Friday, August 31, 2007
Happy Birthday Alaina!

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Again - Vet!
.....Buffy is now back with me at work. Ricky said the vet poked & prodded & they couldnt find the knot & Buffy didnt yelp once - What the heck!!!! Maybe I prayed so hard this morning! There's definately something wrong with the front paw though - she cant straighten it when she gives a "high five" - oh, these dogs - worse than kids!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Another Vet Trip

We make a trip to see our favorite doggie docs. They said they think its her right hip because she would get very tense when they wanted to touch it. It could be many things but they want to start with the first steps & the basics. That being - they feel she's obese - my poor baby! They said all the extra weight on her is bad for her joints so I'm to put her on a strict diet & I got some glucosimine pills for her as well (hey - thats what I just started taking for MY joints). The scary thing - we've had her on diet food for the past few months & I thought she was trimming up! Heck no - she's gained 7 lbs since our last visit just a few weeks ago! WHAT? I was shocked! So, if she hasnt lost in the next month - after a strict regimen of diet & exercise, then we have to take her back for a thyroid test.
I noticed her "knot" has been sticking out further too so I asked if that was OK. They said it seemed to be the same size which is good - but they think her "fat" is pushing it out, making it more noticable!
I want to hear no comments about how people & their dogs resemble each other! (HEHE!)
But - Buffy is having a good day after the trauma of the vet's office because I brought her to work with me. She got to visit everyone in the office, get fresh cold water out of our water cooler - enjoying a special day. I always love having one of my doggies in my office. I think we should always be able to bring our "fur-babies" with us to work. Makes the stress not so bad during the day when you have a wet nose poking at you to love on!
To top off the day - I woke up with a summer cold! This just hasnt been the best day....
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Casting Crown's Day!

Monday, August 27, 2007
Ears Ringing!

Friday, August 24, 2007
Good read!


Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Altar

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Do you see it?

Do you see the heart on my Buffy's face? Ricky thinks I'm nuts! I was throwing a rope for her & our neighbor's lab, Dodger. They came down the same time & Dodger's tooth hung in Buffy's face - his tooth started bleeding, & Buffy's face had a scab on it. (Very tramatic) - I was on the phone with a friend the other night & looked at Buffy's face & noticed the scab was healing - but its left the shape of a heart (its side ways). I yelled for Ricky to look & he just told me I was nuts. Please tell me someone else see's it - or I'll be calling Dr. Bizer's World this afternoon! My mom said its a mark left from Dodger's kiss! (Excuse the drool from Buffy in the 2nd pic - YUCK)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Locked out!
Monday, August 20, 2007
You are holy - 2nd time around
It was played again this past week....
I thought it would get better....
It was even worse.....
Friday, August 17, 2007
Mylon Lefevre
I found my cassettes the other day (yes - cassette's) and in them, I found my Greatest Hits of Mylon Lefevre & The Broken Hearts! They were the first real Contemporary Christian group that I had been into. My mother actually turned me onto them after taking me to their concert in 1985. It was awesome! I haven't heard their songs in probably 15 years (if not longer) but I popped that cassette in & remembered every word to each song. They still touched me even today. Isn't it funny how music can transend time!? I can't believe they actually have video's of their concerts online! I thought that was before video cameras where even invented (joking!) I hope you enjoy the video - remember, it was the 80's - enjoy the flashback!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Making Strides

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hair Night

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
So proud!

(Notice in the back ground Julie's cute little pregnant belly! She's proud of her sister too! Without Julie, none of us would be knitting - she's the one to blame!)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Our View
Watch this to the end...
Is our lives like that? We can't see what's being created - but God sees the masterpiece completed? What a cool concept!
Friday, August 10, 2007
I had the opportunity to see Billy Graham a few years back when he stopped in Louisville & preached at Cardinal stadium. That whole week was wonderful! To see the stadium full of people hearing messages of salavation - seeing the overflow of people having to sit outside & watch via screens - to see hundreds of people go & dedicate their lives to Jesus. It was a moving experience just to witness!
Hopefully, the program will do Mr. Graham justice tonight.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Say a little prayer

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Baby Shower Day!

On a side note - you have to click on the side on "Chad" & look at his latest posting "EVERYTHING" - that video is just so moving! It reminds me of the skits of "One Time Blind" from "Believe" - the Jr. High Conference. Sometimes, the simpliest forms of art holds the biggest impact of a message. I have teared up every time I see this video - its wonderful!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Fairy Tale