Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My new toy

So I stopped on the way home from work for some more apples & lemons... going to make some more of that 'lemonade'...
& then I get home & see something on my front porch....

I am so excited... been waiting anxiously for my NutriBullet

It started a couple of weeks ago.  I woke up on a Saturday morning & turned on the TV.  Now, I'll admit, I'm a sucker for info-mercials... I think I can tell you all about every work out video, every piece of exercise equipment, every cleaning product, everything...

(I'm also on the verge of wanting to buy some of that Tommie Copper that Montel Williams promotes for my bicep tenonditis!!!)

But this Saturday morning - I see this guy...

David "Avacado" Wolfe ... no, I'm not making up the name... thats what he calls himself.

He reminds me of Howie Mandel with hair.

If you've ever seen "Hungry for Change" - you'll know who he is.  He's an amazing nutritionist.

But I've got this new love of nutrition & food & what it can & cant do to you.  The idea of you are what you eat... the idea that food can be used as 'medicine' ... its all so fascinating to me.  Makes so much sense to me too...

That's why I got my juicer ... & obviously love it... I'm always making juice.

But this looked so simple ... you just toss it in this thing & blend it & drink out of the cup.

Was it as easy as they say?

I pulled it out of the box & just glanced at the directions.  The thing they say to keep in mind is use 50% of greens (spinach, kale, swiss chard) & then 50% fruit - ANY fruit - any combo of fruits.... then you can add any kind of "boost" - nuts, seeds, acai berries, goji berries... & then just add some spring water to make it thin & that's it...

blend & just drink out of the cup...

Its seriously that easy... I made a cup of spinach, pineapple & strawberries...

made it in 30 seconds...

& had the whole unit cleaned in under a minute...

I will say, that's the only downfall of a juicer.  While mine isnt AWFUL to clean, you still have to clean out the strainer everytime.  It takes about 5 minutes to clean that... aain - how horrible - but now I see this thing cleans in SECONDS?  Thta's sweet....

I'm sure I'll still use my juicer...

but this is going to be amazing for breakfast... when I dont have 5 minutes to do dishes...

I'm also trying to find out the benefit/differences of juicing verses Nutrition Extractor.  I do think you probably loose a lot of nutrition in your pulp... & with this, you get all the benefit of greens where in juicing, you get very little juice out of them.

I could tell its going to be nice when The Hubs tried my first drink & said, "Can you make some more?" ....  & I had another cup ready, & cleaned up in under 5 minutes...

Anyone else have one? 
Any combos I must try/
Here's an exaple of how it works if you're interested... & I'm not being paid to promote this - I just think its pretty darn cool...

"If you eat wrongly, no doctor can cure us.  If we eat rightly, no doctor is needed" -Victor G. Rocine


  1. I'm mad at you.
    Why didn't you tell me about this thing before I spent hundreds on my juicer. You owe me!

  2. I wouldn't be so quick to dump the juicer in favor of this new toy (not that you would dump it, of course, but you know what I mean). There are several reasons why.

    First of all, removing the pulp from your fruits and veggies frees up your body to use the enzymes from the live juices WITHOUT having to expend energy digesting the pulp. That is one of the biggest reasons for using a juicer. Our bodies expend so much energy on digestion that our cells rarely have time to do the thing they were created to do...fight disease and keep our body in optimal health by moving stuff around.

    Another reason for using a juicer over a blender type of gadget is that you want to press out the juice from your food, not spin it around to create the mush. Heating up your produce kills the enzymes your body so desperately needs.

    Sure, cleaning a juicer is a pain, but I think it's SO WORTH the effort!


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