Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have said this time & again - but I work at the coolest place ever! They dont mind if you bring your pet in every now & then - & I have taken Buffy, Zoe & Sydney up at different times... I just realized Bruno hasnt made the office visit. I'll need to take him in for a day. Zoe, when she was spayed, tore her stitches out (That's a whole other story... very dramatic) & I was NOT about to leave her at home after she had surgery to put all her "inners" back & had new fresh stitches... she ended up coming to work with me for 4 weeks... she became a regular member of the office. (She wasnt allowed to run or play - so she had her little area... believe me, she had plenty of attention so she didnt mind being in her "caged" area)

Well, one of the guys that works there always had a cocker spaniel named Rocket that he would bring up... this dog is great! But he & his wife split up & she got the dog. Poor dog-less man was so heart broken - even asked for "visitation' with Rocket but it just wasnt enough. He ended up going to a Rescue center & found another cocker... he named him Sprocket! Yeah... from Rocket to Sprocket... he's not very original with names...

Sprocket has been up a few times already & knows which offices to go in for the most attention - but when his daddy leaves the office to run to our front office building, Sprocket will sit by the door & whine for him... already! He's only been in his new home for a week - but he already knows who saved him - who rescued him!

And have you ever been around a rescued animal? I always say I believe they understand they've been rescued. They just seem thankful & want to please so badly! Our Zoe was rescued... I've seen it time & time again... just the happiness they put out... they just seem like the world is theirs again!

I always say, can you imagine Sprocket's life before he was rescued... he was sitting in a cage for HOURS every day - probably only let out for bathroom breaks... & then caged back up. Now, he's free to roam. He probably only had a limited amount of shelter food - Today, he's eating the best food with treats at his beck & call. Toys are abounding now for his play, clean water is given to him whenever he drinks it all up - just a whole new life.... (Here's a picture of him playing in our office chasing a teddy bear)

The comparisons hit me so vividly looking at this dog who so badly wants to please his owner... who looks so happy - who has a new life...

Ever hear that song from NewSong "Rescue"... its one of my favorite. I went to one of their concerts & they passed out bracelets that said "I've been RESCUED"

A weird comparison between a shelter dog & us as people created in God's image - but we're all created by His hands... & yes, I've been RESCUED.....

I am no longer caged - I am given all the blessings in my life abundantly - I want to live to please my Master & Lord....

Thank you for Rescuing Me Lord!


  1. I love this post! Thanks for feeding my spirit today, I needed that!

  2. He is too cute! We've been wanting another dog but haven't made our way down to the shelter yet. Great post!

  3. How neat that you can take your dog to work!! I would LOVE to take Charger to work with me from time to time! I have a feeling the school would frown on that though!

    I had never heard that song!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Great post! I loved reading about sprocket! He is so cute. What an awesome office you must have.

    I also like your analogy! Yes we are rescued by Jesus!! What a wonderful thought.

  5. Aw, I have a place in my heart for Cocker Spaniel's now since we got ours. He's so cute and how cool is it that you can take your dog to work if you need to? I've called in sick before because I needed to stay home with my dog. Of course I didn't tell my boss that!

  6. I love cocker spaniels. My first dog was a party cocker named Dotty. Now my parents have a cocker named Delphi after the Greek Island. She's gorgeous! Long black eyelashes with little brown eyebrows. Thank you for this post I enjoyed it so.

  7. That is so cool that they allow you to bring your dog to work!

  8. I love that Sprocket has been rescued--and is free to roam your place of work.

    I love that I've been rescued--and I'm free. Period.

    And I'm sorry you've been without air since Saturday. Yours was the comment 1 above mine on SITS and when I read it, I thought, "Bless her hot self." Literally...your hot self. Hope you get air soon!

  9. What a great place to let you bring your pup into work! Very cute pic of her too!

  10. What a real picker upper this was! Thank you so much!

  11. aww, great post, Rebecca.

    We wanted to get a rescue dog, but the few small breeds they had were not recommended for a house full of little kids.

    Someday, though, I will have a rescue dog.

    I thank God for rescuing me every day. Who knows where I'd be right now (well, He does, but that's not the point).

  12. I love this post and once again how you bring it back around to something everyone can relate too.
    We rescued our dog 12 years ago and he's been thankful ever since. He is the best dog!!

  13. Yeah, you do work at the best place ever!! You get to bring your dog to work? I am so jealous, however if I were able to bring Dozer to work, there is no way he would stay in my office!

    Sprocket is darling! I want a new puppy!

  14. You must work at a wonderful place!
    How neat is it that you can bring your dog to work when there under the weather.
    I love the video...God is so Amazing!

  15. You always know what I need, I come here and read the post that makes me smile.

    Love the doggy pictures and what a cool place you work for!

  16. I love that song! The same video's on my blog, too. Such a powerful worship song.

  17. I love dogs! I came to the world of dogs in my early 30's & boy did I quickly realize what I had been missing!

    I have a rescue Shih-Tzu & life as I know it has never been the same - it's the best feeling in the world for both him & me!

    Sprocket looks adorable! Glad he got a great new home & is loved!


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