Before we get started - I say it all the time - but I'll say it again... GOD IS GOOD!!! Denise went home last week!!! I didnt think it was possible! Even when it was down between her & Holly, I thought, Holly is going to be heading back to her reality show life... then my prayers were answered! Denise is gone! So anxious to see how tonight goes...
Its Monday & its LLLLIIIIVVVEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we go!
OH NO - a Double Elimination this week.... big news!!!! Tonight are two new dances - the Argentine Tango & the Lindy Hop... they all sound like fun to me... let's get this party started!
#1 - David Allen Grier....Do they really have Lindy Grooves??? I wanna go to one!!!
YIPEE... that was so cute!!! I just like the guy! And he did a cartwheel!!! And he did it well too!
YES - Carrie Ann is finally giving him good reviews - the others not so much - she's right - he's not the youngest & he did really well... I would have totally passed out!
Scores = 8, 7, 7.... ok - fair, I guess... I still think they are too rough on this guy!!!

2 - Lil Kim & Derek - the first Argentine Tango - Derek is learning it with Kim... wow... anxious to see how this works for the two of them..
Holy cow - did you see that lift? She was beautiful - perfectly straight!!! Dang - I dont know much about this dance... But I know it looked fantastic! The lifts & legs were beautiful... that was incredible!!!
"That was more than a tango - that was the enticing tail of a beauty... that was...-" forget it, he's just going on & on... he liked it! -Bruno
Scores = 9, 8, 10 OH MY.... the first 10!!!!!!! Bruno is in love!!!!
#3 - Chuck & Julianne...Poor guy - Julianne is bringing up childhood horrible memories of him landing on his head. She finally is pulling it out for him... he was really scared! I still say - Julianne is his biggest cheer leader.
That was very cute... Julianne is like a rag doll! I think at one point, he was going to throw her up so high she was going to touch the ceiling. It made my stomach jump! She has to weigh all of 50 lbs!
Bruno is extra orange tonight.... I just noticed....
Score = 8,7,7Chuck - I agree - you shouldnt look forward to landing on your head! And Samantha Harris... how I tolerate you....
#4 - Lawrence - Oh my - the Argentine Tango with Edyta...
"I'll still be married after this dance - right?"... with this hot woman - good question!
Oh we get to bring in Alec.... Winner of Season one - which I still think is a joke - Kelly Monaco was HORRIBLE - watch the tapes - I dont lie!... love to see the Alec & Edyta dance! What a beautiful couple!
I'm finding the Argentine Tango involves very loosy knees.....
Didnt take my breath away... nice - but I dont even think I paid attention to it...
Scores = 7, 5, 7WHAT - did he say Boyz II Men... yipee!!! Loving all the throw back to the 80's & 90's!!!
#5 - Ty.... OK - I'm confused... they are showing Steve.... There it is- video mishap.....the Cowboy!!!!!
Uh -oh ... a fast dance.... can he do it???? We see the dude has strength!!! He's throwing Chelsea EVERYWHERE! & he looks so tiny himself. Cowboys must have a secret super hero power!
YIPEE... I thought he did so well! He is just so adorable - even when he dances! A standing ovation - he deserves it! It may not have been perfect, but he was just the cutest!
"You so would have kicked Jewel's butt" - how funny is that!!!
Len is now speaking "country" - that's the effect of Ty-love!
Scores = 9, 8, 8
#6- Steve & Karina... here we go.... a reminder of how the votes saved him after the worst score in forever years...Fans LOVE him... Love the look on his face when Karina screams!
Oh no - he's gotta be sexy & strong- this is going to be interesting!
"The judges hate me - the fans love me" - he's got that right!
Who are all those people on those rollie things? He's getting a fan base - in the end of this, Steve is going to be a STUD! Or at least, a motivational speaker....
Waiting to hear the judges... I know they are going to yell at him again... I'm cringing waiting...
".... that just felt really long" - Carrie Ann
"... I admire your spirit..." -Len - at least they gave that to him! Even a "well done"!!!
