Wow - she's gone. After such a battle, my dearest friend is now with her Heavenly Father. It's been truly an honor to be with her during this difficult trip and now we are left behind to await the day we will all be united again. For me, it was a blessing to be with her family as she passed and to have in my arms her youngest grandbaby. To look in this baby's face and to see the love of Steph still live on, it was amazing. The baby was just so happy that day, singing out loud and laughing and smiling. It was like she knew something that we, as "grown-ups" couldnt' understand. Her innocence had let her know how happy her Grandma was going to be. My heart breaks this little one wont know how much her Grandma loved her.
Steph had all her children surrounding her and praying - I know it was the way she wanted to leave this world. I can just picture her walking with Jesus now, telling him how much she longed to see his face, and most importantly, to hear his laugh. We always talked about that - to know our Christ has a sense of humor and to hear that laugh - it would have to make all the pain worthwhile.
Now, I feel alone. What do I do without my friend? How do I function without her? She was such a part of my every day life - whether it was talking on the phone - sharing what happened in our lives that day - going knitting together - going to all the Christian Concerts together and Praising the Lord - playing games, dinner, loving on each others kids - what do I do now? I need to truly rely on my faith and know God will find me where I am and comfort me and put my heart back together.
I know you feel alone but God will be faithful to give you what you need to cope. He never replaces that void, he just seems to make it more and more bearable.