OK - I have to share with you a dream that I had... I dont know what it means - but it was SOOO vivid.
It started with me in my wedding dress & the day I got married. It was like a Christmas Carol moment, where I was back in time, watching myself from a distance - like the Ghost of Weddings Past took me back in time.
There I was, young (& skinny) & in my great, awesome, wonderful dress... & I was watching myself at my wedding - enjoying the moment, enjoying the people around me, just enjoying the day.
Then, it was like the scene shifted & I was standing in front of a sewing dummy - where they put dresses on to sew up... I have no idea what they call that - but see them on Project Runway. My wedding dress was on the mannequin, but then it shifted... it changed like something you'd see in a computer program - it moved around, fabric shifting, it was crazy! And it transformed into like a party

dress....& in the back ground, I could see stories of my life - things Ricky & I have done- seeing Lindsay & Alaina & Julie & family in the back ground - fun things, laughter - all behind this dress...
Then the dress shifted again & it turned into what I call a "Mother of the Bride" dress - & I could see in the back ground the girls all grown up - & the twins all grown up - & just an older life for myself.... it was the most bizarre thing! Again, the dress just shifted...
Finally - it shifted one final time & it was like a dress that you would put on someone for a funeral. It didnt freak me out - I was just amazed that I was watching this dress change....
But the thing that really was crazy - a bag then covered the dress - like a dressing bag that is over a beautiful dress to protect it...& it was white - & then writing in black came across it & it said, "Have no regrets"....
I woke up with my eyes wide at 5:00 am ....
It was just so vivid & bizarre & touching ....
Maybe because I watched a bunch of recorded "Say Yes to the Dress" ??? - & I think after the Matthew West concert with the song "Going through the Motions" & how he was saying at the end of your life, may we never say "What if I had given everything"...
I have to say - it made me look at my day differently....
Have no regrets.....