Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Favorites

Image result for friday favorites knit by god's hand

Favorite Nook

We love this cozy reading nook idea for kids -- turn a small space, like a closet, into a DIY book nook!

OK... I want to tear everything out of my foyer closet RIGHT NOW & make this happen!
& you'll know always where to find me.

Favorite Knit

I'm really thinking of buying this kit.
I think its a good little knit to wear the warm days but cool nights.
& those colors!!!

Favorite Food Reminders

I'm always looking for healthier snacks!

Favorite Beauty & the Beast

Get Lost in a Book  Beauty and the Beast by ShopQueenofHeartsCo

Favorite Coffee Drink

I need more protein in my life so badly so I may try this.
Especially because the Tone it Up girls just brought out a Cafe Latte protein powder.
That would be delicious in it.

Favorite Dress

Lovely maxi but would prefer without the slit.

Favorite Funnies

Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics

Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics

Morning Funny Picture Dump 36 Pics

Morning Funny Picture Dump 35 Pics

Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 32 Pics

Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 32 Pics

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Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics

.... when I drink my first cup of coffee

GIPHY! ( December 3, 2015 at 10:37PM

.... when I get new yarn for my stash

GIPHY! ( March 7, 2016 at 03:06PM

... when I have no plans on a Saturday

GIPHY! ( March 26, 2018 at 05:47PM

... me at 4:30pm today

GIPHY! ( September 5, 2017 at 06:13PM

Happy Weekend Y'all!!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

BOD, escape artist & creamer equals love {Thankful Thursday #174}

Image result for friday favorites knit by god's hand

This week I am Thankful For:
{Numbers go with my One Thousand Gifts Journal / just ignore}

350 / Coffee Creamer
I didnt know Ricky had picked me up some coffee creamer on his way home till the next morning when I opened the fridge & saw 2 glorious bottles waiting for me in there.  That's love.

351 / Beachbody On Demand
I've kept hearing about this but the TV I work out with didnt have access to it.  We ended up having to get new Roku sticks to get Direct TV Now so I took the old one & put it on the TV downstairs & now, I've got access to all the workouts that BOD has to offer. I'm loving it! So much easier to pull up instead of loading a different disk every day (First world problems) & access to more workouts than I own anyways.

353 / Throat drops
It's allergy season around her & I cant take ANY sort of allergy medicine. I'll take a CHILD'S NON DROWSY allergy pill & still be knocked out for 24 hours. It's ridiculous how bad I am with medicine.  So my throat has felt horrible this week & I've been so thankful for any relief that is short lived with throat drops. I'll take what I can get.

354 / $100 Amazon card
Our last health insurance provider offered a plan where you go on & earn points to get gift cards.  In just a few months that I was using that insurance (November - March) I had earned $100.00 in gift cards & took my choice to get an Amazon card. Well, that baby is already used up but I'm glad I just got $100.00 of stuff for ZERO out of my own pocket.

358 / Lawn mowers work
Every year, that first time turning them on, we hold our breath. Usually, there's something that's stalling or causing issues.  So far, so good though on our mowers. (Knocking on wood)

359 / By the hospital
So glad dad was at the doctor's office for his knee & close to the hospital when he got faint & his blood pressure  bottomed out.

361 / Good neighbors
I always use this for myself all year long for our amazing neighbors - but this time, I've using it for my parent's neighbors.  When mom found out dad was going into ICU, she hated not being at the hospital to see what was going on.  Her neighbor that lives behind them came & picked her up & drove all the way to the hospital & walked her up to the ICU to make sure she was where she needed to be. How kind & thoughtful is that?  He was all dressed up too in a tie & nice shirt & pants - turns out he & his wife were going to a banquet & that still didnt stop him. She got a ride to that with other friends & he was going to meet them there. They are just the kindest people & I love they are near my parents.

367 / Hobby Lobby
I rarely get to Hobby Lobby now that I've changed jobs just because its not as convenient to get to one - so when dad's hospital was across the street from one, I had to run in! & then found ALL YARN was 30% off - a rare sale - I was all over it. I actually stopped in before I went to the hospital & stopped again on my way out just to make sure I got all the yarn I needed.

