Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Video

I recently ran across the video from a blog buddy - TIFF..... if you havent seen this - I think you're going to look at the Holidays a tad differently. What we can do as Christians & churches - together.... Please watch... you'll be so thankful you did!


  1. Rebecca,
    This was GREAT!!!!! It was a very true and convicting video.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Have a Blessed Lord's day,

  2. i saw you on sits after my late roll call, but stopped by...few things: ur from am i! two, i am a hs youth ministry peep. third, was getting ready to post this same video on my blog tonight.
    weird! hello to you, tho.

  3. Cute new title layout!!!!!!

  4. That's great, Rebecca! I love handmade and making handmade gifts. To me, there is so much more of a sentimental value. I'm also encouraging my daughters to do the same.

    I had no idea that Americans spend so much on Christmas gifts. That's a shame!!!

  5. So powerful! Thank you for sharing!

  6. WOW what a powerful video! Such a great message! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great video!!! I totally agree. We've decided that instead of giving gifts to everyone, we'd donate money to a worthy organization. This year I think we are donating to the Humane Society.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. That was a great video! Thanks for sharing it!

    Your tree looks really pretty too! Love disney trees!

  9. I love the idea of making something homeade for Christmas or giving the gift of your time for Christmas.

  10. I LOVE that video!!

    I love making gifts, it means so much more.

    *thanks for stopping by! :)

  11. Thanks for leaving a comment on today's post. You have been tagged as a result of my second half of it. Bet you didn't know there was a second half did you.

  12. My daughter has this posted on her site also. Maybe enough people will see it to make a difference.
    Sure need it.


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