627 / Day 1.
We started a 40 day challenge of bible study & prayer in our Joy group & I am thankful for Day 1... a new start... a new challenge. Looking forward to what God shows me in the next 40 days.
628 / Offer of meat cooking.
So I thought it was the greatest that when my mom read my blog post about fixing Bruno some meat, she called & asked if I wanted her to cook it for me. It's been a tough road full of gagging & covering my nose smelling it, but I've been making it... but I do keep in the back of my mind if it becomes too much, I'm sending chicken over to my parents to get cooked & chopped up.
630 / Gift Card Surprise.
A coworker asked me if I ever go to Starbucks... to which I pointed to the Starbucks cup on my desk that I had picked up at lunch... & she said she never goes there & she had that gift card she knows she'd never use (WHATTTTTTT?????) so she gave it to me. How nice is that? & that baby was put to good use the next day. Nothing sadder than a gift card not used.
634 / Sitting outside for dinner.
I was kinda happy when the inside of the new place that opened in our area was so crowded, we were forced to eat outside. My favorite thing to do on a beautiful evening.
634 / Relaxing Sunday morning.
This was the first Sunday I have missed MSM since I started - so over 2 years.... but it was nice to sit & relax & chat with Julie.
635 / Running into friends.
We went out to lunch with the Nashville gang before they left & ran into some of our friends & then ran into another set of friends... friends everywhere. Always makes me happy to see familiar faces.
637 / These girls
... enough said.
638 / Traffic entertainment.
Coming home from work on Monday, I sat & sat & sat... forever. It took me an hour & a half to get home. So I was happy that I had in my seat next to me some yarn & a crochet hook. Helped me knock out a wash cloth. (Still got car sick though - I always get car sick in traffic)
640 / Youth kiddo reached out.
I had a young lady that was in my group at camp - she comes to church maybe, MAYBE, 2-3 times a year... but she keeps in touch with some of my MSM girls. Well, she was struggling with an issue & my MSM girl gave her my number & told her to reach out to me for advice. That alone, I'm thankful... that this friend knew she didnt know how to answer so she sent her to someone else that she thought could help... & I'm even more thankful that she did reach out to me. I was able to talk with her for awhile & I think I helped eased her mind a little in her situation & giver her some peace... definitely gave her some love. Y'all, life is hard in middle school these days.... pray for these kiddos.
What good things have happened in your world this week?
Yessss! Middle school IS HARD!! Looky!! I remembered the link up!!
ReplyDeleteI live the middle school years over and over each year...haha.
ReplyDeleteThat is cool your mom will cook meat for Bruno. I actually have a hard time eating meat that I have cooked myself, especially chicken. I guess it's the whole seeing it raw thing. If someone else cooks it, i'm fine with it.
That's awesome that you got a free SB gift card!!!!
hell yes to free gift cards!! i do that as well...give the GCs to my husband if I'm not using them (did the same with my starbucks GC since I'm a tim hortons girl).
ReplyDeleteI love knit wash cloths! A great way to pass the time but traffic is terrible.
ReplyDeleteI remember middle school (well, junior high back in my day). It's great that you were there for that young lady and could give her some advice and love. Heck yes to a Starbucks gift card! LOL
ReplyDeleteAs I've said before and will say again and again, I love that you are there for those girls and they know they can lean on you for guidance and know you'll be there to help them. That means the world to anyone, young or old. Middle school was so dang hard 30 years ago (I feel ancient just acknowledging that) and I cannot imagine how much harder it is today. And hurrah for free Starbucks gift cards!
ReplyDeleteAhhh middle school angst, thank goodness those girlies have you and Jesus as Inspirations...LOVE!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad these girls have you in their lives.
ReplyDeleteMan middle school was rough. I'm glad that she reached out and felt comfortable enough with you to talk with you, that's awesome. Yay for free starbucks gift cards and...unfortunately my commute home everyday is 1.5-2 hours, sad but true...
ReplyDeleteYes! I love cotton dishcloths! And the skeins are so little that they're easy to tote around and do a few lines (sounding like a cokehead there). And yay for the free gift card! I remember middle school youth group and all the drama from school - but how youth group was a shelter in that storm. Those girls are so blessed to have you, just as I can tell you consider yourself blessed to have them. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful momma you have! And that co-worker!! Where do I find friends/co-workers with unused SB gift cards??
ReplyDeleteThose middle school girls are SO lucky to have you! What a blessing you are to them!!
Love free gift cards!!
ReplyDeleteAt least you did something productive in the traffic! That is why I do audiobooks haha. I feel like if nothing else, I at least "read" for the two hours a day I sit in my car. Good luck on your challenge!