369  / Ernie safe
I mentioned this on Monday - but I still can't believe Ernie slid out from under the gate in our back yard. But SO THANKFUL Ricky was home when it happened. I was at church & Ricky was actually in his back garage.  & so thankful that Ernie ran back that way - he could have run to the front of the house & been gone & Ricky never even known. I cant even think about it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What's up Wednesday - April 2018

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What We're Eating This Week

Image result for gnocchi

I'm trying my hand this week at some gnocchi
with some mushrooms & a lemon sauce on it.
I'm trying from my Emeals list - so we'll see how it goes.

What I'm Reminiscing About
... when I used to be in shape.
Man... it doesnt take any time to loose every bit of strength & muscle tone & health, does it?
Especially when perimenopause has chased you down & you're counting down the months to menopause.  How unfair is it sometimes to be a woman?

Image result for menopause funny weight gain

What I'm Loving

Image result for stok protein coffee

I'm really struggling lately on getting protein & this is making it easier for me.
It's delicious!!! & has a good amount of protein in it.
I'm going to use this as a little after-workout protein boost.
Ricky likes it too - so needless to say, I bought TWO bottles for the week

What We've Been Up To
Teaching Ernie how to catch a frisbee.
It's so funny because he HAS to jump before he takes off for the frisbee - which totally makes him late to getting to it. We've now tried the method of doing a fake out throw so he'll jump first & then we throw it & he's ready to run.  Ernie is such a weirdo.

Image may contain: dog and outdoor

What I'm Dreading
Not really dreaded, but anxious to see how it turns out....
Started a new blanket for my nieces.
It's driving me nuts because the colors are hideous. Green & yellow.
It almost killed me buying the yarn because I know this is going to be such a strange combo for me to work with
BUT... I get most school colors arent that pretty.
Mine was purple & gold after all - not really the best either.
My brother reminded me its a NFL team's color as well.
Who thought green & yellow was a good combo?  They need to be evaluated.
Image result for green & yellow floyd central

What I'm Working On
Cleaning my front room (my library)
It always becomes our "hold all" room for the holidays & since we had Christmas all the way up to February, it's still got wrapping paper & boxes & all sorts of totes in there.
I want my room cleaned up so I can use it to sit in & read - or at least have my pretty library room back!!!

What I'm Excited About
Warmer weather!!!!
I think we're actually NOT supposed to get any SNOW this week.
Maybe?  Fingers crossed!!!

What I'm Watching / Reading
Since we just added Hulu to our mix, I'm catching up on The Mindy Project.
I forgot how funny this show is

Image result for the mindy project

& I'm also going to catch up on Station 19

Image result for station 19

What I'm Listening To
The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
I'm late to this party & making up for it.

Image result for greatest showman soundtrack

Though I have to say, I'm disappointed in the Soundtrack that the song "This is Me" isnt the one from the movie. It's a remix sort of tape. I want the original. UGH!

What I'm Wearing
...anything that fits at this point in my life....

What I'm doing this Weekend
It's going to be a fun & busy weekend.
1. I'm SUPPOSED to be running a half marathon - so I'm either going to pout about it & go in dential or I may go down with some signs & cheer on my friends that are doing it.
2. There's also a readathon happening on Saturday!!!
3. We're having a fun Joyster date out on Sunday - not sure what we're doing yet.
4. & I have a mini photo session for Mother's Day of a brother & sister.
Gonna be a go-go-go weekend

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
The big Royal wedding!!!!
Yes, I will be up at 4am waiting & watching every minute of it!!!
I guess my invite got lost in the mail.

Image result for harry & meghan

Monday, April 23, 2018

The weekend we ran into complications....

Around these parts, it was a busy weekend for most.

It was Thunder Over Louisville... which if you dont know what that is - its the kick off to the 2 weeks before the Kentucky Derby.  Yes, the Kentucky Derby is the greatest 2 minutes of sports - but around here, its the best 2 weeks in the city.  Any reason for a celebration.

& it kicks off with the largest firework display in the US.  It is pretty impressive if you like that sort of thing.

All that to say... we didn't go. haha. We actually havent gone in years.  I'm the Scrooge of fireworks I think because after 10 minutes, I'm like, "They all look the same" & then I worry about sitting in traffic for hours to get out of Downtown - which is exactly what happens.  So no, we didn't go. 

