. The next call was at 7:30 pm & Isaac was here - WHAT??? She said while she was waiting for the "miracle spinal shot" - she had dilated to 9 cm already & there was no time for pain meds! So Julie - being the wonder woman she is - had that baby el naturale! She said she screamed like no other scream has ever come out of her before. But she did it! Apparently there was a few minutes of tension but Isaac was born at 6:51 (5:51 Texas time)!

They has to wisk him away since he was born 6 weeks early - but they said he needs no machines because that little snuggly boy is so strong! He's coming in at a whooping 4 lbs 9 oz (I think I'm right on that - may need to adjust it) - & not sure on the length.

So me & Ricky are waiting so anxiously for pictures! I know Steve, the husband/photographer has been busy taking care of his wife, & now, his son so I guess there wasn't time for downloading - but I'm not going to be patient for long! I'm dying to see this little man! You can bet as soon as I get a picture - it'll be posted for all to see!

And the first thing I asked - does he have red hair? Julie said he has a head full of it - but apparently its brown (DARN IT) but I'm still betting it has a red tint to it!

So YIPEE - me & Ricky are officially a Nanny & Pappy!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Baby Watch Begins!

Julie right now is at the hospital! She may be sent home but "Baby Watch 2007" has officially began. She called us last night experiencing really bad pains with her contractions. Now, she's used to having those contractions because she's been having them since 28 weeks along - but the pain was new. She is off all medication to stop this baby from coming - so its possible this was IT! So she headed to the hospital last night around 11:00 pm - this morning - she's still there - still having pains but no changes......last update we received - they're keeping her for another hour to see if changes occur - if nothing, then she'll be sent home.

We're waiting for that call though to hear a little baby cry - its going to be soon!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Its going to be SO good!

Oh - we had our practice last night for our "Thrive" skit - it was so exciting! The first run throughs, it was scary thinking it wasn't going to come together like we wanted it to - then something clicked & we started hitting it - we could all feel the seriousness of the message.

Ideas were being thrown up with lighting & more dramatic movements & the over all affect - oh, its going to be awesome! I am "suicide" so I get to come on the stage near the end so I get to watch alot of it & its just great to see how Joe interprets the "Jesus" emotion - & to see the other "evils" tempt this poor girl. Its really chilling.

I have a mask on where you cant see my face so I actually do have an advantage - I can whisper to Jordan (who is playing the lead) & tell her where to go & what to do if we have to stretch & no one can see my lips move - but by the end - that mask is suffocating me. It gets very hot in it & after all the "fighting" in the end, I need to slide an oxygen mask up to my mouth . At least the skit is not over 6 minutes.

I'm anxous for someone to video tape the whole thing so we can see how it all comes together because once I'm on stage, I cant see Joe or Ryan who is down at the other end & I just cant wait to see it all come together. I hope we get a lot of people to come see this - it will touch the heart!

This morning - I'm SORE! Throwing myself on the floor & catching & throwing Jordan - I got my workout! And poor Jordan - I hope she's feeling OK this morning - she was tossed & thrown & hit that ground so many times. At least she's young & can bounce back easily.

The best part of the night - me & Ryan were hanging out outside the church - it was a beautiful, cool evening & we got to talking - & we were there until almost midnight!!! We talked for over 2 hours! It was a great talk full of memories, laughter & of course, tears. Ricky & I just love that boy. I am just so anxious to see how God uses him because he has such a heart for God! He's so like his mom when it comes to that - I think that's why we are so drawn to taking care of him - we do see so much of Steph in him. Continue to pray for his physical test for the fire department!

And pray for this Thrive skit & the message that Cara will deliver - it can touch so many people - no matter the age!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

This is my mom - Alma! She isn't too happy to think about it - but today is her birthday! I told her, the alternative is alot worse than hitting a number that you dont like. I for one, am glad she's hitting that number - she's still around!

I dont know how to even describe my mom - to me, she's always been a great friend. She's probably one of the coolest, funniest people I know. I can sit & talk with her for hours & no one can get me in a gut laugh like my mom. She's probably one of my favorite people in this world - & not just because she's my mom. Most people probably feel like they HAVE to say that because it's their mother - but I mean it wholeheartedly.

I had to go to physical therapy for my shoulder a few months back & the therapist was the son of one of my mom's best friends. He asked how my mom was & this is how he described her - & I guess it fits - he said "When mom had a party, I didn't ever have to ask if Alma was there - because, if she was there - then she WAS the party!" That's the perfect description of my mom!

And more importantly, my mom (along with my dad) raised me & my brother in the church - always showing us the importance of God in our lives. An unreplaceable lesson in my life. So - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! (Even if you're not happy about it!) I LOVE YOU!
PS - I noticed in the picture - 9 out of 10 times, if you see my mom - she'll have a TAB can in her hand. That's how you'll know its her! (hehe!)