First, I have to thank everyone for a wonderful birthday! As much as I dreaded it - everyone made it so nice - from the e-cards, to the warm wishes in my comments, from phone calls, to surprise goodies, & from cool friends who gave shout outs on their blogs for me (Thanks Lynn & Carolina Girl!!!!) - & even had two sets of flowers sent to me.... its because of awesome people like you that made my day! Seriously - totally made my day - THANK YOU!!!
So today is the last day in the year. Can you believe it? A great time to set those resolutions! It always cracks me up how people think that just because the date is 01/01/?? - that makes it good to start fresh.... especially when we have a Graceful God who makes all things new daily!!!
Anyways - I've got things that I'm going to resolve to stick with through the year....what are they?
OK - don't laugh... I wont be - I'll probably be crying.... I'm actually starting to train Monday for the Mini-Marathon for the Kentucky Derby Festival. Me - Running..... stop laughing! I always wanted to run this before I turned 40 & after yesterday, turning another year older - I need to do it soon. And my Sister in law did it last year - her first.... I was so impressed she did it - & made it un
der 3 hours - I told her I'd do it too. That was in April - darn it - she remembered I said that!!!! So I've got my schedule to train. Starting off the first day - I have to run 3 miles... building up on that... after 7 weeks, on Saturdays (which is the big days to run - I'll be up to 12 miles).... can you hear me laughing? I'm not sure if its laughing or crying myself... but I'm going to give it a go. If anything - I'm hoping to survive... live through this... make it across the finish line - even if its 6 hrs long as they dont have to send a rescue team after me - I'll consider it a success!!!!!
All that is going to lead to my resolution to eat healthier... yes - how many people make that one - but I think training to run - I'm going to HAVE to do this... I wont be able to eat some fried stuff & then jump on the'll feel like a rock in my belly. This should be interesting because I'm not a veggie fan.
So today is the last day in the year. Can you believe it? A great time to set those resolutions! It always cracks me up how people think that just because the date is 01/01/?? - that makes it good to start fresh.... especially when we have a Graceful God who makes all things new daily!!!
Anyways - I've got things that I'm going to resolve to stick with through the year....what are they?
OK - don't laugh... I wont be - I'll probably be crying.... I'm actually starting to train Monday for the Mini-Marathon for the Kentucky Derby Festival. Me - Running..... stop laughing! I always wanted to run this before I turned 40 & after yesterday, turning another year older - I need to do it soon. And my Sister in law did it last year - her first.... I was so impressed she did it - & made it un

All that is going to lead to my resolution to eat healthier... yes - how many people make that one - but I think training to run - I'm going to HAVE to do this... I wont be able to eat some fried stuff & then jump on the'll feel like a rock in my belly. This should be interesting because I'm not a veggie fan.
But this also leads to another resolution.... I'm going to try to cook more. Now, I did make this last year & I did really well the first few months of the year, but again, having to eat healthy - to train (see how it all ties in together) - I'm going to have to do more of this. Carolina Girl has already tipped me off to the "Biggest Loser Cookbook".... I heard easy ingredients & recipes - that's what I'm talking about!
Also, my blog buddy, Deidre is challenging people to memorize scripture. I love
my time to read my Bible daily - but I want to hold it tight to me... I want to store it away. So I got a little leather book that fits in my purse & will be writing down a verse every few days - until I get it down & memorizing it! Of course, my love of sign language - I'll learn it that way as well. It actually helps me to memorize it since I'm a big "talking with the hands" person. Ricky says if you tie my hands down, I wouldnt be able to talk - its true!
So that's what I'm resoluting (is that a word?) ... I think it takes care of my mind, body & soul.... all three covered. I've got to be sure to link this up to my friend Lianna - she's keeping track of everyone's resolutions... can't wait to see how many are the same - or different!
Also, my blog buddy, Deidre is challenging people to memorize scripture. I love

So that's what I'm resoluting (is that a word?) ... I think it takes care of my mind, body & soul.... all three covered. I've got to be sure to link this up to my friend Lianna - she's keeping track of everyone's resolutions... can't wait to see how many are the same - or different!
Be safe tonight... I always worry about OTHER people driving!!! I just hope Ricky & I can see midnight come in - we both have early mornings going to work.... odds are good for me - not so good for Ricky... we'll see