Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday Favorites

Image result for knit by god's hand friday favorite
(Click on Pic for links)

Favorite Shirt
image 0


Favorite Beauty & the Beast

image 0

Favorite Kids Clothes

image 6

You color on these...I want ADULT clothing like this!

Favorite Mug

Favorite Pillow

4TH Emotion Just One More Chapter Throw Pillow

Favorite Super Hero Inspiration

Wouldnt this be awesome to have it personalized with pictures of your 'girl squad'?

Favorite Funnies

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 42 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 45 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 45 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 33 Pics

.... when I scroll through Instagram & see everyone who has their life all together

GIPHY! ( January 7, 2016 at 01:17PM

... when the hubs comes in to talk to me while Lucifer is on

GIPHY! ( June 26, 2019 at 05:40PM

... & he keeps on talking

GIPHY! ( June 26, 2019 at 05:41PM

... me in a dressing room trying on summer clothes

GIPHY! ( April 2, 2017 at 02:02AM

... & just because this is the cutest thing in the world to make you smile for your Friday

GIPHY! ( October 14, 2013 at 01:17PM

Happy weekend!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

All about that cross!!! {Thankful Thursday #227}

Image result for knit by god's hand thankful thursday

This week I am Thankful for:

Trees survived rain
Trees are just toppling everywhere right now with the ground being so wet after all the many days of rain we've had. So I'm glad our trees have held up.

Bible Study time
I've been slacking lately actually one digging into my bible & am really working on setting time aside to make sure I'm in God's word at LEAST once a day!

I just love my camera to capture special moments.

Car made it another week
Ever since I got my brakes 'fixed' - my car has been all sorts of jacked up. My brakes are indeed NOT fixed & its caused even more issues. I'll never go back to this place I went to. But right now, I'm at the point where I need to get it fixed at a dealership or start looking for a new car. I'm just glad that I've not had any accidents with it so far.

Time with girls
This kind of goes to my post on Monday - but ALL the girls this past week - my Grandbuddy, my friends, my nieces, my HSM girls. SO many incredible ladies in my life - at all ages.

Coffee creamer
I am just picky about my coffee creamer - & I love the more natural brands - the kind you actually KNOW the words that are in ingredients. Well, I've been running out & finally got to Target where I could stock back up. They are the only place that carries the large bottles of Sweet Cream. It's like hitting the lottery when my frig is full & I am able to take a bottle to work.

Y'all... this is just the big one for me this week!!!  A little back story - I am super picky about cross necklaces. I think I'm just spoiled because Ricky got me one about 18 years ago that I fell in love with. It was white gold with diamonds across it. I wore it every single day. Never took it off - NEVER. & then one day, I lost it. I was devastated. Cried an ugly cry sort of devastated.  & then 2 year ago, Ricky got me one that was similar to it - similar enough that I really loved it.

Saturday, I was sitting at the tennis match for my niece & went to reach up for my necklace & IT WASNT THERE! I freaked out! I yelled at my other niece, DO YOU SEE MY NECKLACE? while i was grabbing my neck. Nope - nothing. I just wanted to cry.  I called Ricky to look in the bed, in my clothes, everywhere. Nothing.

Then I went to Emerson's birthday party & mentioned that I was so sad my necklace was gone & someone said, "Oh, they found a chain here this morning!" - I ran to Ryan & asked him about it & yes indeed, it was my chain. We had been there the night before.

Everyone started looking for the cross - the main part - & no one found anything.

I had left to go to my mom's & it suddenly hit me - I remembered standing next to their refrigerator & hearing something drop on the ground. I even said, "What was that?" & they said, "it probably was the ice that drops in the freezer" - no one else had heard it.  I just chalked it up to that & went on... but then that sound hit me - It was my cross!!!! I text my friends to look in that area...

& got this picture back a few minutes later...

Just noticed a diamond looks like it fell out too - no telling when that happened

YAHOOOO!!!! I started screaming & jumping!!! I could NOT be more happy.

Needless to say - a new, STURDY chain will now be a future purchase

Tell me something good about your week
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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

Image result for whats up wednesday mix and match mama

What We're Eating This Week
We got some yummy bread from the deli that is full of flax seed & chia seed. It's delicious.
I've made the best grilled cheese with it this week.

