Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Show Us Your Books - April 2022 Reads


The Book of Cold Cases
*** / Liked It

Quick Summary: A blogger who writes about unsolved crimes get the opportunity to interview a woman who years ago was acquitted after going to trial for being The Lady Killer

I thought this book started off very strong & I really was excited for the premise of the story.  But it took some strange turns for me.  I thought we had a Sixth Sense sort of story going & when there was touches of paranormal things happening, it just took the wind out of my sails.

I felt like the mystery was all over by the time we got to Part II - which happens early in the book. So there wasn't much mystery at all - just some extra add ins & back story.  Adding even MORE stranger paranormal, I was rolling my eyes by the end of the story - disappointed.

I did finish it all because I wanted to see the outcome. & honestly- i still didn't hate or dislike the book. I guess I was clinging to what I wanted the story to be?  

Would I recommend? I mean, if you like crime novels & there's nothing else - its not the worst book I've read. If you enjoy crime AND paranormal - this one may be for you.

“But a novel always ends, the lies come to the surface, and the deaths are explained. Maybe one of the bad characters gets away with something—that’s fashionable right now—but you are still left with a sense that things are balanced, that dark things come to light, and that the bad person will, at least, most likely be miserable.”

Midnight Sun
*** / Liked It

Quick Summary:  Twilight told through the eyes of Edward Cullen

I did enjoy this book & if you are a Twilight fan, you'll enjoy it too.  Seeing things through Edward's eye has a whole different take.  You even get to know more about the whole Cullen family since we're seeing Edward's view & being able to use his talent of hearing their thoughts.  It was really interesting & gave the whole story a new twist but also hit on points that you love in the original story & making you feel like that Leo gif

BUT... MY GOODNESS... this book is FOREVER LONG!!!! Nearly 700 pages.  & I dont think it needed to be.  It felt like a chore to get through the chapters. If you're not a fan of Twilight, you'll never make it through.

One final thought - I came out of this loving Carlisle Cullen even more - he's the unsung hero in this story to me - I've always loved him & this book just reinforces why.

“Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.”

The Vanishing Half
***** / It was Amazing

Quick Summary: Twin sisters end up going their own seperate ways when they run away from home & one sister passes herself for white & leaves her sister behind, while the other sister returns home with her black daughter. The decisions the sisters make effects their entire life & family & travels down into the next generation

I had heard so much about this book & always waited "to that right time" - which is never - so I finally grabbed up the book & went to it. WOW! Just a powerful book.

I wanted to give it 4 1/2 just because I wanted a happily ever after ending... but in this story, it makes sense there isn't one.

My heart ached for these sisters & how their lives were so separate of one another. To see their own daughters lives intersect was so intriguing too.  Add in the other characters in the story, who are dealing with big things, & this is just a lot of emotion in one book.  

I had to take a minute after closing this book to digest it all. Signs of a good story & why I ended up giving it the full 5 stars.

Side note - Early is my favorite unsung character in this book.  I just loved everything about him.  The way he took care of Adele. My heart.

Another Side Note:  I listen to the Podcast Mean Book Club just because its funny to hear the ladies tear up a book that is usually popular. When I saw this on the list, I was shocked... turns out, they were mad that they all liked it & couldn't tear it up & make fun like their other books - so that says a lot.

“Her death hit in waves. Not a flood, but water lapping steadily at her ankles. You could drown in two inches of water. Maybe grief was the same.”

My Evil Mother
***** / It was Amazing

Quick Summary:  A short story about a teenage girl living with her single mother who may or may not be a witch & the relationship they have through the years

I needed a brain cleanser after my last book so I got this free download & figured - why not.  It took less than an hour to read & I'm so glad I found this.

It made me laugh, & then feel all the emotions & the end made me chuckle with a tender heart because life really is full circle, isn't it?

& it makes me want to point at things now to freak people out.

"And did you feel protected?"

I'll Start Again Monday
**** / Really Liked It

Quick Summary:  A look at the struggle with food cravings & how we can find motivation to change how we view these cravings & see how God speaks to us through His word on food & overindulging & unhealthy choices.

I read this book with the P31OBS group online & always love Lysa TerKeurst anyways so I was excited to get some encouragement.

If you ever read her Made to Crave - it has the same sort of vibe to it - that's the only reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5. But I did still leave this book with some new insight & outlook on food, cravings & struggles.  

The way she connects unhealthy choices with food to the Bible is really interesting. Things I've read & never really viewed as a "Food" issue - but like she said - all the sin of the world started because a woman gave in to the temptation of food. We see it from the start. 

We read this book a chapter a day & it was very easy to read that way & went by really fast.  Enjoyed doing it in the group where we got motivational email & additional thoughts to the chapter.

"Whether we're on the path toward victory or defeat, it is determined by the very next choice we make. Not the choice from yesterday - not the choices made 5 minutes ago - the next choice!"

What have you enjoyed reading this month?

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Life According to Steph

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