Tuesday, November 03, 2020

One Sentence a Day {October 2020|

I'm sure everyone has already voted or doing it today...

Let's buckle in America... it could be a bumpy ride!
So let's just forget things for a bit & look back at October

.... distraction is the best medicine on most things for me.

1- Thurs / Happy Birthday to my momma!!! #sassyat73

2 - Fri / President Trump has COVID, along with many people he's been around. #ifonlytherewereguidelinestolistento #ijustcant

3- Sat / Happy 13th Birthday to Isaac!!! #Ihaveateenagergrandson

4- Sun /  Enjoyed a lazy day on the couch & watching Enola Holmes #socute #girlpower

5 - Mon /  Trump comes home & does exactly what I expected of him to do when he takes off his mask, does a photo op, tells everyone how easy Covid is & walks into a building of people that works for him  #disrespectful #notsurprised #disgusted 

6 - Tues /  Good bye Grey! #moreWHITEthanGRAYnow

7 - Wed / Happy 3rd Birthday Ernie Walker!!! #mybabyboy

8 - Thurs / Now that Tyler is out of Big Brother, I could care less about the rest of the season #WORSTSEASONEVER #AllStarsMyButt

9 - Fri / Happy 16th Birthday to the twins! #howdidthathappensofast

10 - Sat / Library pick up day #excitedforTheHeirAffair

11 - Sun / Fall is just showing off at this point with the colors & temps #cantgetenough

12 - Mon / So is Indigenous People's Day the new name for Columbus Day or are there 2 different things? #IamConfused

13 - Tues / Chasity & I actually finished Entrusted in 6 weeks & it was perfect timing to dig deep in God's Word #GIVEMEJESUS #especiallyatElectiontime

14 - Wed /AMAZON PRIME DAY!! #treatyoself

15 - Thurs /  Pulled out my photo equipment & cameras & all the dust on the bags just shows how long its been since I've used most of it #thatsashame

16 - Fri / Trying to get to bed early so I'm rested up for the big day tomorrow #itsbeen3years

17 - Sat / I forgot just how bad your feet hurt after shooting a wedding #mytoenailisgonnafalloff

18 - Sun / After all day on my feet with a bad ankle, I made sure to stay in bed & on the couch to recover #lazydday

19 - Mon / Did my first workout since I've hurt my ankle & UGHHH, still painful, but refusing to give in #presson

20 - Tues / I'm trying to get caught up myself for vacation next week & when you're covering for someone else, its hard to do both #OVERWHELMED

21 - Wed /  I'm having PTSD taking a walk, scared to death I'm going to just fall over again & break all my bones #nevercantell #leavesaregorgeousthough

22 - Thurs / .... and another Presidential debate #cantwaitforthistoend

23 - Fri / I honestly could not be more thrilled to shut my laptop & not restart it for a week #officialvacation

24 - Sat / I came out of retirement to do a photo session with a Framily member #sogoodtoseeher #andherlittledogtoo

25 - Sun / It was grey & gloomy & drizzly all day & made for the perfect day to just stay in PJ's all day long #Netflixallday

26 - Mon / Day 1 of vacation had us taking our  first load of overflowing truck to Goodwill #cleanoutallthestuff

27 - Tues / I got the most devastating news of my former manager who passed away unexpectedly #plannedtomeetherthisweek

28 - Wed / We had had plans to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in Disney World, but instead ended up playing miniature golf the next town over. #2020 #SilverAnniversary

29 - Thurs / I mean, we really did get the worst weather of the year for our vacation #PourrrrringRainAllDay

30 - Fri / The Hubs had a doctor's appointment early so I rode with him & got reading done in the car waiting for him #gotStarbuckstoo

31 - Sat / VOTED!!!!! #GladThatsDone

How was your October.....

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