It was actually a really slow week this past week - nothing too exciting going on - which NO COMPLAINTS on that. But here's the highlights...
OMG. I'm so over the thing where you INHALE & every breath makes you need to cough. The good thing is its not in my lungs. Its like a dry cough. Which I looked up & is common for "many weeks" following COVID. I just hate I cant get a big inhale. & it gets worse as the day goes on, which I read that the more things go down the throat, air/dust/food, the most it irritates the cough. I'm trying to do more deep breaths to try & train my throat to GET OVER IT.
We have an appointment coming up with Harvey Dent. The past few months, we've noticed a decline in his mobility & those famous aussie hips. But it got REALLY bad one day. The dogs were playing & he fell. Just PLOP - & couldnt get up - but when he did, he just paced. Acted so strange. It lasted about 15 minutes... & then he was ready to play again. He did it again 5 days later. OK - we're getting an appointment. But geez - when did vets become like human doctor's offices & you cant get in? Couldnt get an appointment for 2 weeks out. Sigh. I did get him some WUFFLES hoping that would help. He's just about 1.5 months trying them out & I read it can take up to 3 months to see a difference. But if the vet can give us some good stuff, we'll take that.
We always say when one dog passes on, the next in line is immediately needing attention.... I need my babies to give us a break & be healthy for awhile.
I am a sucker for a sale - & Happy Planner had an extra 20% off their sale prices... & of course, you have to spend $75.00 to get free shipping. That was an easy reach for me. I love taking advantage of these sales. I ended up getting 5 full sticker books & An accessory book, a Disney Large Icon sticker book & a Floral 5 Sticker Sheet - all for what 3 regular priced sticker books would cost. This should last me awhile.... "should" being the key word there.
Look at me - got 2 books in this week. Both of them, pretty enjoyable.
Bride is about a Vampyre that is forced to marry the Alpha of a Werewolf tribe in order to keep peace between the two... & I love that sort of stuff after being a Vampire Diaries fan... the only downside, this one got a little WEIRD. If you read it -you know. You may want to read some spoilers if you go into it - WEIRDDDDD
& The Coworker was good enough - not great - I gave it 3 Stars. Some fun twists & turns but not a must read.
WATCHING - or tried
I love Emma Stone so when I saw her new movie was streaming on Hulu, I thought I'd give it a try. ...................WHAT..... in ...... the ..... WORLD? ......
I couldnt. I got through about 30 minutes one time. Had to turn it off - tried again. Nope. Tried a 3rd time & never made it past an hour & a half of the movie. I thought, why am I doing this to myself. I found zero parts of it entertaining so I gave up. Saw she won the Oscar for it too, which good for her - I think Emma Stone is just all things adorbs. M'kay.... I'll stick with my sophisticated palate of Grease 2 & Xanadu. LOL
All last week was cloudy, rainy & gloomy. But Monday, we had a gorgeous taste of Spring. It worked out perfectly because Ricky was beat from a days work so I handled the horses on my own. It was such a lovely day, I took my time over there - got to love on the horses - took extra time to do some stall work. Just being out in fresh air - if you call horse manure fresh? - was just getting my Spring loving heart excited. The horses loved all the extra attention too.
Have you gotten your girl scout cookies yet for the year? We have a little Girl Scout that lives next to us so of course I'm going to support this awesome gal! Ricky isn't a big fan of Lemon cookies so that whole thing was mine (YUM!) & I got him all the chocolate things - only for him to tell me he's not a fan of Thin Mints. WHAT? I have literally had Thin Mints in my freezer in bulk buying so he could have them for months after the cookies were gone from the front of groceries. I'm so confused. Guess more for me!
Of course, the State of the Union was last week & I know everyone has their thoughts on that but can we all agree the rebuttal afterwards was sort of .... insane? ... creepy? .... my jaw watching this was literally open the entire time. We all knew that SNL was going to do a parody of it - but man, bringing in the big guns with Scarlett Johansson - it was CHEF'S KISS hilarious
What was the highlight of your week?
Do you love supernatural books - or used to watch Vampire Diaries?
Do you have a trick for a dry cough?
What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
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