We had to run into Sam's Club to get some dog food & I saw Robin Roberts' book. I had wanted to read it from the moment I heard about it, but honestly, forgot about it until I saw it. I grabbed it instantly & put in my cart. We had to stop at another store on the way home for Ricky & I stayed in the car. I opened the book & started reading the first chapter... then the next... & the next... all while waiting on Ricky. It's so good. I can't wait to finish the whole thing. Something about her is just so personal & endearing.
{TWO} Summer TV Shows
So You Think You Can Dance, Extreme Weight Loss edition & America's Got Talent started this week! YAHOO!!!
Remember the time when Fall TV would have season finales & there would literally be nothing on all summer long except reruns or weird specials. Now, there's a whole set of summer shoes that are just as exciting to me & I look forward to watching. My poor DVR never gets a break anymore.
Now, waiting for Big Brother to start next month & Summer TV is complete....
{THREE} Bop it! Smash
I have no idea why Ricky bought this little game one day. But we are 2 competitive people & you can play against each other or single rounds. What we end up doing is playing single & seeing who can get the highest score. Ricky kept it for weeks at 129.... & then the other day, miracle of miracle, I got 130... I was all "IN YO' FACE!" & then of course, Ricky snagged it out of my hands & played it & instantly got 145...
Back to the Bop it Smash drawing board.
This battle can last for a lifetime... or until one of us throws & breaks this machine.
{FOUR} Graduation Parties
The one thing about working in Youth Ministry? I'm never bored during graduation season. I have about 5 invitations on my refrigerator for parties. It always blows my mind to see these kids grow up so fast. I get to be a part of their life when they go into 6th grade & I get to hang out with them & get to know them as they grow into young adults & start to venture into the world. It happens in a blink of an eye. Here goes another group into their big bright future. I never stop praying for them... no matter how old they get...
{FIVE} Documentary Heaven

So I may have found the greatest web site ever.... Documentary Heaven
A site that has hundreds of documentaries you can watch for free.
There's something about good documentaries that shows real life in a new way that I just love. I could get lost on this page for hours at a time... Good thing its called "Food for your brain"