Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
I heard some very interesting statistics the other day about communication.
Only 7% of words make an impact on what people hear when you speak. 7% - how small is that! That did make me feel pretty good because I'm not a "big word" person! Some people are & they get me staring at them in awe. All the while, I'm thinking, "Remember that word for Scrabble"! But only 7% really makes an impact on what people hear.
Then 38% of effective communication is the tone of your voice! How you voice something makes all the difference. I've learned this myself just being married. There is such a difference in telling my husband, "Pick up your socks now!" with a stern voice versus, "Honey, can you help me straighten up a bit" with that soothing, sickening, lovely voice. (They still don't get picked up - but I get a nicer "no" with the kinder tone) But think of it - can't you feel yourself tense up when you hear someones voice being tight or loud or stern. And then there's the calming, soothing, gentle voices that you are just drawn too. How you say it makes all the difference.
Finally, 55% of effective communication is due to facial expressions & body language. How funny is that! And how true is that! Facial expressions....I'm so bad at not hiding anything from my face. The way I feel is usually right there for all to see. Body Language - how many people have you seen with arms crossed & add a scowl facial expression - what does that tell you about a person?
There is some encouraging thoughts in all this though. So many people have such a hard time witnessing for Christ to others. They're not sure what to say or not sure they'll have the right words to give to someone. Look at what this is saying though....the most effective communication doesn't even have to do with words. It's how you live your life - how others look at you & what they see. When you have a smile on your face at all times - don't you think people want to know what your secret is to happiness? When you are standing next to someone with arms ready to hug - don't you think that makes people feel comfortable enough to want to open up to you more? When you speak to someone in a calm, serene voice about your life - don't you think it makes someone want to get what makes you have that peacefulness within you?
Can you imagine how Jesus did with his communicating? Yes - his words made ALL the difference - but can you picture his body language & his facial expression? I see him sitting on the rock asking all the young children to come to him. Can you picture his arms stretched out, inviting them in? And can't you hear the soothe tone of his voice making all the children feel safe enough to go to him?
Can you imagine Jesus' voice when he was up on the cross suffering & yet still, his voice was calm when he said, "Father, forgive them for they know what they do?" Can you imagine the look of forgiveness & mercy in his eyes instead of anger & resentment? Can you imagine the communication he gave with just those actions he did?
Now think of your own life. The best communication of how God works in your life can make all the difference to someone elses life!
What are you communicating to others through your body language & the way you carry yourself?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Who's at work?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April Socks
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
More stash!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
Monday, April 21, 2008
First of all, I have seen no publicity for this movie which is sort of addressed in the movie on how our media in this world has such influence on what gets noticed. And I have to say, this movie is full of interesting topics, eye opening things going on in the world & also, very disturbing!
I'm very excited for Julie to get to see this because she is a scientist herself & it specifically points to how the battle is going on so deeply in the science/religion arena. I can't wait to get her opinion of it! But for the normal person, like me, it just says alot on how the world looks at Christian values & our beliefs on how the world was created.
Not to give any of the movie away - I do have to point out just a few things that were mentioned. These world acclaimed scientist who are supposed to be "uber-intelligient" would sit there & laugh at the idea of an Intelligent Design - but would seriously, straight faced, whole heartedly explain how life could be created on the backs of crystals! I'm not joking! It was full of ideas like this that would just make my jaw drop.
Another idea that just made me shake my head was the idea that most of these scientist KNOW that religion will just sort of fade away over the years & science will prevail. I'm just wondering how they think that is even possible?
I couldnt even BEGIN to tell you everything this movie touched & talked about - you really should go see it yourself if any of this interests you. And I will admit, some parts of it - I was completely lost. When they started breaking out words that were more than 7 syllables long - I was lost - but then something would tie it all together & I'd get that "aha" moment!
And it's all worth it just to see the end where Ben Stein meets up with Richard Dawkins, a man who is intent on downing Christianity & even wrote a book called "The God Delusion" - I wanted to stand up & just cheer out loud during Mr. Stein's conversation with this man!