Let the Derby Festival begin!

In our little world though, it wasn't nearly as exciting.  It just involved a lot of chores & hospital visits.

So I guess I should mention what happened to my dad in regards to all the hospital visits.

It all started on Thursday.  He went for his knee check up from his knee replacement surgery & while he was there, he got really dizzy & said he was getting ready to pass out. My brother & his daughter took him & they even told me he didnt look very good at all.  His BP was CRAZZZZY low too so after talking to his heart doctor's office, they told him to go to the ER.

& that's where we spent Thursday afternoon... into Thursday evening where they admitted him to the ICU with blood clots in his leg (the one that had knee replacement) & they broke off from there & clots have traveled to his lung.  When you do something big - do it SUPER big.

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& since he's been in there, they've since found that he has a blood infection that they have no idea where its coming from.  SAY WHAT?  They originally thought it was from the incision on his knee but it looks really good & clean & scabbing up well to heal.  Needless to say, he's still in the hospital to have tests run to try & find what's going on.... & getting lots of antibiotics to try & get rid of all the infection.

Everyone is asking me how he feels - I mean, you hear infection in your whole body & you think, UGH - that can't make you feel good. He said he actually doesnt feel bad, but its tough on him laying flat & still all day when he just wants to keep working his knee. It's getting tight & stiff on him & I think that's his biggest issue.

We just need this blood infection to heal up.... so calling all praying people!!!  Let's bend God's ear on this one & help my daddy's blood get back to normal!!!  He's got to get out & enjoy that new knee of his!!!

Nothing else was really exciting during the weekend....

A lot of driving... while singing The Greatest Showman soundtrack the whole time....
Finding yarn on sale (PRAISE!)
MSM with my awesome girls
Enjoying some warmer temps (Finally) & some sunshine (Finally)
Catching up on Jane the Virgin (I still havent seen the season finale - so no spoilers please!!!!)

& also freaking out that Ernie CRAWLED out from under our fence to run with the neighbors dog. WHATTTTT???????????????????????????????
Cue the worrying!!!!  Ricky has since got some things to cover the area he crawled out of - but I'll be sitting with my security cameras on 24/7 to make sure he's still in the house/yard.  We just need him to get a little more weight on him & it wouldnt even be an issue... but little slinky boy is just that. Like a little slinky weasel that can slide in & out of anything.

So its Monday & if you need me, I'll just be starting my week worrying over a dozen things.... welcome to the new work week.

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday Favorites

Image result for friday favorites knit by god's hand

Favorite Shirt

Look what I found on #zulily! Graphite Heather '#Dogmom' Tee #zulilyfinds
Favorite Cake

design like a Beauty and the beast cake. Rose on top and the other characters as gumpaste decorations on the tiers.

Isnt this beautiful????

Favorite Jammies

my 80's heart is loving this... & hearing the sound of Pac-Man in my head now

Favorite Motivation

I really want to try this every morning & see how/if it makes any difference in my day or body

Favorite Beauty & the Beast
Primark Sells an Adorable Array of Disney Beauty Products — but There’s a Catch!
Favorite Sweatshirt

This thing is regular $144.00 & is on sale right now on Zulily for $19.99 - WHAT!!!!
(Reminder - I never get throw back on anything I link to - just trying to be helpful)

Favorite Funnies


Friday Morning Funny Picture Dump 33 Pics
(I dont know why this made me laugh so hard but I honestly laughed for like 10 minutes over this)
Saturday Morning Funny Picture Dump 35 Pics

Saturday Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 38 Pics

Afternoon Funny Picture Dump 38 Pics

Morning Funny Picture Dump 33 Pics

Morning Funny Picture Dump 32 Pics

Morning Funny Picture Dump 34 Pics

... every time Alexa confirms what I said in the middle of a 'debate' with the hubs

GIPHY! ( April 9, 2018 at 10:04AM

... when I see any political news show on

GIPHY! ( April 10, 2018 at 10:50AM

... every year when we have to get our taxes done

GIPHY! ( April 8, 2018 at 12:28AM

... me at 4:30 pm today

GIPHY! ( April 16, 2018 at 02:29PM


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