I was talking to a friend last night about the idea of being color blind. I just can't imagine what that must feel like. To see the beautiful sites in the world in all their color & glory - its just something to behold. Like the fall - that's my most favorite time of the year! Going to Gatlinburg, TN & going up in the Smoky Mountains & seeing all the trees different colors of gold, orange, & yellows - there is nothing more beautiful! I know some people enjoy looking at the ocean or waters of blue & that's the most gorgeous site. For others - its the beauty of flowers & all the colors they produce. The sites of snow capped mountains or the splendor in the clays of the desert. Even just sitting outside in your own back yard & seeing a bright, clear blue sky - is there anything as beautiful as that?
Now what if you see those things as a color blind person? Does it get "lessened" in any way? Or is it the only thing that a color blinded person knows so they dont really feel like they are missing out on anything?
Then it really made me think - what if what I'm seeing is all I know? That's its actually more gorgeous than that? But in the same sense, its beautiful enough - enough to let me enjoy everything I see! Oh - it just makes me crave the day that we're in Heaven & we get to see beauty in forms that we never even knew existed! Beauty that we can't even fathom! Maybe we all have a form of color blindness that will be revealed when we get to stand in the presence of our Lord! What a Beautiful Day that will be!!!
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