Happy Monday!
Is it me or is it really unbelievable that this is the last week in July.... next week is AUGUST! That is just blowing my mind. Hubby mentioned something about how many weeks it is till Thanksgiving. I nearly choked on my iced coffee. These long days of summer, it feels like forever though till the cool days are ahead... but they'll be here before we know it.
Weekend - I forgot how much I loved weekends. Being back in the office though, man oh man. Did I ever appreciate the time at home... though, I didnt spend much time at home. Its like life was Pre-2020... weird.
Friday, I headed home... which now, its super fun because the bridge I cross is NOW closing down lanes to prep for 3 YEARS of work. Are you kidding me? You wait till the week I start back to work after a year & a half, & THEN you shut down lanes. It's a chore to get home. Takes nearly an hour with traffic. Oh joy!... anyhoo.... got home on Friday & Hubby was beat down with the heat & was in the basement cooling off from working & falling asleep... & I ended up going back to my room that I worked out of for a year & a half & ended up turning on the TV back there & ended up falling asleep myself. The week must have kicked us both in the rear.

I woke up just in time to start watching the Olympics' Opening Ceremonies... which... STRANGE is the only word I can think of. The whole time I'm watching it, I'm like, why didnt they just cancel it. I know there's a group of athletes that have dedicated their life to that moment so I get it... but how bizarre is the whole thing. I wasn't overly impressed with the ceremonies either.
I will say - its well known I'm not a big sports person, besides tennis - but the Olympics comes on & I'll watch every sport I have zero idea about & cheer people on I've never heard of. The magic of the Olympics I guess....
Saturday, I ended up waking up at 5:45am ... because I guess my body is like, "you want to wake me up for 5 days at 5:30 - I'm going to not let you sleep in on the day you can"... geez.
It ended up feeling so lovely out early before the sun came up, so I grabbed an ice coffee & sat on the back porch & finished the book I was reading.
Side note - this book... I just loved it. Adorable. ALL THE FEELS.
I finished up the book & came in & made some breakfast & then I had some things to do around the house, all the fun chores that I couldnt get to during the week.
I headed to see mom & got to spend a few hours with her. She's still doing really well & telling me all the stories of the people in there that she talks to every day & I even got to meet one of the ladies showing me her new "tattoo" - LOL... Yep, Friday, they had a Tattoo & Booze day - LOL!!! Seriously. They got to have a pick of a glass of beer or wine -& they got a choice of a temporary tattoo. How fun is that! & the ladies I saw, & the stories mom told me - they loved it. The one lady showing me her blue butterfly tattoo was so proud of it & wanted it to last. Just precious.
Mom walking me to the door when I was leaving....GO MOM! |
I ended up going to the grocery around 6pm on Saturday & I think I've found the primo time to go because it was EMPTY. No lines - no traffic in the aisles... This may be my new grocery time. I mean, most people are getting ready to go out & do fun things on Saturday evening - I'm going grocery shopping ... tell me how old & boring I am. Geez. But empty grocery stores do bring me joy - so hey - to each his own.
Sunday, I once again woke up at 6am & I was like, enough!!!! I laid in bed & snuggled up with Harvey Dent & ended up falling back asleep. & did I ever!!! I slept like a teenager until mid morning. GLORIOUS!!!!
I watched church online & had an apple fritter I got at the grocery the night before for breakfast & watched me some Making It ... anyone else love that show??? I'm so excited it back for a 3rd season.
I headed over to my brother's in the afternoon because my aunt & my cousin & her daughter were going over to swim & hang out. My aunt brought over pictures & things she had from my grandparent's house & we went back through some of them & talked about the family history... it was so fun & interesting.
It's quite amazing some of the things that still exist. Papers from the 1800's with GORGEOUS handwriting on them....
These were poems written by my great great aunt - I believe... They were poems... but the handwriting on these things - my goodness - GORGEOUS |
Pictures from so long ago...
& I got to keep 2 Bibles from my great great grandma & another family member that I'm not sure who it was - I was struggling keeping it all straight. But it was just amazing to see think of family so many years, decades, CENTURIES before... & here we are. I'm not someone who is really into looking back into Ancestry - but man, when I hear it & see it, especially people's faces... it really does blow your mind.
That top left pic is my dad & his brother... they look like characters from a 70's movie - 2 cops on a beat taking down the bad guys.... I still cant believe they passed away within months of each other.
The top right, that's my grandpa when he was a little boy. I have always loved that pic of him. I really see him in that small face.
The bottom left is my grandmother... She looks so much like that even when she passed away. Its funny how I see family members in her face. Genetics are incredible.
& the Bottom right is the tank my grandpa drove in WWII ... I saw it & was like, what was he, Captain America! Look at that logo!!!
So many pictures... so much history. It's crazy to think that we these generations now do everything digital & we were talking about how there's something special in holding these things. Knowing they were once in my family members hands so long ago. Who really prints pictures anymore unless they go in a frame. We take more pictures than ever - but what will become of them when you have your great great grandchildren? Hard to wrap my brain around.
But it was nice to see my family because its been some time - between life & distance & then of course, COVID... this little sweetie was just like 3 years old last time I saw her...
I want to just bottle her infectious joy up & drink it every day. We lost one of the twins during the later part of the day because girlfriend has a J-O-B & had to leave to get to work... so minus one of the twins.
It was especially nice to see family &spend time with them because this weekend were big days... Saturday would have been my dad's 77th Birthday - which is crazy to think... & Sunday was my grandpa's birthday. Yep, my dad & his dad were one day apart in birthdays. It was 2 days of ice cream cake for me growing up. Good memories. .... miss you dad.
The rest of Sunday was taking care of cats, horses & dogs. My wild & crazy life.
How was your weekend?
Did you watch the Olympics at all?
Do you keep family pictures?
When is your best time for grocery shopping?