Note - nothing ever is affiliated on my blog - just pointing you to the right place
Favorite cards to leave behind
You get these to leave on people's windshields ... haha.
This is kinda funny.... not very kind & full of grace... but pretty dang funny.
& I am the world's worst parker in my current car (I'm not bad in my other cars - this car is just awful - like a tank ) so I would fully expect to see these on my car.
(Click pic for link)
Favorite Valentine's Gift for Him
Ricky loves leather bracelets so this would be a great gift for him.
& you get 6 bracelets for $10.99! How do you pass that up?
(Click pic for link)
Favorite Camera Accessory
I am loving this leather strap... its a classic!
(Click pic for link)
Favorite House Item
I've not seen a marble dry erase board before.
Plus, it is magnetic too!!!!
How beautiful would that be in a living room or kitchen?
Even a bedroom to leave notes or a to-do list to remember for your day!
(Click pic for link)
Favorite Beauty & the Beast

... I get you Belle... I totally get you
Favorite Budget Helper
I'm a sucker for pen & paper - call me old school.
But I love this budget journal to kepe track of spending.
Something I realllllly could use
(Click pic for link)
Favorite mug
Always loving me some Daily Grace goodies
(Click pic for link)
Favorite Funnies

.... when I'm late going somewhere & the dogs are taking their time peeing

... when someone is waving & I'm not sure if its towards me or someone behind me

... when I look at my laundry pile but my book is getting so good I dont want to put it down

... me with every Amazon recommendation

..... me at 4:30pm today

Happy Friday Y'all!!!
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