What I'm Reminiscing About
Having space in my work area.
That's long gone in our new area...
how did these tight, open, work spaces become the new "thing"?

Image result for office open cubicle meme
I found this picture with this article.... I'm not alone
Why It's Time to Ditch Open Office Plans

Image result for office open cubicle meme

What I'm Loving
I'm so excited that Hershey's finally made a syrup that doesnt have all the un-nameable words in the ingredients!  Kudos to you Hershey's!

Image result for hershey syrup 5 ingredient

What We've Been Up To
Ricky has been taking down each plank in our fence & putting up a new one.
Our fence is pretty huge - so its been a chore for him.

What I'm Dreading
(see above) Having to stain both sides of this huge fence.
I remember how awful it was to do the original fence 18 years ago.
This isn't going to be fun doing it in the heat of summer

What I'm Working On
Finishing up this Bible study

Image result for finding i am lysa terkeurst

What I'm Excited About
Big Brother is getting ready to start up!!!
I love that crazy show!

What I'm Watching / Reading
Still getting through Lucifer 
... I'm going to be so sad when I'm done & have to wait for Season 5.
Even more sad that that will be the last season of it! BOO

Image result for lucifer season 3 tom welling character
I loved Tom Welling on there for Season 3 - what an interesting character to throw in there
It's just a smart written show
I'm also watching Gossip Girl.
Never saw it & just really enjoying it now - mindless tv watching

Image result for gossip girl season 1

What I'm Listening To
Currently Reading Podcast
There's something about these 2 ladies that just really draw me in while they talk about books & different topics about books.
I listen to this with my Goodreads open so I can click on books for my Want To Read list.
I've found some good stuff from them.

Image result for currently reading podcast

What I'm Wearing
I dont want to talk about this.
I'm having a struggle with finding clothes that fit me well or are comfortable.
Every day is a fight of trying not to let it ruin my day.

What I'm doing this Weekend
At this point, I dont have anything on the calendar for Saturday so I'm doing what has been put off for awhile - more cleaning.  & probably working on giving Zoe a hair cut.
Nothing exciting - just adulting.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
There are 2 girls in our HSM group that are getting baptized!
That's exciting stuff!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

3 Things

Image result for knit by god's hand 3 things

I always love when Steph puts these questions out - she keeps the smart questions flowing
Thanks Steph!

Three things I lost my MIND over this week
1. Finding out that McDonald's fries are made in BEEF FAT!!!! WHY? French fries are supposed to be vegetarian friendly! WHAT THE HECK???
2. Fair Oaks Farm / dairy factory abusing animals
3. A local 15 year old strangling his little 7 yr old brother & killing him

Three signs I'll never hang in my house
1. Anything related to wine
2. Anything referencing a bathroom
3. Anything referencing a laundry room (who sees your laundry room?)

Three things I neglected this week
1. Making my bed
2. Drinking water
3. Reading

Three things I've tried recently
1. Body scrubber by Boie 
2. Toothbrush by Boi
3. Peanut butter chips & candies & pretzel sticks trail mix

Three house things I hate doing
1. Empty the garbage can
2. Emptying the dishwasher
3. Putting laundry away

Three things I wear all the time
1. Cardigans
2. Old Navy shift dresses
3. Old Navy black jeans

Three things I never wear
1. Heels
2. Shirts with the shoulders out 
3. Belts

Three books on my kindle waiting to be read
1 Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies
2. The Thirteenth Tale
3. The Handmaid's Tale

Three things I have to do but don't feel like doing
1. Clean the enclosed porch
2. Go through my closet & get rid of clothes that dont fit any longer
3. Get on a work out plan that I'm committed to

Three things I'm looking forward to 
1. Day off work for the 4th of July
2. Baptism of 2 of my HSM girls
3. Women of Faith

Monday, June 24, 2019

The weekend I got to see some GIRL POWER!!!!

