At the last photo session I did on Saturday, I told her, "Yeah, I don't think I have any plans coming up: ...
What was I thinking?
I opened up my calendar & just laughed...
I have a photo session on Thursday evening
I have to pick up my race packet in the expo Friday (which is chaos to get a parking place in Downtown)
I have only a half marathon to run Saturday morning (& apparently, run in the middle of scattered STORMS... nice....)
I have to meet my next wedding couple for their consultation on Saturday evening
I have youth small group on Sunday morning
I have a quick photo session on Sunday afternoon
....AND I have a Bridal shower ALSO on Sunday afternoon
Ohhhhh, I'm stressed |
YEAH.... I could say I'm a little stressed....
That'll teach me to say I'm not busy again....
And, this is where you all come in.... you could actually help me out here...
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(who doesn't love a good Bridesmaid's shout out?) |
On top of everything, I have to come up with the lesson for the youth next Sunday on dating.
Anyone have any thoughts on your kiddos dating?
Are you OK with it? What advice do you give kids dating? Let me hear your thoughts on it...
& no, locking your child up until they're 25 doesn't count! :)
Anything you would have done differently dating in your own teen years?
C'mon - help a lady out - ease my stress some :)
Be yourself ( that's who God created you to be!) and don't conform... don't try to be someone you're not just to get the guy/girl. If they can't like you with your Jesus showing, then they aren't worth your time!!
ReplyDeleteDating should be about finding that person you will spend the rest of your life with! Look at each person that asks you out with that view in mind! Can you see that person 10 years down the road in your life?
And last thought.... WAIT! Wait for that first kiss... wait to say I LOVE YOU ( thrown around too much!) And wait until you're married for sex... they will be glad they didn't give a piece of themselves (that you can't get back!) to someone who isn't truly "the one"!
Be yourself ( that's who God created you to be!) and don't conform... don't try to be someone you're not just to get the guy/girl. If they can't like you with your Jesus showing, then they aren't worth your time!!
ReplyDeleteDating should be about finding that person you will spend the rest of your life with! Look at each person that asks you out with that view in mind! Can you see that person 10 years down the road in your life?
And last thought.... WAIT! Wait for that first kiss... wait to say I LOVE YOU ( thrown around too much!) And wait until you're married for sex... they will be glad they didn't give a piece of themselves (that you can't get back!) to someone who isn't truly "the one"!
I wonder about exploring the idea of NOT dating. There is pressure to date, I think, for young people. They see friends with a boyfriend/girlfriend and wonder, "When is it MY turn?" You and I both read "Kelly's Korner" and in her blog she talks about wanting so badly to be a wife and a mom. I think the same is true for kids--they so badly want a boyfriend or girlfriend! So....what if they didn't date in high school? What if they didn't have their first kiss until they were in college? Why is it important to feel the need to date RIGHT NOW? That may be something to think about because I think there are a LOT of kids who aren't dating who wonder "When is it my turn?"
ReplyDeleteFor some weird reason, my dashboard only shows your blog about once a week! Drives me nuts. Anyway, I could see this post today!
ReplyDeleteI know that Cohen is no where near the age I will feel comfortable with him dating, but I will probably be as strict on him as my parents were with me! I know that I want him to not feel this pressure to settle down and have a girlfriend all through school. My mom encouraged me to have fun with my friends, date those that I really liked and had a good time with, and not be so serious. She didn't mean for me to go out and "party" it up and date everyone and their brother, but just that dating did not mean serious relationship ahead and to take things really slowly. :)
Well, I've raised one daughter and am in the throws of "fun times" with my youngest, who's 16. Where, oh, where do I begin? I think it's of utmost importance for parents to get to know their daughter's interest as best as they can PRIOR to allowing them to date. We did that with Brittany and now with Abby. We've had her boyfriend over to our house on numerous occasions. In fact, the first time we met him, Chris took him to our basement to have a "man-to-man" talk with him. He explained his expectations of him and how he was NEVER to give us any reason to distrust him. Poor boy was sweating bullets! Abby has yet to go out on an actual date with him, though they've been together for over a year. We've allowed her to meet him at the mall with other friends, but that's been it. When we get to the point of allowing her to go on a car date with him, we're going to do so in baby steps. The first time, they might go get an ice cream. The next time, they might go grab a bite to eat. It's going to happen in increments so that we know they're able to abide by our rules. It's so important, too, that you keep the lines of communication OPEN at all times. Your kids need to know they can come to you and talk about anything, anytime.
ReplyDeleteOur girls were not allowed to date until they turned 18. They could have a boy come to church with them or they could come to the house, but no car dates alone until 18. My oldest who is 21 now, actually thanked us about a year ago for making her wait. So far, we haven't heard that from the youngest. haha
ReplyDeleteI forgot something else. The boy had to come and ask their daddy if he could date them. Both boys did it and lived to tell about it afterwards. Hubby gave them the rules and told them exactly what he expected. haha
ReplyDeleteClayton's youth group just started a series on this exact subject. I can send you some information that they sent the parents...maybe it will help! I believe it looks at the Song of Solomon (very vaguely ;)
ReplyDeleteThey are doing a series from The Church of the Highlands led by pastor Chris Hodges.
Here is an excerpt of the email...
We are not only talking with the kids about dating, but many things go into this-
-protecting them from the world we live in and the lies it is telling us
-Looking to your parents for counsel and direction -- HUGE --
-Taking the time to do things God's way
-Understanding that the Lord does not give us rules to punish us
-Learning what it means to be sons and daughters of the king most high
-Understanding that they deserve to be treated respectfully
-Setting up boundaries for themselves and asking for help
As a youth group we want to be encouraging our students to make wise decisions. We want them to be prepared and to know what God has intended for them. This knowledge is so very important. I know that you share these biblical teaching in your house. But I also know that many kids may have conversations at home, but things change for them when they are with their peers. Part of this study is to teach our kids that they have a responsibility to watch out for and encourage one another. The wedding party in the story is there to help guide and protect, not party like the world we are living in now believes. We want our students to be real and honest with one another.
Having said those things, I also find myself far more conservative than many others I know. I want our children to be young and innocent. I do not believe in teaching them things before they are ready in both mind and soul. This is one of the reasons why we will not be showing the video for week 3. The title is a little outlandish and could scare people off. But I will tell you that it was a terrific sermon. However, we feel that it is aimed at teaching a married couple. This is why we are not showing it. It is not because it is inappropriate material, it is because it does not apply to them at this time in their lives.
We are praying that this series will be able to open doors to conversations at home with parents. We want our students to know how wise their parents are. This age can be very difficult, as they are trying to find their own way. But we want to continue to encourage them to look to God and to their parents. It would give us no greater joy to know that our students are asking their parents what they think about situations before the students act on them.
Hope it is helpful!! Praying for you and your students :)
Sorry, I have no help for you today. I do know that last week I started out bowling a good game and I said "this will be a good day today" and then my next two games were 94 & 95!