You know when you feel like you're being chased by God with a message? Like He's trying to pound it in your head & finally, you're like, Wait - I keep hearing this over & over - I must be needing to take something out of this. Well, I keep having moments like that. Surrender - giving it all over - It's all Yours - Giving it all to God. That message seems to be everywhere lately.
During Thrive, Christy did a great skit on showing how to give it all over to God - packing it all away in a box labeled specifically for this purpose. In it, she put her finances, her job, her studies, her childhood - everything that makes her up. What a great message. Then last night, again, the talk was about "Surrender" & what are we holding back that we should offer to God.
In a video that goes along with the series, Steve Arterburn gave the example of his daughter who earned a metal running a 5k race with her dad. She was so proud of this metal & thought it was the world (I would too if I finished a 5K race). But she saw another young lady who had some physical disabilities running this race & this little girl could see the struggle that the lady was having. She later saw her after the race & felt it in her heart to give her her own metal that she had received. It touched the father so much to see his daughter give up something that she cherished for someone else. The concluding point was - what could God do with you if you gave things over to him? How much more can be accomplished for His purpose if we are willing to give things over?
Then - on my drive into work - I pop in the newest Steven Curtis Chapman CD (yeah, I know - a shocker) & then a song comes on that I listened to - but I guess never really LISTENED to. The song is called "Yours". There are some beautiful words that just keep repeating - "Its all Yours God"....there it is again - surrendering, handing over, giving it all.
I found this video on YouTube that had the words & I think its a beautiful video - to see all the beauty in creation that God created & is His. But I think it goes further than that - even the ugly & sick & dying - its all God's too. The struggles that people endure, the hardships of life - they're all His too if we'd hand it over & let Him control it instead of ourselves. I know a beautiful video couldnt really grasp all that - & who would want to watch that? - but I hope you enjoy watching it - & really listen to the words.
So - what do you need to surrender to God? What do you need to give control over to God of? Remember - everything you have is because of Him? Use it to glorify Him & His name!
Good point Rebecca. Great video! I loved our discussion about surrender last night. Now if I can just pinpoint those things that I need to surrender and do it I feel like I will have truly learned something.