This was another fun weekend... minus the rain & random storms.  Mainly because the ground can't take anymore liquid sky.  Everything is just like a mud slush carpet.... & more importantly, talking about things that can't take anymore rain? MY HAIR - my hair can't take any more rain. It's getting ridiculous. I've curled it, did beach waves, straightened it, done everything I can. I walk outside & POOF... Rosanna Danna.  It's horrible.  I guess My hair will be in a bun until Fall. Even then, I'll have all those humid frizzy baby hairs around my head. The struggle is real.

Image result for frizzy hair meme
Kate feels my pain

Bad hair aside - it was a busy & fun weekend.... let's jump in, shall we?


We headed home to just turn right back around to go to our Framily's house for a game night. Though, no game was ever pulled out.  Who has time for that when there's a new baby in the house?

& two little cuties who wanted to go out for a walk & enjoy the cool weather before the rain came in.

We got to eat dinner outside (My favorite thing to do) under their covered porch while it was raining (even more my favorite) until the lightning started flashing - HARD.  I've mentioned that before how when lightning is in the air, the hair stands straight up on Ricky's arms. Dont stand too close!! 

But we ended up just spending the whole night talking & laughing & catching up on life.

We had brought over a present for Emerson's birthday & I think she loved it....

A new Anna dress.... we got a full broadway production with her singing & dancing & having her mommy re-enact a scene from the movie where Anna gets hit by the ice  & has to be taken to the troll king -enter little brother.  Watch out Broadway! We've got a future star in our midst.

Then it was time for the kiddos to go to bed... isnt this picture so precious that I caught when their mommy read their nightly Jesus Daily devotional for kids.  

This one was about David in the Lion's Den.  She asked Caden if he would be afraid & he thought about it for a minute & was like, "No!!" & acted like he was beating the lion up.  There you go kid - you got life already figured out - NO FEAR!


Saturday was kind of nutso because it was like a dozen plans all happened at once & I had to leave some out - I always hate when days overlap with events... & then there's weekends that have nothing.  I just hate missing out on anything with friends.

But this was still a fun & busy Saturday.

My niece was playing in another tournament & we thought it was going to be canceled because the morning was just downpour after downpour... but an hour later, her tennis game was scheduled.  I got up to the court a few minutes late & even though there was thunder all around, no lightning so they kept playing.

& Sophia once again is just amazing.  I see progress in her every time she plays.

... & of course, I had my buddy to sit with to watch the game.

She loves me
I left the tennis courts to get to Emerson's birthday party, where the theme was "Rainbows - Super heroes - Princesses"... that's my kind of party.

This girl - all she wanted for her birthday were clothes & dress up outfits. Her imagination is so vivid - I mean VIVID is such a small word to emcompass how her mind works.  But she so many clothes - where she took out one by one & just ooh'ed & aah'ed over each one (what 5 year old does that?) & then, her aunt Jojo got her a red jacket & a red hat.... Emerson has become a little obscessed with watching Carmen Sandiago on Netflix... which I didnt evne know there was a new cartoon version of this. Emerson corrected me when I sang the one song "Where in the Sandiago" No - that's not how it goes.  She sang the new version for me.  She's all about it.

So you can imagine how happy when she opened that gift from her aunt. & FULL CHARACTER she went. I mean FULLLLLL CHARACCTEERRRRRR.    This girl is too much.

Her Mimi had found her some cute little bows that were all sorts of awesome.  I took a picture of these & told her I need the link myself. I mean, just LOOK at that Beauty & the Beast bow. Forget being 5 years old - I need those for MY hair!!!

... ANDDD then I left from there to go to my mom's to take her to the store.

We got home & my brother & his gang were at mom's - so I got to hang out with both of my nieces.  We were watching some boys who were down at a pond that was on the other side of the horse pasture & I was making stories up to what they were saying by their body language. We were laughing till we were crying.

Then they so kindly volunteered to help me clean the barn which made it SUPER fast.  That made it so much easier for me.

I ended up getting home around 8:30... poor Ricky was at home the entire day doing home stuff - working on our fence, dealing with insurance people about our roof, all sorts of adult stuff. I may have felt a little bad coming in with a smile on my face from the fun day.

