The news of Josh Duggar is everywhere. On TV, articles popping up everywhere, on important news stations, on entertainment news. Everywhere.
I'm going to be really honest here. When I first heard the news, I wasn't that shocked.
Maybe because much doesn't shock me. I almost feel like everyone has something they want to hide.. everyone has a secret. Some are small & don't make a hill of beans difference, others have these deep dark secrets, like Josh's secret... but it still doesn't shock me.
Color me jaded I guess.
The only thing that shocks me is death I think.
Princess Diana... Michael Jackson... Whitney Houston's death - surprising.
Princess Diana's divorce - Michael Jackson's weird child thing - Whitney Houston's drug abuse ... none of that shocked me.
I think its definitely a sad situation.
Here's a family that stood for values & to have such a gross scandal upon them, it's sort of messed up in its own way.
& I think the saddest thing of it all is all the people who have always wanted to see the Duggars fail. That's so odd to me. That people want to see others fail just because they live a lifestyle that they don't agree with. What's with that?
I don't claim to say that what Josh Duggar has done isn't worth forgiving... I'm also not saying that what he has done isn't extremely bothersome. I will say, its something I can't wrap my mind around.
What I can say is that I feel so sorry for his family now. There are innocent children, his children, that I have a feeling are going to be victims in this & they have done nothing wrong in the situation. I pray for his children.
& I think in all of this, I have one big issue that really bothers me.
The Christian support he is receiving.
That sounds weird I know.
But I am seeing Christian politicians stand up for him, Christian artists, Christian leaders... all making 'statements' that they are in support of Josh Duggar.
That's all well & good.
I too am support of anyone repenting of sin, finding forgiveness, making wrongs turn into rights....
but what seems odd to me & makes me question... when John Doe is on the news for molesting young girls, these same Christian politicians, leaders, artists... you hear nothing from them. Crickets.
No one speaks out for the 'ordinary' person who has sin they have in their past.
Believe me, we all see lots of people with sin in their lives on the news every day...
I don't know... I just think it makes it look like being a Christian is a special club... & you have to be in it to receive the support & backing of others. Doesn't hurt if you are a popular, money making Christian at that.
I feel so funny saying that because I am a Christian...
I have seen sad situations of sin coming to light for some people... & have personally seen churches & people in churches turn their back on these people who confess their sins...
& I want to note, I have also seen some churches reach out to people & work on loving them as Christ loves them... it happens both ways, I get that....
It just seems there can be a double standard on who gets the 'voiced forgiving' of a Christian community.
I think in all of this, its a good opportunity to show to the world about being nonjudgmental & showing forgiveness to a world that so needs so much forgiving love... but I think its something we need to do for ALL situations - not just for a Duggar.
& I do pray for the whole Duggar family as a whole. I feel like they are a family of such strong faith, that this won't deter them. But I know it has to open old wounds that are tough to deal with. Especially publicly.
I also pray for the young ladies that have lived with this traumatic experience happen to them. Forgotten victims.
So I say as a Christian, let's take the opportunity here to show the world that you don't have to be someone 'special' or star on TV, but grace & mercy is available to everyone....
So I say as a Christian, let's take the opportunity here to show the world that you don't have to be someone 'special' or star on TV, but grace & mercy is available to everyone....
What's your opinion?