1. The Hodgepodge falls on the last day of the year this year, a leap year. How will you spend that extra day?
OK... this questions confuses me. "...falls on the last day of the year this year..."
So I had to pull out calendar & the last day of the year is on a Monday, not a Wednesday.
And why would we care about the last day of 2012 when its only February?
Does this question mean today? Not the last day of the year? I'm so confused...
If it means what am I doing today? Obviously trying to figure out this question...
2. What has recently required a leap of faith on your part?
Taking my Neurotin... this whole neuropathy thing. Its making me put faith in medicine - which I hate. And also calling on my bigger faith - ya know - the one in God. That His plan for me is still on track... even though this neuropathy has made me pretty miserable. God's still in control, right? ... yep... faith in that question makes the answer YES!
3. We're one week into the season of Lent...are you marking these forty days in some way? Giving something up or adding something extra to normal life? How's it going so far?
I just talked about this in my Friday Fragments. I grew up Baptist - so that's not something we did, giving something up for Lent. I like the concept, but find it odd. Its like a blog friend said to me, its funny when people give up things like Facebook, or chocolate... like that compares to what Jesus went through? Let's try not eating for 40 days... now THAT would be recognizing the season of Lent. But who am I to judge... heck, we Baptist didnt give up anything :)
And for the record, I'm no longer Baptist, but belong to a Christian Church - which also doesnt give up anything for Lent... the fun of denominations...
4. When was the last time you sat beside a fire?
We got a new entertainment center back in October that has a fake fireplace in it ... but that baby puts out the HEAT!!! It warmed up our whole living room... so when our heat was out in December, I'd be found every night in front of it with a blanket wrapped around me. If you saw me, you'd think it was a cozy, romantic spot. For me? It was a spot to stop shivering & to survive cold chills from sucking the life out of me. Once our heat got fixed, I dont think I've been back in front of it...
5. Surf and turf is on the menu. Do you order as is or do you ask for just the surf (lobster), just the turf (steak) or a menu so you can select another option?
No steak for me... I dont eat anything that has four legs :) And the surf part? Never ate a lobster in my life. I cant... I see them in the tanks in the store & feel so badly for them. With their little claws all taped up. Just waiting to be dropped in a boiling pot of water? Who can do that? I want to release them all... if only I were near salt water. I'd have a grocery bill that was insane if that were the case. Sending them all back to nature... run lobsters, run! (or whatever they do... run probably isnt the appropriate word?)
6. If you could have any television show back, not in reruns but in new episodes, what program would you choose?
This is so funny because, no joke, I was thinking of the show I missed so much just this morning...
It was colorful, funny, mysterious, had a great romance, had musical moments in it, had a knitting detective, and had Kristin Chenoweth.... is that just the perfect combo? It makes me so sad it got canceled...
7. They say an elephant never forgets. These days would you say your memory is more like an elephant or a gnat?
What was the question?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Storms are rolling in today... I always worry about my doggies. 3 out of 4 get scared to death. 1 especially FREAKS OUT... like will climb on your head & claw your face until the thunder stops. When we're not there, I can just imagine him running around trying to find a head to jump on. So I worry about them while I'm away.