This Week I am Thankful For:
Michigan Mug!!!
The mugs are still coming & y'all! I just get all teary eyed with each one!!!! I am loving collecting them & seeing all the states & what are represented on each one - it makes me feel closer to all my friends knowing more about where they live. & just the thoughtfulness of the time & effort to get these mugs - I cant tell you how its making my heart just sigh with love for every single person who has sent me one!!! A huge THANK YOU to my friend Christina - my fellow book lover, knitter & fitness lover keeping age away best she can! Big HUGS to you my sweet friend!!!!
Aunt help
Mom had to go to the doctor's office on a day my brother had to work - so it took a village. My brother dropped her off at my aunt's house as he went into work. My aunt then took my mom to the doctor's office & stayed with her there... & I went to my aunt's house to pick mom up after I got off work & got mom home. I dont know what we would have done without my aunt's help! Family matters, dont they? Priceless!
Beautiful Day Break
We had one day where we got a break from summer... & coworkers were like, "let's go breath some fresh air" - I was in. It was so nice to just walk around a few blocks & take in the sight of downtown & inhale the
Prescription Difference
My mom got a new medicine to try & when I went to the pharmacy to pick it up, the tech was like, "You may want to wait before pulling out your wallet".... the total was $260!!!! YAZZZHAA!!! & she told me, "Have your mom call & ask them to send it in again & ask for pills, & not capsules"... we did that - & do you know I went back to get her meds & the same pill in this form was $1.67. Are you KIDDING me? How is that possible? I'm just glad it is!
Long lost friend
We have friends that went in the mission field a few years back. & they've been back - which I found out, OVER A YEAR - how did that time go by so fast???? - but I got to have coffee with my friend Kim on Friday after work. It was such a good meet up just to see her & catch up on life & where the Lord is leading her & her family right now - but mainly because she lost her daddy less than a year ago as well & man.... there's just nothing like daddy's girls that can get together & talk about how hard life is without them. The emptiness. The hollow feeling. Just to sit & talk without feeling like you're being judged about the emotions you're going through. It was such a healing time with her. I hope we get together again real soon. I just adore her & her gang!
... & I also hate I'm slacking at getting pics with people... friendships & relationships & moments need to be documented. Not just because I have a blog (which there's that) but I also love the memories myself to look back on. I gotta get my game in check on this.
Make it to HSM
I talked about this on Monday - but so grateful I was able to leave work early to get to my HSM girls Sunday. I dont take for granted one of our meeting times. The next 4 years are going to go by so fast & then they'll be gone to college ... & I'm going to be standing next to all their parents crying with them. "Where did our babies go?"... let's not talk about it just yet.
What are you Thankful For this week?