I know Ben Stein took a huge chance making this documentary - the movie points out how people who stand up for what they believe when it comes to a "Godly" viewpoint become a sort of "shunned" people by the government or those in positions of power & many loosing their jobs or any sort of future in their appointed careers. We can only pray that people, especially those in the fields of science, can keep their strength & knowledge focused on God - because there is a long, hard road ahead of them!
And speaking of Scientist - I just wanted to wish Julie a Happy Birthday!!! (It was Sunday) Enjoy picking out some knitting goodies & we missed spending it with you! Love you!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Job or Ministry?
Some people have a JOB in the church; others involve themselves in a MINISTRY. What's the difference?
If you are doing it because no one else will - its a JOB
If you are doing it to serve the Lord - its a MINISTRY
If you quit because someone critizied you - its a JOB
If you keep on serving - its a MINISTRY
If you'll do it only if it doesn't interfere with your other activities - its a JOB
If you are committed to staying even when it means letting go of other things - its a MINISTRY
If you quit because no one thanked you or praised you - its a JOB
If you stay with it even though no one recognized your efforts - its a MINISTRY
Its hard to get excited about a JOB
It's almost impossible not to be excited about a MINISTRY
An average church is full of people doing JOBS
A great & growing church is filled with people involved in MINISTRIES
Where does your church fit in this? Where do YOU fit in this?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Charity Knit
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
A girl of the 70's
How crazy is this???
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Not feeling this project!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Poor Ryan!
See - this is why physical exercise is sometimes not good for you....
You saw the picture below of the first day of Ryan's injury from All Access - well, when he came over tonight - I gasped! This is the picture of the foot today....
Poor Guy! I know he hates his feet (there's not alot of people who love their feet) - but I told him I had to show everyone how bad his foot got after our trip!
Look at the size of those toes! And seriously - the picture doesn't even do it justice!
And seriously - does anyone know - because we were talking & trying to figure it out - how did his foot bruise so badly? I thought you bruised once you had an impact on your body - that bruising was from blood capillaries busting. His ankle popped & he said he felt it turn - but I can't believe the bruising that has come from it. Obviously - I'm no nurse!
Ryan also took a huge risk when he came over & I opened the door to have 4 dogs excited to see their friend - plus, he had food in his hand! I told him to raise that foot because they were ready to trample it!
And I dont know if you can tell by this picture - but that is the color BLUE & PURPLE with a nice hint of yellow & greeen . The tips of his toes & the color on his heel is what the foot & leg SHOULD look like! Feeling his pain yet?
Lift up a little prayer for Ryan! He so badly wanted to play basketball tonight with Ricky since the weather was beautiful - no can do though boys! It was basketball that got him in that position in the first place!
All Access
Monday, April 07, 2008
A Bold Lunch
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A friend sent me an email about this dog, SkidBoot, & his story just is amazing. You may have seen him before but this story is just too cool! Especially because the dog's "man" just seems to have such a servant's heart.
My favorite line of this is where he says someone told him he has a great ministry because he doesnt even feel like its a ministry at all! Just look at how you can take any sort of talent or gift & use it to Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Music for your day...
Anyway - the point I want to get to - I love my Christian Music - it lifts me up, it encourages, it inspires me! I am so happy that there are even variety of choices on the radio for different styles of Christian Music. Well - on cloudy days, its hard to get some of the stations in that I prefer so I went on the Internet to see what sort of music is available to listen to on line.
That's when I found LIVE365!!! This page gives you EVERYTHING you want to listen to. You have so many options. You can listen to every sort of Christian Music you want - Gospel, Contemporary, Rock - its got it all. But on some days, I will switch it around every hour & its so much fun! Especially when I found the 80's channels - takes me back to the good ole days! And they even have a Showtune Channel - it calls my inner Broadway soul! There is even a TV Show channel that just plays the music from the beginning of different TV shows. "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both & there you have, the Facts of Life...." - aahh, memories.... but one of my all time favorite - there is even a channel that has music just for Disney fans! It plays the music that you even find in Disney World - even the music from the Haunted Mansion or music you find in Epcot Center! Its fantastic!