That means on the weekends, its my "long runs" - I add one miles each weekend until I get up to 11 miles... not sure why training doesnt ever really take you to the length of the actual race, but they dont. They say that "adrenaline will push you the rest of the way".. funny...
So this past weekend, I was up to a 7 mile run... & it was a busy day. I had an Engagement Photo Session in the afternoon & then I knew I'd just want to go home & edit pictures, so the morning was the only time to get in the miles.
...only to wake up to see the morning was pouring rain... I'm talking POURRRINNNGGG rain.
What do I do? Get on the treadmill? While I do love my treadmill - I can only usually bear about an hour max on that baby... so I choose to do my run in the rain. Afterall, if it rains on race day, I'm still going to do the race, so might as well train in it.
Let me tell you - it was like God was having a talk straight to my heart during this run...all the pain I'm in lately & feeling like there is a dark cloud over my head in life every day right now, there was so much that stood out to me as I was going through the miles....
*I had to be prepared for this run... had to make sure I had a hat on to shield my face - had to make sure I didnt wear my "good" shoes - had to make sure I wore long sleeves to shield from the cold of the rain. .... made me realize that we know "rainy" times are going to come. Am I preparing myself? Getting God's word deep in me to equip me for the road ahead?
*Something positive I noticed? The air while running in the rain was cleaner - fresher. It seemed easier to breath in & out. The colors were also BRIGHTER! The greens in the trees & on the grass were so vivid & bold. There was even beauty in watching the water trickle down roads & paths & over rocks & streams.... make me realize that there is beauty to be found in the "storms of life" - they can actually bring out some beautiful things that you wouldnt really notice before. When you're forced to look at things differently, you see things differently - & that's not always bad, but a wonderful learning experience - & sometimes the trials can help you take a deep, refreshing breath.
*I saw blue skies up ahead & knew for sure the rain was going to stop - only to see the grey clouds shift & cover up the blue... God spoke to me that while we may see openings & think the clearing is up ahead, we have no control over it. Things will play out how they are supposed to & I just have to keep on moving along.
*One of the biggest things I learned - I thought at first that I could run under the trees that cover the road. Find a little bit of shelter. But what I quickly learned that those leaves that were overhead would drop even MORE water. It was like the leaves would hold water & then release it all at once - extra doses of water.... It made me realize that I needed to keep my pace - not slow down under these shelters thinking that they were the answer. No - the answer was just getting to the end - not stopping. The places that you think you have shelter in arent really shelter at all, but cause more problems. Keep pressing on till I'm home!
*Then the coolest thing... I actually got used to the rain. It didnt really even phase me anymore. I was already wet & you can only get so wet... The coolness of the weather made my run better - I was content. And I was heading down a hill & all of a suddent, I realized... the rain had stopped!!! I didnt even noticed it at first!!!!.... it was like when I finally submitted to the rain, the things I was going through, then God brought an end to it. I actually laughed out loud while running when I realized it had stopped & I didnt notice.. it was like I wasnt focusing on the bad stuff anymore & the perspective of it all was realized..... praying my perspective of the pain I'm in right now changes & that it will one day be gone & I stop & realize that I made it through this "storm"
... next time it rains in your area - strap on your shoes. Not your good ones though - be prepared :)... & see what God has to speak to you.
Such amazing lessons learned on your run and such a great word for me right now! I needed to read this!
ReplyDeleteGood for you and running through the elements.
ReplyDeleteI used to enjoy a rainy trail run now and then.
I'm trying to get back into walking now that my hip doesn't hurt anymore - I'm gonna bookmark this post to remind me that it doesn't matter the weather! Well, I probably won't try to walk on ice :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an excellent post and reminder. God bless you...oh wait, it sounds like He already did. :)
ReplyDeleteWay to go.. So proud of you.. How is the dog feeling??
ReplyDeleteThat was so beautifully said.
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful, Rebecca! Thank you.
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