Last night, when I was getting ready for bed, I went to turn on my CD player that is next to the bed. Now, having no TV for awhile, I've been listening to my radio more than ever & of course, the volumne has to be up pretty high so I can hear it throughout the house. So, when its time to go to bed, I put in a nice CD - usually some Yanni, or some sort of relaxing music. Last night - the choice was my Bridal CD that has all the mellow stuff, like Canon in D, & Trumpet Voluntary (my personal favorite - yep, walked down the aisle to that one!) & some great Mozart & Bethoven stuff - great music to put you to sleep!!! Well, where the radio was cranked up, I had to find that perfect level again that would let me sleep - something not too loud & something not too soft.
I thought I had just the perfect level...ahh...sleep was coming soon! Then, drats, the air conditioning came on & I couldnt hear the music anymore. It was just enough noise to drown out the music I was listening too. I was laying there then trying to focus in on the music - & yo
u know what - it worked!! When I tried to block out the sound from the air conditioning & just put all my attention towards the CD player, I could hear it - ever so faintly - but I did hear it!
Then I couldnt really relax because I was concentrating so hard on trying to stay focused on that music! But after about 10 minutes (it must have been really hot in the house because the air WOULDNT click off!) I finally eased up but could still hear the music in the background. Sleep finally hit me - I was OUT!
It made me think because yesterday in our Bible Study, John Bevere said he prayed a prayer for over 2 years & THEN he heard the Spirit of God telling him it was the wrong prayer! Do you think maybe he was praying so hard, he wasn't focusing on the small voice of God in the back telling him it was wrong? But he did finally hear it & he obeyed God. How many of us dont take the time to concentrate & tune in to God - blocking out the other stuff that distracts us? Do we realize that mostly, it only takes something simple to drown out that voice & distract us? Sometimes, God will only talk to us through still, small voices - we need to be in tune to hear it when it comes!
And by the way - dont worry about a small CD player bothering Ricky! The man can sleep with a TV blaring so loud - the neighbors down 2 miles can hear it! I dont know how he does it!
wow! it is so true. I'm in a bible study that is reading the book The Rest of God, by Mark Buchanan(SP?), its really good and we just read a chapter last week on listening. Its funny how God strings things together for us. that is me reading your blog post.