After church, my husband stayed behind to do a Fantasty Football thing with some guys at church so I came home & had the afternoon to myself. Its AMAZINGLY beautiful outside so I wanted to do something out to just enjoy the weather. I looked in the back yard & noticed that our little flower bed (which holds no flowers because I have no green thumb) was starting to be over come with weeds. So I grabbed my gloves, a garbage bag & got to work.
So many things hit me while I was out there... First, I thought how it doesnt take long for weeds to creep up & take over things. Because when they grow, they grow FAST & they intertwine with other weeds & next thing you know, they cover the whole ground.... just like sin tends to do if we dont keep an eye out.....
And remember - the purpose of weeds are to kill or to take over... wow... the way sin is reflective of that!
Then I noticed how hard it was to pull them up, but once I got in there, since they were all interwined, I could get my hands under & give a good pull & it brought up so much in one pull... but showed how deep the weeds went..... again, just like sin.... how one sin can lead to another & another & to clear most of the sins out of your life - its going to take ALOT of jerking of some stuff out of your life.....
But the clearing comes! You start with one little section & you see progress & you can move on from that area.... just like you can work on an area in your life & get some glimpses of hope. Its a place to start... the point is to get started SOMEWHERE!!!!
And it wasnt FUN cleaning up the weeds... I'm allergic to grass & by the time it was over, I was itchy, sneezing & ready to run & scream.... but healing, or cleaning of sin, doesnt come easy either. It comes with some sufferings maybe... but now, I can walk out & see how the hard work has paid off....
And the most important thing I've learned... I have to stay on top of it because if I ignore that flower bed again.... I'll be right back to where I started from....
May the weeds of your life be easily pulled....