I spent so much time in bed watching more Lucifer.  SO GOOD.I honestly love this show.  But I ended up watching so much  of it, I missed church.  So I did the online live streaming church again.  This time, I even got to watch it from my bed on the big TV ... talk about convenient.

Then I got up to go to the little coffee shop to meet up with some of our HSM girls.  Schedules are kinda crazy right now so we're going to try & set up a weekly coffee date where me & my fellow leader can alternate going to do the girls can drop by when they are able. 

I actually got there a little early so I could work on my Bible Study that I'm doing....

I always say, sometimes, when the numbers are low for things like this, it brings out the best conversation - which is exactly what happened again this go around.  The 3 beautiful young ladies were telling me all about how God is working in their lives, & struggles they are going through & decisions they are making to become better Jesus followers. I dont even know that I spoke much at all the whole time we were there - they were just filling me in on the past 3 weeks we haven't had HSM small groups.  I loved to listen to every second.

On the way home, I had actually dropped off 2 of the girls at a Youth Event at another church & pulled out of the parking lot & all of a sudden, TORNADO SIRENS going off... that was a little terrifying.

I called Ricky to see where he was at & he had run over to put the horses up & was wondering where I was at. Man, that was a little nerve wrecking drive home.

The rest of the night was just watching the radar for more storms - doing bills - feeding dogs - getting ready for the week ahead ... & finished another season of Lucifer.

So yeah, thinking back over my weekend, I was just super excited to see all the amazing young ladies in my life.... an imaginative 5 year old that can create her own worlds & stories.... 2 incredible 14 year olds who I'm blessed to call my nieces who are so talented in the sports they play & the kindness they have in helping their Yaya however they can .... & 3 precious 15 year olds who are working hard at living their lives to further God's kingdom & be the best kind of Jesus follower! 

Let me tell you something - the future is looking bright for some GIRL POWER!!!

So how was your weekend?

You getting tons of rain?

What do you do for frizzy hair in the humidity?

Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday Favorites

Image result for friday favorites knit by god's hand
(Click Pic for links)

Favorite Bag

How perfect is this for summer outings where you dont want to deal with a big purse?
Only $9.99 too so even if it makes it through one summer, I'd be good.

Favorite Baby Gift

I feel like I know so many people who are having babies soon - or just had them.
& I love cute, natural products - so this little teething bead/rattler is adorable.
Its like those necklaces that are made for moms to wear that kids can teeth away on.

Favorite Helpful Item

My mom's friend used this at her house the other day & I was like, I GOTTA HAVE ONE.
No more 1. making a dozen trips or 2. breaking your arm with all the plastic digging in your arms attempting to carry 10 bags at once.

Favorite Shoes

OH my gosh - I've said it before, I've always been obsessed with ballerina slipper sort of design
& these are CHEAP - & come in like 3 dozen colors!!!!
Which ones to get?  Love the black (classic) - love the pale pink (perfect summer color) - who can deny the leopard print ones (RROOARRR)

Favorite Planner

OK - some I'm a die hard Erin Condren gal -
but my planner buddy Liz, who we just on a paper / planner shopping trip a few weeks ago -
she just got one of these & its just so lovely.
So if you haven't tried a planner yet & still out which one to try, this may be something to check out too.
I'm all for finding a planner that works for you!

Favorite Hair Product

I think I'm buying this right now.
My hair is just on the frizz train right now with all the humidity
This looks promising. All the reviews look great - & I love an animal cruelty free product too
Let the shine begin!!!

Favorite Travel Item (or work item - or ANYWHERE Item)

OH MY GOSH - I want one of these to keep with me everywhere I go.
It can wrap all those ways to make it comfy for your head to lay on.
Perfect for the car or plane - or a bus or subway ride to work.
Perfect for lunch breaks.  I mean, COME ON - this is genius!
What a fun gift for someone too!

Favorite Funnies

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 36 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

.... when my mail has bills in it every single day

GIPHY! ( June 17, 2019 at 06:21PM

... me every Saturday

GIPHY! ( April 6, 2019 at 10:34PM

... right when I feel like I'm accomplishing something in life

GIPHY! ( June 10, 2016 at 11:59AM

... me at 4:30pm today

GIPHY! ( June 16, 2019 at 10:17PM

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!

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