I know I've been MIA the past few days...
I've not had a good week.
Let me give you a quick update without being too boring...
I think I've never felt so close to dying in my life as the past week... & still ongoing actually...
sound like fun?
Yeah... sounds as much fun as its felt.
It started last week. I went to the doctor because my left hand was feeling numb. Like a pinched nerve or something, but wanted to make sure it was OK. Especially because I looked on
Google & read if its the outer 2 fingers, then it could be heart related, or a stroke waiting to happen... or carpal tunnel... but you know how it goes when you read the internet. Its gloom & doom... better to be safe then sorry, so made the appointment.
The doctor said she thought it could be carpal tunnel... sigh of relief... but she gave me a steroid pack to help with the inflammation in my hand. She even said it would probably help with my shoulder - DOUBLE BONUS... or so I thought...
I started taking the medicine on New Years Eve... a week ago. That day, I ran 6 miles - felt great... no problem
I should have known how strong the medicine was right then because that same night, I couldnt sleep. Insomnia is a side effect of the medicine. I literally got 2 hours of sleep... felt jittery... felt weird.
But I kept taking it.
Sunday & Monday, I felt a little odd, but I know I dont tolerate medicine well & just kept on with life.
Tuesday.... the rug was pulled out from underneath of me...
I came to work & walked up the steps to get to my office. WOOOOWWW - what happened to my legs? They felt so weak... my body started feeling horrible. My brain felt strange... like I couldnt focus on anything & I could pass out any minute. It was the weirdest sensation ever...but stupid me.. I kept taking the medicine.
Wednesday... Give me strength Lord... everything kept getting worse. I was on a downward slope to feeling 100% poopy. Then I didnt know what to do about the medicine. Everything I read kept telling me,
DO NOT STOP TAKING A STEROID PACK or you'll have extreme effects. But I was already feeling "extreme effects"...
I called the doctor who wasnt too friendly when she said, "
If you cant tolerate it, just stop it then"... but wait? I thought you shouldnt just stop? I thought you had to wean off? ... "
If you CANT TOLERATE it, then STOP it"... nice bed side manner there doc...
so I stop
Holy cow... break open the gates of hell on earth...
Thursday, I literally couldnt put my brain in a straight thought... And I literally couldnt walk a straight LINE... dizzy, feeling "off", & then the kicker... I lost all feelings in my hands & feet. Ever try to walk with no feeling in your feet? Its not fun... ever try to do ANYTHING with no feelings in your hands? Not fun either...
on top of that, my face started going numb... couldnt feel my cheeks... my face kept feeling cold. I was having a bit of this sensation before the medicine, but now? Oh forget about it... it was bizzaro world.
The doctor sent me to the ER to have an MRI done....
I asked why & she said she wanted to make sure I wasnt havent strokes or had a brain tumor....
WHAT??????????? A STROKE????????????? BRAIN TUMOR?????????????
This is what 40 feels like?
They did the MRI & sent me home...
I wake up on Friday feeling even WORSE! How is that possible, I dont know? I would go to bed thinking, I'll feel better in the morning, only to wake up & feel LESS of my body.
Friday, I couldnt even stand up... my body hurt so bad that I couldnt even touch my skin. A bath? Felt like razor blades touching me....it was like the worse flu ever IMAGINED!!!!....
I stayed at home in my bed all day waiting to hear the results of the MRI.
There is really nothing worse then waiting, is there?
To make a very long, even more dramatic story, LONGER... they finally called me at 5:00 pm on Friday & told me "your MRI is fine... if you're still having these problems, call us Monday & we'll set you up with a neurologist"
First of all, this will be the last time I deal with this doctor... after all this, THAT is the only explanation I get?
And as of this morning, I'm still feeling awful.
I've since read the effects of this medicine (Its called a Dexpak 10) on web sites & how it effected other people...
here's just an example I found:
"I have had chronic sinusitis for over 2 years. This drug has been my worst nightmare. Extreme heartburn, swelling all over, numbness in feet and arms, burning sensation in feet, dry/cracking skin that bleeds easily, raw feeling like a bad sunburn, extreme irritibility to the point of wanting to be violent, extreme nervousness and inability to sleep, increased appetitite but food has no taste, a drunk-like state of being, constipation and no relief from the sinus pain. I stopped the Dex-Pak 3 1/2 days early, and became worse. Swollen body has intensified, body feels bruised and tender, extreme sinus pain again. I will never take a steroid again unless it is definitely a life or death situation."
"The side effects were so severe I spent a day in the ER - thought I was having a stroke or something. Whole body numbness was unbearable. Never will take again."
"Took for poison ivy. Caused dizziness,nervousness,fatigue,numbness throughout my body, food tasted awful. Worst feeling I have ever had from taking medicine.I could not concentrate on anything. Stopped taking on day 11 of 13. I was up several times that night with vomiting and diareaha. Also had leg cramps. Will never take again! This drug should be pulled off the market!"
These are just a SMALL sample of what I've read....
at least I know I'm not alone.
But I still feel horrible...
I was up most of the night again last night. Its like the steroid are on time release because I'll feel like I'm getting better, then BAM... my body feels like its going to sleep, I get hot, feel like I cant focus on anything & feel like I'm just plain going to die...
aint medicine great?
I hate medicine... always have... & with reactions like this, apparently, always will..
Now, I'm just waiting to see how long this medicine will stay in my system...
& I'm also waiting to see what is the medicine & what is some other issue????
.... so far, being 40 sucks...
can y'all lift up a prayer for me... I cant tell you how much I'd appreciate it....
Off to try & wake up my arm, feet, back & back of head...
...good times...