Scores = 4, 4, 4.... he even looks happy at that!
"We grew 20%"...proof he is a genius - how did he figure that out so quickly!
#7 - Melissa & Tony - here's my hot couple!!! They are like a brother & sister... looks like he's going to be tossing her everywhere too...
OK -I think I held my breath! He almost just dropped her on her head!!!!!!!!! How they recovered from that! I would have peed on myself!
I keep thinking she looks like Minnie Mouse in the polka dots... a beautiful, adorable Minnie Mouse!
She looked like one of the girl pros! Len is so right - "You have potential to go all the way"
I think only a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader can keep up with that!
And only Tony can pull off pink shoes....
Scores = 10, 9, 10.... YES... 2 10's..... The highest score of the competition! Totally deserved!!!
#8 - Holly.... oh no... let's see - Argentine Tango - that involves moving the legs... so far, she's not been very good at moving her legs in any dance....we see she pulled something in her ribs... these dances are killing these people.
What just happened? It looks like part of the routine was lost.... She just always looks so confused on the floor (or the stool)....oh, this is painful........ I'm foreseeing really bad scores...
They at least put in a cool trick. Dont think its going to be enough to make the judges up the score any... oh, cringing again....
"Drop the Barbie - bring the Vixen" -Bruno
The judges are being nice this week! I hate when they are harsh! You can give criticism in a nice way....they are doing that very well this week... making me feel happy even in the worst of moments!
Scores = 5, 6, 5.... really that was fair - that's what happened - she fell off the stool!!!
#9 - Steve O.... oh, it hurts me to see him hit the stairs every time... please stop showing that clip! OUCH! He has the Lindy Hop with alot of information & this guy forgets the simple steps... is he going to make it through?
He was a clown? WOW - that doesnt even look like him! I thought Lacy was not thinking clearly bringing that in... makes sense now!
A Rockin Lindy... doesnt Lacy look like Katie Perry in that outfit?
OK - he made it through without hurting himself... I guess thats all I can say about that...
Hey - Carrie Anne & Len just said what I said - he made it through without anything dramatic!!!
Scores = 5, 5, 5 - the crowd is booing - I think its more than fair!
#10 Gilles.... He's doing the Tango... he looks the part already - all he has to do it stand there.
Can I take Cheryl's place & tell him "Act like you're in love with me?" - hehe!!!
OH MY GOSH... all I can say - that was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I sat here with my mouth open the whole time!!!!!
Tom even said "That was fierce".... Carrie Ann is fanning herself... WOW!!!!!!
I think I'm going to rewind it & watch it again.... that was incredible!!!!!
Carrie Ann is blushing!!!! She couldnt tell the difference between the professional & the dancer - exactly! And did you see his wife? She's stunningly beautiful too!!!! They are going to have beautiful babies if they dont already!
Scores = 10, 10, 10.... NO WAY... a perfect score already this season... SO DESERVED!!!!!
I gotta watch it AGAIN!!!!!! It was INCREDIBLE!!!!

#11 - Shawn... gotta feel a little pressure following that up.... the outfits look interesting though - the girl is a gold medal winner for flipping & Lindy Hop requires flips? I'm expecting big things!!!!
OH MY GOODNESS... Mark in a unitard! "I wanted to laugh & point" - Shawn is such a cute teen!
That was the perfect dance for her with all the flips! Girl is just a little tiny bunch of muscle - isn't she!
Judges are not happy about the tricks & said her dancing suffered... I can see that. But why not show off her skill? Girl can FLIP!
Scores = 8, 8, 9So another night of dancing done! Gilles for SURE is the best of the night... WOW! And Melissa is second right behind! What a great night... this is probably one of the best years of dancing!
Who was your favorite of the night? Did you want to put a rose in your mouth? Or do you want to go to a diner now & look for a sock hop?
& more importantly - who are the TWO people you think will go home tomorrow?