I just have to say - it was such a wonderful weekend! It was jammed packed with friends, family & messages that really touched me! Saturday, we got to spend time with my family celebrating my daddy's birthday. After a great meal (which I did not cook - ate out!) we came back to my home & brought out the ice cream & cake. The twins were running around making everyone smile - how amazing they have such personalities! It just seems they were born - now they're fast approaching 3 yrs old! (where does the time go?)
Sunday - I was so impacted by the messages I received at both the morning church service & the Thrive message. The morning message, the main thing that stuck with me was the question that was posed - "Would anyone mistake you for Jesus?" - if someone didnt' know anything about Jesus & heard about Him for the first time, would you be the one they thought, "Hey, I already know that person!" HHMMMM..... one of those things that make you think! Then at Thrive, it was brought up how the disciples weren't the "best of the best" - how they must have failed at their tests to become a rabbi - but yet, Jesus chose them & considered them the best to follow him. A great point that hit my heart was the idea that Jesus believed in them, as He believes in us today! We always think about us having to believe in Him - but switching it around - how encouraging is that? The idea that Jesus believe in us to do the things He instructs us to do! What a challenge - but its made easier to know we have "the man" behind us cheering us on! It was just a great "God-day!" - along with the band ROCKING OUT at Thrive - LOVED IT!!!
Plus, I have to mention - me & Ricky were so blessed to go out to lunch with friends, Lynn & Mickey & gang, who are fast becoming such wonderful God-friends to us!!! Who would have thought a lunch right after church could last until 4:00!!!??? By the time we left each other - I was ready to go back in for dinner! We would have probably still be there talking if that's what we did!
And the topper of the weekend - I get to love on my nieces. There's nothing better than lying them in bed & them just hugging & giving me their sign language for "Aunt Bec" - does a heart good!