Sunday - Skating Baby, Round 3 .... Isaac saw his skates when he got here & was so excited! He knows his Pappy takes him skating... Ricky rented the rink just for family & friends & its always so fun just to get on the floor & know the kids are all safe with just people you know. Isaac found a friend here in Emma - dont they look like twins with their blond hair & striped shirts? Isaac skated for 3 hours straight & wouldnt come off the floor... its in the genes...
Monday - Starbucks for baby.... actually for Nanny. Julie has a way of getting me to love Starbucks when she's around... me & Julie went out shopping for the day & I got my Java Chip Frappachino... Luke was getting fussy & is teething so I gave him my cup to chew on the straw... (& yes, I was watching him - I'm not a bad Nanny)... but a few days later, I had another one & he was in love with the whipped creme on top. He was probably wondering where that was at in this cup... no fair...
Tuesday - Tornado Warnings..... Julie & the boys were going to go out to visit a friend but before they could leave, we had to wait for storms to pass. Tornado warnings & Thunderstorms.... we had to pack up the kids & venture in the basement for awhile. It passed us quickly & we were damage free (Thank you Lord) ... this is after the storm passed & it was sprinkling... Isaac wanted the window open so he could feel the rain on his hands...
Wednesday - Zoo Day .... (This is un-edited ... I'm telling you, I got some great pictures that I cant wait to fix up!) ... but Isaac & Pappy had a great time in the zoo. Between seeing animals & chasing each other & just a perfect beautiful Fall day - it was a wonderful trip... that kicked our butts! We literally weren't out of the parking lot before Isaac was snoring... isnt it nice to be a kid?
Thursday - New Wedding Band.... Yep, our 15th anniversary... I had just gone to get my 7th root canal (boo!) & came home & gave Ricky his present. His wedding band has gotten beaten up over the years & plus, it was yellow gold. We have both changed our taste on yellow gold & he wanted white... So I got him a new wedding band for the occassion. It looks really nice on his hand... I told him now, I expect a FANTASTIC ring for our 20th! :)
Friday - Someone's jealous.... I know the picture of me is horrible - but I had to show you how jealous our doggies were over the week. They werent getting all the attention that they normally do & Bruno was literally following me everywhere I went. While I was holding Luke while he drifted off to sleep, Bruno climbed right up in my lap & fell asleep too... babies come with fur & without fur...
Saturday - Halloween party to cheer up Nanny & Pappy... Julie & the boys left Saturday afternoon & we were some bummed people... but our friends, Lynn & Mickey had their annual Halloween party. Its always such fun... with yummy food & games & lots of laughter. You cant really tell here, but my dad hooked me up with his chaps, his worn out cowboy boots, his vest... & inside on my pocket, I even had a "Sherriff" badge :) I'll have more Halloween pictures to come as well - some great costumes!
Hope everyone has had a great week... I know it was fantastic for me...
And fair warning... this blog will probably be nothing but photo central over the next few days...
Happy Halloween & Happy NOVEMBER!!! (wow!!!!)