This week I am Thankful For:
Bible Study on a Monday morning
It was so nice to be able to meet up with some friends to talk about the study we are looking at together - Job. We got to meet up early, let the kids play downstairs, & didnt even have to worry about make up, or getting out of sweat pants & just get to love on one another. It made it a perfect day off.
Starbucks app
So there's just 3 of us doing this study together & one of the ladies was driving up & text & said, "I'll be stopping by Starbucks if anyone wants anything" - ding ding ding!!!! In steps the Starbucks app where my friend told me when she was leaving & I placed my order on my phone, was able to pay for it & all she had to do was pick it up when she picked hers up. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? I love technology... some times....
Day off
I still am so excited I get Martin Luther King Jr. day off now at my job.
Colorectal PA
So obviously, since its discussed every day of my life now - I'm in with the colorectal specialist that I just really am so glad I found. But the Physician's Assistant that works with the doctor is whose been seeing me on all these follow up appointments & she's just incredible. She's always in the room when the doctor sees me too - & was there at my surgery - so she's not stranger. But she's just the kindest lady. While I really like my doctor, she's a In-out-fast kinda doctor & the PA? She will literally sit & answer every question you have, make sure you're doing OK - just has a really personal one on one touch. I just really am glad I found this team. Wish I didnt NEED them, but glad I found them.
Hair Day!
The gray was BAAAAAAD! I may have gone through a quarter of that hair spray that's out now for the past week & a half.
... root spray...
Let's add that to the list too! This stuff is amazing! Anyone else with roots showing use it? It matches my red so well too. I am always terrified they're going to stop making it & want to hoard up on it. Screw you Marie Kondo!

Ease of library
I just love that I can go find a list of books I want online at my library, click that I want to check them out & BAM - the next day, they are sitting on a shelf for me & all I have to do is walk in, grab, check out & go. It's so fast & easy. I honestly dont understand how more people dont take advantage of libraries.
No mail
Well.... this was a bad thing that turned into a good thing. We didnt have any mail that came in one day & I hated it that I was going to be behind on things, but man, it came at the perfect time because I have another part of my old job that I've taken with me into my new position & it takes about 3-4 hours to do & I wasn't sure when I was going to be able to do it. I just figured late nights & over time or weekend work - but this day opened up just in time for me to get this task done. Perfect timing!
I was glad I remembered to get out & get some stamps before the price increased on Sunday. I will buy a few stamps that I like to keep for a collection & it was funny, I bought an extra Scooby Doo (Ricky LOVES Scooby Doo) & put them with my old stamps (A lot of Disney stamps & Harry Potter & super hero stamps) - I look back & see my stamps that I have that were like 19 cents & 24 cents & 29 cents.... man, those were the days, huh?
I honestly have been struggling to read this year. Just havent been in the mood & haven't really had the time like I used to have for reading. So I was excited for the #24in48 readathon that pushed me to set things aside & grab a book. I ended up getting through 3 books & I was glad for the reminder that I can get through a book straight in a few hours.
Book Light
I got this off of Amazon a few weeks ago & was so excited to give it a try. I LOVE IT! It has 3 different settings to adjust the strength of the light & it's rechargeable. So no batteries needed. The charge is supposed to last quite awhile too. I used it for about 2 hours one night & another hour the next & its still bright & strong. Heres the link (& reminder - nothing ever on my blog is affiliated - just in case someone is interested)

What are you Thankful for this week?
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